Gun control polls

----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why is it that every time there is a tragic incident that involves an idiot doing bad things with guns, somebody, usually a loon themselves, yells and screams about gun control? GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. IDIOT ASS HOLES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.

Got to admit if the guy was restricted to a club he could not have wounded all those people.
I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

I'd rather go down shooting it, than standing there holding a stick while yellow liquid streams down my legs. When government becomes tyrannical, I want all the weapons I can find, nearby by. I am no sheep!

The trouble is what some of you think "tyranny" is. Some people think providing healthcare to citizens is tyranny. Some people think traffic laws are tyrannical. Some nutters shoot at census workers. I'm a bit more outraged about the Patriot Act, the TSA, and DHS, but I'm not going to start sniping at gov't workers with my 10/22. Some of you people are friggin nuts!

ANYBODY who uses a gun in an unlawful way should be charged and given the full penalty that the law provides. It's not against the law to have a weapon but it is against the law to use it in an illegal way.
Why should law abiding citizens not have the right to defend themselves?

Obviously, they should and do have that right, if a deadly threat is presented. The people in the movie theater had no such opportunity. The police are using the term AMBUSH.

I don't know Colorado's CCW laws or the theater's rules. It may well be that nobody was allowed to carry in there. Then again, there may have been somebody in there who was armed but didn't think he/she could get off a safe shot.

They say the police were there in less than two minutes.
I can't understand why this happened because Movie Theaters are Gun Free Zones.

I mean, what he did was against the law!
[We agree; idiot assholes with guns kill people.

If we can agree idiot assholes should not own or have in their possession, custody or control firearms can't we agree that a rational policy of gun control is necessary?

None of the guns in the possesson of today's shooter are capable of defending a home owner from our government. If the government is the threat, it won't appear as a late middle aged over weight Senator or even a middle aged former basketball player. It will be in the form being used against the citizens in Syria under the command of Assad.

So far as we know... this guy was a model citizen though.

No amount of reasonable gun control could have kept guns out of his hands.

I just hope we dont jump to rash decisions because of this terrible massacre. Let's let calmer heads prevail this time.

The Second Amendment is not under assault, at least not by anyone with the power and influence necessary. So put that aside.

No one who has been convicted of a Felony, a crime of violence, a DUI or has been addicted to drugs, been confined for any period of time as a danger to themselves or others should be able to own, possess or have in their custody and control any firearm.

Make it a felony to provide a firearm to any of those outlined above. Hence any citizen or dealer who illegally furnishes a firearm will lose their right to own, possess, etc. a firearm.
Gun Control Polls Show Longterm Decline In Support, Despite Columbine Bump

Sadly, we have very short memories. While the rabid right wing gun loons step over the bodies of dead children to tout their "right" to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips, the rest of us get busy with other things.

Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

Why do the gun loons want criminals and crazies to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips? EXACTLY how are those used in self defense or hunting?

I own guns but I don't believe it should be the right for every froot loop to be able to buy these unnecessary items.

How many of you gun nuts feel you absolutely MUST be able to buy assault rifles and the big clips? How 'bout the tear gas? How do you use that? If a bad guy is in your yard, do you just throw it out the door?

While your anger is understandable do you believe that prohibitive gun laws will prevent someone who is as determined, as intelligent, and as psychopathically resourceful as this individual is and other similar mass killers have been, from obtaining what they want from the black market, which inevitably would follow any such prohibition? As we should have learned from the bootlegging era, and more recently from the utterly counterproductive War On Drugs, prohibitions do not work.

Whatever someone is willing to pay for, someone else will make available. Without even considering the smuggling of guns from foreign sources, which will assuredly follow a gun ban, keep in mind that no one knows how many guns are presently in the hands of ordinary Americans. Any educated guess puts it in the multi-millions. If guns are made illegal the current value of any unregistered gun will instantly quadruple and people who are living from paycheck to paycheck will be eager to sell what might be gathering dust in a closet corner.

Consider the expense and exhaustive efforts invested in the drug war. Has it prevented the ready availability of illegal drugs? All it does is elevate the prices and facilitate the traffickers. The same situation will apply to illegal guns.

Also consider that without resorting to the most invasive police state methods a gun ban would be impossible to adequately enforce. If a ban were imposed only the law-abiding citizens would comply, leaving them defenseless against the lawless who would not surrender their guns.

American culture is unique in many ways. Its relationship with firearms is one of those ways.
Any skilled machinist can build a gun and God only knows the world is full of weapons. What happens after the government disarms every American citizen? The liberal elite pretends to care for whales and elephants and endangered species and African villages but it seems not to give a damn about the estimated hundreds of innocent Mexican civilians who were murdered with the 3,000 weapons the attorney general authorized to be shipped south of the border. How fast did a weapon show up to kill a Border Patrol agent? During the Rodney King riots the California government could not protect it's citizens. About 60 people were murdered by rampaging thugs and it seems that legally armed Koreans were the only ones who were able to protect themselves and their property from the anarchist rampage.
Why do the gun loons want criminals and crazies to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips? EXACTLY how are those used in self defense or hunting?

Why do those who hate the 2nd amendment want only criminals to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips?

Last time I checked it was illegal to go into a crowded theatre and shoot assault weapons with high volume ammo clips, and throw tear gas canisters.... YET IT STILL HAPPENED.

That asshole would have found a way to his EVIL matter what restrictions are put up, so stop blaming the guns!!!

DAMN MAN... I thought you were going to be one of those that kept a level head today.

I am way too gulible I guess...

I guess the shooter didn't get the memo that the cinema was a gun free zone. Or maybe he did and that's why he picked it.
In America, it has been, for so long now, the belief that guns designed to kill people indifferently and in great numbers can be widely available and not have it end with people being killed, indifferently and in great numbers.

