Green New Deal

AOC was taking an Uber ride in New York City.

The driver looks in the rearview mirror and says: "Did you know that giraffe grow up to 17 feet?"

She replies: "Really? Most only have 4... Right?"
where i live.jpg
climate change is real it is man made and we are running out of runway to fix this problem. we need all hands on deck. more money on research, more money on innovation, MORE MONEY! MORE! MORE! we are going in the wrong direction on climate. we gotta go the other way, my friends. WE GOTTA GO THE OTHER WAY!

let's show the world what we can do!
climate change is real it is man made and we are running out of runway to fix this problem. we need all hands on deck. more money on research, more money on innovation, MORE MONEY! MORE! MORE! we are going in the wrong direction on climate. we gotta go the other way, my friends. WE GOTTA GO THE OTHER WAY!

let's show the world what we can do!
climate change is real it is man made and we are running out of runway to fix this problem. we need all hands on deck. more money on research, more money on innovation, MORE MONEY! MORE! MORE! we are going in the wrong direction on climate. we gotta go the other way, my friends. WE GOTTA GO THE OTHER WAY!

let's show the world what we can do!
now we're on to something!
Dealing with Deniers is a lot like trying to get your kids to clean their room.

They kick and scream and if you let them get away with it long enough you have to have the exterminators come in.

Things start to get really nasty and expensive if you ignore them.
Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
"Trains to Hawaii" is one of Trump's exaggerations. I just love this shit. Some democrat, not even running for office says we should put more money in rails to solve traffic congestion. That turns into a democrat plan to expand rails to replace highways which becomes the democrat plan to replace all cars with trains which becomes trains to Hawaii, around the world and to to moon.
/----/ Service to begin soon.
train in water.jpg
AOC = All Out Communist

This little barista is like the Democrat inner voice. They never want you to know what they are really thinking.

But... their real goals keep vomiting out of her mouth and they are forced to agree or act like AOC is off the rails.

I think I'll donate to her second term.
The greatest threat to our economy is the fake threat of climate change. The greatest threat to human life is abortion.
Of course our planet is doomed. In a few million more years the sun will go nova.

"The sky is falling..................." Well, not right now, but it's going to!!!

Didn't you just said you don't have money to invest in those big leftist plans?

I'm fine with the the locations of our cities, and where I live, shy should I move?
I don't now.

You don't have to move if there is no need. Some cities are experiencing global sea level rising.

They're not. Otherwise you would list the names of those cities and show the proofs. But you're not doing that. You're offering the "solutions" for non existent problem.

And every of leftist solution involves spending other people money, none of theirs. Even you said you have a "solution" that you're not investing in, but you want to force me to invest in it. No, thanks. If you're not smart enough to make your own money to spend, why do you think you're smart enough to tell me how should I spend mine?
You are welcome to do some research on it yourself. You don't want to take my word for it. I have already looked into and came up with my opinion.

Your "research" is a Youtube video that selectively shows high tide in coastal cities. You wanna stop high tide, go for it, use your own money, be a hero.
It is happening to public and private property; in my opinion, eminent domain should apply to any area subject to State or federal Jurisdiction.
In a Washington Post op-ed, 2020 Democratic hopeful John Hickenlooper denounced the Green New Deal, saying that while he supports the "concept" of the sweeping resolution seeking to combat climate change, it "sets unachievable goals"

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