Gregg Jarrett Unravels the Coordinated, Premeditated Plot to Impeach Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
During his appearance on Fox and Friends, Gregg Jarrett discussed the revelations that the “whistleblower’s” attorney was tweeting about a coup against President Trump in January of 2017. “Whistleblower” attorney, Mark Zaid, also stated, “I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president.” Gregg points out that this information, in addition to the fact that Zaid was the attorney who Rep. Schiff’s committee recommended to the whistleblower, shows that this is a witch hunt to try to impeach President Trump.

“All of the witnesses who will be called have already testified secretly. They are all opinion witnesses offering their interpretations of the conversation they weren’t privy to. They are all diplomats and diplomats are notorious gossipers. So, for example, Steve mentioned bill Taylor is one of the first witnesses. Taylor said oh, it was my understanding there was a quid pro quo. Did you get that from the president? No. A guy told a guy who told a guy who told me. If that were in a court of law a judge would say to the jurors disregard the testimony, strike it from the record. It’s irrelevant.”

With all of this new information, it is even more apparent that the “whistleblower” is not entitled to anonymity, and they are merely an informant acting as a Democrat operative.

Gregg Jarrett: Impeachment probe another partisan witch hunt against Trump

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Noe to ger AG Barr to work on this....apparently sometime in 2020 or 21 with all the other crap he has on his table!
This is all insane.. if it wasn’t for the horrible job the media is doing this would all be laughed at..

The media is lynching the president.. I can’t believe what I’m hearing them propaganda.. crazy
During his appearance on Fox and Friends, Gregg Jarrett discussed the revelations that the “whistleblower’s” attorney was tweeting about a coup against President Trump in January of 2017. “Whistleblower” attorney, Mark Zaid, also stated, “I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president.” Gregg points out that this information, in addition to the fact that Zaid was the attorney who Rep. Schiff’s committee recommended to the whistleblower, shows that this is a witch hunt to try to impeach President Trump.

“All of the witnesses who will be called have already testified secretly. They are all opinion witnesses offering their interpretations of the conversation they weren’t privy to. They are all diplomats and diplomats are notorious gossipers. So, for example, Steve mentioned bill Taylor is one of the first witnesses. Taylor said oh, it was my understanding there was a quid pro quo. Did you get that from the president? No. A guy told a guy who told a guy who told me. If that were in a court of law a judge would say to the jurors disregard the testimony, strike it from the record. It’s irrelevant.”

With all of this new information, it is even more apparent that the “whistleblower” is not entitled to anonymity, and they are merely an informant acting as a Democrat operative.

Gregg Jarrett: Impeachment probe another partisan witch hunt against Trump

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Noe to ger AG Barr to work on this....apparently sometime in 2020 or 21 with all the other crap he has on his table!
Democrats need to be paid a visit at their homes and have an old fashion tar and feather party in their honor.
Jarrett is a smart guy and a lawyer. It's too bad that Fox is his primary avenue to the public, because half of the public ignores anything coming out of Fox (just like I ignore CNN, NYT, and MSNBC).

I'm sure the Lefties who read this thread will tell us that the motivation of the WB is irrelevant because we know the facts at this point. Which is ironically true. The "crime" is bullshit, even if Trump wanted to make it a QPQ.
The Obama administration:

Jim Comey—most corrupt FBI Director

Hillary Clinton—most corrupt Secretary of State

Joe Biden—most corrupt VP

John Brennan—most corrupt CIA Director

And they all conspired to take down Donald Trump

We're supposed to buy that Obama didn't know?
This is all insane.. if it wasn’t for the horrible job the media is doing this would all be laughed at..

The media is lynching the president.. I can’t believe what I’m hearing them propaganda.. crazy
They are making fools of themselves.

Here we are less than a year out from an election in which the American people are supposed determine for themselves whether the president should keep his job. By the time impeachment has run its course, we will be just a few months from Election Day with the political class intent on end-running the Electorate deciding if he should serve another term. That would require (a) grounds so extraordinarily serious that Trump must be ousted forthwith and (b) the procedures under which it impeached were fundamentally fair.

They don't have a prayer of demonstrating the former, such that two-thirds of the GOP-controlled Senate would be spurred to remove the president. (Trump’s approval rating among Republicans is hovering around 90 percent.) As for the latter concern, due process must be meaningful because it is politically essential.