The argument has gotten dully repetitive
: How does one argue with someone convinced that the routine massacre of our children is the price we must pay for our freedom to have guns, or rather to have guns that make us feel free? You can only shake your head and maybe cry a little.

The Aurora Movie Theatre Shooting and American Gun Culture : The New Yorker
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why is it that every time there is a tragic incident that involves an idiot doing bad things with guns, somebody, usually a loon themselves, yells and screams about gun control? GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. IDIOT ASS HOLES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.

Got to admit if the guy was restricted to a club he could not have wounded all those people.

Or maybe, since he was bent on killing, he would have used bombs. People need to realize that the weapon is not the problem.
Batman massacre suspect bought 6,000 rounds of ammunition and a 100-round magazine for an assault rifle used in the shooting on the Internet in recent weeks, the Aurora police chief said Friday night.

A drum-style magazine for an AR-15 assault rifle was recovered at the movie theater, said police Chief Dan Oates at a news conference.

Holmes bought four guns recently from area retailers and 6,000 rounds of ammunition and several magazines that fit the assault rifle on the Internet, Oates said. He said 3,000 rounds were .223-caliber bullets for the AR-15. The chief said he didn't know where Holmes obtained the full suit of body armor and gas mask he was wearing when arrested.

With the 100-round magazine, "he could have gotten off 50 to 60 rounds -- even if it was a semi-automatic -- within one minute," Oates said.

"All the weapons he possessed, he possessed legally," the chief said. All the ammunition and the clips were legal as well, he said.

Oates said a revised count of victims show 70 injured and 12 dead.

Aurora Shooting: Suspect Opens Fire At Colorado Movie Theater, Killing 12
Gun Control Polls Show Longterm Decline In Support, Despite Columbine Bump

Sadly, we have very short memories. While the rabid right wing gun loons step over the bodies of dead children to tout their "right" to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips, the rest of us get busy with other things.

Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

Why do the gun loons want criminals and crazies to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips? EXACTLY how are those used in self defense or hunting?

I own guns but I don't believe it should be the right for every froot loop to be able to buy these unnecessary items.

How many of you gun nuts feel you absolutely MUST be able to buy assault rifles and the big clips? How 'bout the tear gas? How do you use that? If a bad guy is in your yard, do you just throw it out the door?

You should turn in your guns. Clearly, you are unstable and your fantasy life shines through with this post.

Clearly, no one wants the emotionally unstable to own guns, so please follow the dictates of your politics and disarm yourself.
[We agree; idiot assholes with guns kill people.

If we can agree idiot assholes should not own or have in their possession, custody or control firearms can't we agree that a rational policy of gun control is necessary?

None of the guns in the possesson of today's shooter are capable of defending a home owner from our government. If the government is the threat, it won't appear as a late middle aged over weight Senator or even a middle aged former basketball player. It will be in the form being used against the citizens in Syria under the command of Assad.

So far as we know... this guy was a model citizen though.

No amount of reasonable gun control could have kept guns out of his hands.

I just hope we dont jump to rash decisions because of this terrible massacre. Let's let calmer heads prevail this time.

Exactly! The system works as best it can. Law abiding citizens can own guns and convicted felons or those with a psych history cannot.

Unless BATFE pulls another flawed sting operation.
It's sad, what triggered the rage is yet to be known, however, one can pray for the innocent victims, families, and the survivors in the hope that the healing process can begin and sooth the pain of their loss.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Oh yes. Just grab that AK and charge out and take a shot at the assualt helicopter. That will work out so great.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why is it that every time there is a tragic incident that involves an idiot doing bad things with guns, somebody, usually a loon themselves, yells and screams about gun control? GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. IDIOT ASS HOLES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.

Get your head out of your ass and realize that guns and the wild west gun culture in America is a huge problem.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why would you live in a country that you feel this way about? There are many civilized countries where sane, civilized people do not think like this..
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

I'd rather go down shooting it, than standing there holding a stick while yellow liquid streams down my legs. When government becomes tyrannical, I want all the weapons I can find, nearby by. I am no sheep!

On the contrary, you are one dumb sheep. And the NRA has your leash.
Gun Control Polls Show Longterm Decline In Support, Despite Columbine Bump

Sadly, we have very short memories. While the rabid right wing gun loons step over the bodies of dead children to tout their "right" to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips, the rest of us get busy with other things.

Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

Why do the gun loons want criminals and crazies to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips? EXACTLY how are those used in self defense or hunting?

I own guns but I don't believe it should be the right for every froot loop to be able to buy these unnecessary items.

How many of you gun nuts feel you absolutely MUST be able to buy assault rifles and the big clips? How 'bout the tear gas? How do you use that? If a bad guy is in your yard, do you just throw it out the door?


Not that you're genuinely interested in the real reason we want guns, but I'll say it anyway for the people that might be:

We need to have the right to own such weapons for our own protection. To protect against home invasions, for example. We can't just be expected to call the police and wait for them to get their. We have a right to protect ourselves, we shouldn't be forced to wait for protection to arrive.

In the past it was also meant to be a protection against the government, I agree that reason is a little out-dated, not much small arms can do against tanks and jets, but should our own government turn into a police state then weapons can still be used as resistance.

I would say one of the more important reasons to have such weapons though is in case of a collapse of our society as we know it. We take for granted what we have but should there be some natural or manmade disaster that knocks out power for a long period of time, if all communication was knocked out, we'd dive into choas real quick. There would be mass looting, rioting, and home invasions. Then everyone would wish they had assault rifles and lots of ammo to protect themselves when the government/police cannot.
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