Gun Control Sneaks Are At It Again

Sneaks or no sneaks (and this coming from someone who strongly believes in self-defense), I think there should be some check and balance: Some gun-toting folks are surely exhibiting strange behavior: Recently in Texas, we had folks carrying riffles and all sorts of guns opening into businesses that prompted even NRA to give negative remark - NRA: Texas open carry rallies ?downright weird? and ?scary? - Texas Politics

I too think that we would lead more peaceful lives if we believe majority of people around us are trying their best instead of their worst. I consider easily resorting to guns, unless in self-defense, an act of cowardice.

To LAfrique: I have not given much thought to Carry Laws. They appear to be designed to give law-abiding Americans a way to defend against criminals who carry. My primary concern is registration cum background checks.

Most of all, the Second Amendment is NOT about criminals or the mentally ill as the sneaks would have us believe.

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