This is why the few Democrats with a brain knew impeachment was a bad idea. They don’t have the votes to remove, so it’s doomed to fail. The public knows it’s doomed to fail and resent Democrats for gratuitously putting the country through it. With Trump denied due process, the proceedings are obviously a kangaroo court and Democrats election year stunt. If Trump does get due process, the case he presents will hang Democrats in November.

NEVER have we had an impeachment where the President was not afforded the right to present a defense — both in the House proceedings leading to articles of impeachment and in the Senate trial.

The right to present a defense empowers The President to pointedly discredit the Democrat's twisted version of events through cross-examination of the prosecution’s witnesses and presentation of the accused’s own witnesses. It also presents The President's own witnesses and evidence in order to prove facts and theories that favor The President and cast doubt on the worthiness of the Democrat's worthless case.

The President will be able to both prove and argue that this was an obvious set up by Schiff and his Deep State extras and that the procedures used were underhanded and skewed against The President. The President will persuade the factfinders (and the country) that Democrats have conspired with like-minded officials in the bureaucracy, particularly in the intelligence agencies (including the FBI and the Justice Department), to paralyze and, if possible, shorten the Trump presidency.

When it comes to government misconduct The President has a great deal to work with.

The Democrats have been quite brazen in their public rhetoric about Trump including the so-called whistleblower’s counsel, who has spoken explicitly about a “coup” by bureaucrats. The Justice Department inspector general’s report on the Clinton emails investigation outlines in wince-inducing detail pervasive anti-Trump bias on the part of government investigators.

The same IG, an Obama Appointee but a straight-shooter, is about to release a report specifically dealing with investigative irregularities in the Trump-Russia investigation, followed by the Barr/Durham probe of the Trump-Russia investigation’s origins. The FBI and Justice Department represented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the FBI believed Trump’s campaign was complicit in Russia’s hacking operations to influence the 2016 election. The Obama administration — in collusion with foreign intelligence services — ran informants against Trump-campaign officials in an effort to establish a Trump–Russia conspiracy. We know that the president was repeatedly told that he was not a suspect of the FBI’s investigation, when he was the central suspect.

After years of very aggressive, expensive investigation — by a special counsel who staffed his investigation with notorious partisans — no Trump–Russia conspiracy was found. The FBI and the Justice Department on four occasions obtained warrants to monitor a former Trump-campaign adviser, telling the federal court under oath that he was a clandestine agent of a foreign power and a key cog in the Trump–Russia cyberespionage conspiracy; yet Carter Page, was never accused of any crime, much less the traitorous misconduct outlined in the warrant applications.

The president and his supporters will lay much of this out in his defense case against any impeachment allegations and The Nation will be riveted to their screens. It is clearly relevant on the question whether the Democrats are to be believed that the Ukraine episode is what they portray it to be: a matter of such grave severity that Congress should remove the president from power just ahead of an election. The fact finders and the public will carefully consider whether Democrats are blowing the Ukraine episode way out of proportion, just as they did with the collusion caper.

President Trump will call the “whistleblower” as a hostile witness. Trump's Counsel and Republicans will demonstrate his connections to senior Democrats with intelligence-community ties who have been scurrilous in their public comments about the president. They will grill him, under oath, on allegations that he is among the intelligence-community officials who illegally leaked information, each leak a felony, in a manner intended to cast the president in the worst possible light. They will press him on the preparation of his hearsay complaint — his consultation with an Adam Schiff staffer, his close collaboration with overtly anti-Trump lawyers, and so on. He will even be asked to read aloud from Schiff’s wannabe Godfather IV caricature of the Trump-Zelensky conversation and ask whether he helped the chairman’s staff write it.

Donald Trump & Whistleblower: Impeachment Trial Rules Can Help Defense | National Review

What is taking the House so long? Pass this phony impeachment so we can get on with the trial and ram this ALL right back down their throats!
The Obama administration:

Jim Comey—most corrupt FBI Director

Hillary Clinton—most corrupt Secretary of State

Joe Biden—most corrupt VP

John Brennan—most corrupt CIA Director

And they all conspired to take down Donald Trump

We're supposed to buy that Obama didn't know?
The Dog and Pony Show continues:

IMPEACHMENT CLOWNSHOW UPDATE: What Impeachment? America’s First ‘Show Trial’ Begins Wednesday.


"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime."
Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, Stalin's chief of secret police, the NKVD.

One would think the 3 Jewish guys and the Black guy in that picture would reject Soviet Union style government instead of embracing it. Very sad!

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