Green cuisine: why it's time you watched your 'foodprint'


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
No, seriously. . . :auiqs.jpg:

This is one of the ideas that was rolled out among the elites and the climate conference in Scotland.

Just like counting calories is all the rage for a large portion of society, the ruling cultural elites, political elites, and ruling class propagandists might soon try to shoe horn into the culture, the idea of "green cuisine," for those stressed about "doing their part."

"Meat and fish on the menu at #COP26 ?! This is the equivalent of serving cigarettes at a lung cancer conference. Only when governments grasp animal agriculture's central role in the #climate crisis will we stand a chance of solving it."
,o1 a1-2-3.jpg
,o1 a1-2-3.jpg

Green cuisine: why it's time you watched your 'foodprint'​

Menus that list CO2 emissions are a common sight at Cop26 – but things aren’t as straightforward as they appear...

"A beef burger or a chocolate bar – which will do more harm to the environment? You probably think you know the answer. One comes from a bloated, methane-belching cow, a leading cause of climate change; the other is a fairly harmless – and delicious – snack. Alas, it’s not quite that simple.

Experts say chocolate is a leading cause of deforestation, due to the need to cut down tropical forests to plant cocoa. The “highest-impact” chocolate might actually be worse for the environment than lower-impact beef, says Anya Doherty, CEO of Foodsteps, an environmental consultancy, and former food researcher at the University of Cambridge. “No one’s going to like me for saying that,” she admits.. . ."


". ..The markers are causing no end of confusion among delegates. Cop26 was forced to backtrack after wrongly labelling a plant-based croissant as more carbon-heavy than a bacon sandwich (the calculation was based on a normal croissant, they said). Amid the hoo-ha, France’s eco minister Barbara Pompili even suggested it was time for her country to eat fewer croissants. “A croissant is so good but it is fat and it’s not the best carbon footprint,” she explained to the BBC at the summit.

Despite the confusion, “carbon menus” are continuing to attract a great deal of interest, with calls to make them compulsory in restaurants across the UK. But sustainability experts have in fact been looking for years at how we can measure the carbon output of our food, which is responsible for about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. Some of their results proved surprising.. . . "

Carbon foodprints? The ruling class' plan to change what you eat​

Personal carbon allowances revisited​

No, seriously. . . :auiqs.jpg:

This is one of the ideas that was rolled out among the elites and the climate conference in Scotland.

Just like counting calories is all the rage for a large portion of society, the ruling cultural elites, political elites, and ruling class propagandists might soon try to shoe horn into the culture, the idea of "green cuisine," for those stressed about "doing their part."

"Meat and fish on the menu at #COP26 ?! This is the equivalent of serving cigarettes at a lung cancer conference. Only when governments grasp animal agriculture's central role in the #climate crisis will we stand a chance of solving it."
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Green cuisine: why it's time you watched your 'foodprint'​

Menus that list CO2 emissions are a common sight at Cop26 – but things aren’t as straightforward as they appear...

"A beef burger or a chocolate bar – which will do more harm to the environment? You probably think you know the answer. One comes from a bloated, methane-belching cow, a leading cause of climate change; the other is a fairly harmless – and delicious – snack. Alas, it’s not quite that simple.

Experts say chocolate is a leading cause of deforestation, due to the need to cut down tropical forests to plant cocoa. The “highest-impact” chocolate might actually be worse for the environment than lower-impact beef, says Anya Doherty, CEO of Foodsteps, an environmental consultancy, and former food researcher at the University of Cambridge. “No one’s going to like me for saying that,” she admits.. . ."


". ..The markers are causing no end of confusion among delegates. Cop26 was forced to backtrack after wrongly labelling a plant-based croissant as more carbon-heavy than a bacon sandwich (the calculation was based on a normal croissant, they said). Amid the hoo-ha, France’s eco minister Barbara Pompili even suggested it was time for her country to eat fewer croissants. “A croissant is so good but it is fat and it’s not the best carbon footprint,” she explained to the BBC at the summit.

Despite the confusion, “carbon menus” are continuing to attract a great deal of interest, with calls to make them compulsory in restaurants across the UK. But sustainability experts have in fact been looking for years at how we can measure the carbon output of our food, which is responsible for about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. Some of their results proved surprising.. . . "

Carbon foodprints? The ruling class' plan to change what you eat​

Personal carbon allowances revisited​

I'm guessing Leonardo DiCaprio is eating this shit? Bwahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
The only problem I have is with the hypocrites who try to tell me what to eat (and drive) while they feast on exotic stuff and travel in private planes that eat up more fuel in one trip than my truck does in a lifetime.
This thread topic was actually taken from Story #2 in this week's New Word Next Week. I recommend watching it. Starts at minute 10:40

Story #2: Carbon Foodprints? The Ruling Class' Plan To Change What You Eat

At one point, this was brought up. All the stories are intertwined though.

