Gun Control supporters does he speak for you?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This really shows you the mentality of the anti-gun dumbocrats. What more needs to be said about the assholes on the left? They are radical, anti-American, anti-constitutional, nazi-like control freaks with a very immature belief in utopia who revel in the death of children - whether it be through abortion or through horrific incidents that they can exploit.


Former Pa. Gov.: The ‘Good Thing’ About Newtown Is That it Was ‘So Horrific,’ Gun Control Advocates Have Been ‘Galvanized’ | Video |
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Either we "exploit" the situation or "ignore" it.

How about keeping the doors of schools locked, and not allowing strangers into the building without an appointment?

Sady for anti-gun advocates, this simple solution has nothing to do with guns.
Before I even read the link, I KNEW it was Ed Rendell who made the statement.

Rendell is mentally retarded. He should NEVER be allowed to own a firearm.

In fact, if you want to pass a gun control law, pass one that prohibits ALL politicians from owning firearms. They are ALL mentally ill and/or mentally deficient.
This really shows you the mentality of the anti-gun dumbocrats. What more needs to be said about the assholes on the left? They are radical, anti-American, anti-constitutional, nazi-like control freaks with a very immature belief in utopia who revel in the death of children - whether it be through abortion or through horrific incidents that they can exploit.


Former Pa. Gov.: The ‘Good Thing’ About Newtown Is That it Was ‘So Horrific,’ Gun Control Advocates Have Been ‘Galvanized’ | Video |
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Before I even read the link, I KNEW it was Ed Rendell who made the statement.

Rendell is mentally retarded. He should NEVER be allowed to own a firearm.

In fact, if you want to pass a gun control law, pass one that prohibits ALL politicians from owning firearms. They are ALL mentally ill and/or mentally deficient.

I'm getting to the point where I am willing to let Liberals have their way, if Conservatives can have their way.

Liberals want abortions? Make them mandatory for Liberals. You want to ban weapons? OK it's now illegal for Liberals to own guns.

30 years and the Democrat party will be extinct.
Disclaimer: I will restrain myself from showing how much I feel about this person for now

Now to the point of this thread.
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said
"“The good thing about Newtown is, it was so horrific that I think it galvanized Americans to a point where the intensity on our side is going to match the intensity on their side,”
Also the Folks from MSNBC didn't seem to be phased about his comment.

Is this they type of people that you want supporting your agenda? Does he and MSNBC speak for you?
Former Pa. Gov.: The ‘Good Thing’ About Newtown Is That it Was ‘So Horrific,’ Gun Control Advocates Have Been ‘Galvanized’ | Video |
I'm sure whatever gun control measures are put in place will have a minimal or 0 effect on the crazies in this world and many of them are gun owners. It was crazy for the mother of the Newton shooter to have him around guns, to teach him how to shoot, etc. People's faulty judgment doesn't help matters any. Laws with strict penalties for negligent gun owners would be more effective than some feel good (but not effective) gun control laws. But that said, I won't object to whatever the administration decides either. I just may think it is pretty much hogwash!
Disclaimer: I will restrain myself from showing how much I feel about this person for now

Now to the point of this thread.
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said
"“The good thing about Newtown is, it was so horrific that I think it galvanized Americans to a point where the intensity on our side is going to match the intensity on their side,”
Also the Folks from MSNBC didn't seem to be phased about his comment.

Is this they type of people that you want supporting your agenda? Does he and MSNBC speak for you?
Former Pa. Gov.: The ‘Good Thing’ About Newtown Is That it Was ‘So Horrific,’ Gun Control Advocates Have Been ‘Galvanized’ | Video |

It was an inarticulate way of saying maybe some good can come of this horrific event, maybe public safety will trump the gun fetish in this country.

You want to take his words out of context and twist the mean, then you're spitting on the graves of those children.

Show some respect, asshole.
I'm sure whatever gun control measures are put in place will have a minimal or 0 effect on the crazies in this world and many of them are gun owners. It was crazy for the mother of the Newton shooter to have him around guns, to teach him how to shoot, etc. People's faulty judgment doesn't help matters any. Laws with strict penalties for negligent gun owners would be more effective than some feel good (but not effective) gun control laws. But that said, I won't object to whatever the administration decides either. I just may think it is pretty much hogwash!

How about addressing the OP
does he speak for you?
Disclaimer: I will restrain myself from showing how much I feel about this person for now

Now to the point of this thread.
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said
"“The good thing about Newtown is, it was so horrific that I think it galvanized Americans to a point where the intensity on our side is going to match the intensity on their side,”
Also the Folks from MSNBC didn't seem to be phased about his comment.

Is this they type of people that you want supporting your agenda? Does he and MSNBC speak for you?
Former Pa. Gov.: The ‘Good Thing’ About Newtown Is That it Was ‘So Horrific,’ Gun Control Advocates Have Been ‘Galvanized’ | Video |

It was an inarticulate way of saying maybe some good can come of this horrific event, maybe public safety will trump the gun fetish in this country.

You want to take his words out of context and twist the mean, then you're spitting on the graves of those children.

Show some respect, asshole.

Stop hyperbole, I haven't taken anything out of context. I asked a question, I quoted what he said and their is a video of him saying it, and is this your answer
He speaks for you?
None of them speak for me, they kept saying no one is trying to deny our 2nd Amendment rights while denigrating anyone who defends it, by calling them fringe, zealots and other demeaning terms. Saul Alinski would be proud of the moderator. All this under the pretext of protecting the 2nd Amendment when they have the full intent of watering it down so much it would make it's intent moot. Rendell is a particular problem because he has take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, typical lying politician.

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