Despite using private jets & traveling around Europe with 85-car corteges, Biden slams Putin for appearing by video link at COP26​

"US President Joe Biden has lashed out at Vladimir Putin for staying at home for the COP26 climate change conference, accusing his Russian counterpart of staying "mum on his willingness to do anything" to battle global warming.
Biden's tirade against Putin comes despite criticisms levied at the American leader, who was pictured last week driving around Rome with an 85-vehicle motorcade of limos, SUVs, and vans. He later traveled to Glasgow, where the meeting is being held, on the gas-guzzling Air Force One, a modified Boeing 747. .. . "
We laugh or shrug off the antics of the lib greenies

But they are good at pushing their crazy agenda
I remember posting about what was in store. . . and the forum mocking. . . "vaccine passports."

. . . this is just a heads up.

It's not like they haven't been telegraphing this for some time now.

Cliff notes version:

The elites eat steak and foie gras while the peasants eat bugs and soy.

No thank you. IMO, Green Cuisine is the moldy stuff one forgets about in the back of the fridge.
AOC & the Green New Deal cited COW FARTS as a leading cause of Climate Change - I am doing my part to save the planet by eating steak as often as I can.

The Green New Deal's causes for Climate Change since the end of the Climate Summit to include Joe Biden's LONG, LOUD farts to those of cows...
The entire climate boondoggle is just a huge wealth redistribution scam...and now another means to control the populace
Cliff notes version:

The elites eat steak and foie gras while the peasants eat bugs and soy.

No thank you. IMO, Green Cuisine is the moldy stuff one forgets about in the back of the fridge.
Unfortunately. . .

I am not so sure we are going to be given a choice.

The red line for the people are these vaccine mandates. If they can successfully impose the Vaccine Passport system, which require a QR code on a smart phone, to be scanned on shops and entertainment venues, then, because institutional investors are all on board with the Great Reset, and, at this latest Cop 26, the entire global financial system has now set the table for your personal carbon credit allowance. They want to make YOU responsible for a Net Zero carbon future. I am just trying to raise awareness for what is coming.

Published: 16 August 2021

Personal carbon allowances revisited​

". . .Several variations of mandatory PCAs or personal carbon-trading schemes have been proposed in the literature under different names8. For instance, centrally allocated and tradable PCAs have been examined by the UK government, looking at a design covering household energy and personal travel9. Electronic Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) were also proposed in the United Kingdom, covering the whole economy and divided among individuals (40%) and other energy users (60%)10. In Ireland, cap and share certificates covering the whole economy were proposed, giving all adults emission certificates for an equal share of national emissions. Such certificates were proposed to be sold by individuals via banks and post offices to fossil fuel companies11. In California, household carbon trading was proposed for household energy, and managed by the utilities12. In France, centrally managed tradable transport carbon permits were assessed related to private transport13. Scholars from the University of Groningen have proposed European Union (EU)-wide emissions trading for households and transport, embedded in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) design. In this design, free carbon allowances are allocated to each category of small emitters on the basis of their historic emissions (grandfathering), then surrendered with the purchase of energy from distributors, which in turn give them up as they obtain fuel from fuel producers and importers, who then have to match with allowances their supply of fuel14. Furthermore, tradable consumption quotas have been proposed to cover all consumption emissions related to manufacturing processes15. The mandatory nation-wide designs described above are complemented by voluntary schemes, some of which have been trialled in several locations8. . . "

Anytime a business or a government agency want me to interact with them requiring a smartphone or a smart tablet? I tell them I have always been opposed to that sort of technology. . which is the truth. I have never owned that sort of portable tech. I have known it is terrible for society. Gates and Jobs don't use that crap, nor do they let their kids.

Boycott that crap, get it out of your lives. If you leave the house, leave it home.

Refuse to cooperate.
The entire climate boondoggle is just a huge wealth redistribution scam...and now another means to control the populace
Honestly? The global elites don't care who is poor, and who is not.

That is just rhetoric to get the lefty wing on board.

The multi-billionaire elites don't give a shit about anyone, they really don't.

Here they are called out by the left, and this source still believes in AGW.

Beware Industry-Backed 'Nature-Based Solutions' Scam, Warns Global Climate Coalition​

"What corporations and big conservation groups call 'nature-based solutions' is a dangerous distraction."

They don't understand that this whole thing is about Eugenics, killing off as much of the population, and creating a technocratic control grid.

The global oligarchs want everyone poor. They don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. So? They pit the left against the right.

If you come in here with that, "they are trying to take my stuff," and give it to them. . attitude, rather than understand, the oligarchs want to seize the resources in the poor nations, make them privately owned by corporations, and make the poor people slaves of the global corporations? Then you don't understand, all the world's populations are in this together. The people in the poor nations are purposely being driven out of their own nations, as international banks make resources in other parts of the planet, "green capitol."

UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System​

The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world.

Thus? They have no place to go. . . but come to the wealthy western nations.

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