Green Barets & Dastars


Sep 23, 2010

Wearing religious headgear in the US military has been in the hopper for years. It looks like it has been accepted:


New Army policy allows turbans, hijabs and beards

“After intervention by the Council on American Islamic Relations, the Defense Department reportedly decided it will now allow Muslim students participating in the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps to wear headscarves and turbans while in uniform.

The decision marks the latest influence by controversial Islamic groups on military affairs.”​

Defense Dept agrees to allow Muslim cadets to wear hijabs
by IWB · December 26, 2011

Defense Dept agrees to allow Muslim cadets to wear hijabs – InvestmentWatch

Muslim infiltration is not new as this 2011 article shows:

U.S. Army uniforms to include Muslim headscarves, turbans?
Islamic groups tied to international jihad continue to infiltrate American military
Posted: December 23, 2011
3:37 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein

Every time I read something about American Muslims and the US military I get nervous. A few years back approximately a thousand Muslim soldiers serving in the US Army said they would not kill Muslims in battle. At the time I said “Order them into battle in Iraq and Afghanistan. When they refuse to fight an enemy that declared war on us give them a dishonorable discharge.”

As I remember it, the military brass rolled over and nothing was done to those Muslim soldiers. As far as I know they are allowed to decide who they will kill in battle. This all happened years before Muslim Obama got to be commander in chief.

When a Muslim, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, murdered 13 Americans in Fort Hood I was stunned by the way liberals rushed to make excuses for a Muslim murderer. Those same media mouths insisted that treating terrorists badly in Abu Ghraib meant the end of the civilized world. Major Hasan was portrayed as a lone gunman who was not acting for all of those peace-loving Muslims in the world.

Just to be clear, I do not want to debate the pros and cons of one religion over another. I am simply trying to show how Muslims cannot be trusted to fight alongside Americans in the war against Islamic fundamentalism. A war Muslims started and American Muslims appear to agree with.

In any event, Siks should never be confused with Muslims.

The problem is that American Muslims wearing headscarves or turbans while serving in the American military is nowhere near the same thing as Siks serving in the British Army. It would be a different story if Muslim regiments were formed in a foreign country for the purpose of fighting alongside American troops. If that was the case nobody would be afraid to ask “Where is their first loyalty?” That question is never asked about American Muslims in the US military.

Also, Siks have a long honorable history of fighting in the British Army. Over 83,000 Siks died fighting alongside the British in England’s wars. Well over 100,000 were wounded. Winston Churchill said this:

"British people are highly indebted and obliged to Sikhs for a long time. I know that within this century we needed their help twice and they did help us very well. As a result of their timely help, we are today able to live with honour, dignity, and independence. In the war, they fought and died for us, wearing the turbans.”​

The most important difference between Muslims and Siks is that Siks always fought for the freedom of all peoples while Muslims fight to enslave.

That said, I want to remind everyone that the British Empire is all but gone. I am not blaming the decline on those who fought for the British Empire, I am simply pointing out that Americans going into battle wearing the uniforms of their country should be carved in stone. If American Muslims do not like that uniform, let them stay the hell out of the US military. Better still, emigrate to a Muslim country and join its military. Then they can openly fight for what they believe in as did convert John Walker Lindh.


John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia

The next article from 2011 told me that CAIR lined Muslims up with Siks in the headdress thing.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that the Department of Defense will begin allowing Muslim and Sikh students who wear an Islamic head scarf (hijab) or a turban to participate in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC).

“We welcome the fact that Muslim and Sikh students nationwide will now be able to participate fully in JROTC leadership activities while maintaining their religious beliefs and practices,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.​

Defense department agrees to allow Muslim cadets to wear hijabs
Muslims — posted by jeff kunerth on December, 22 2011 1:45 PM

Defense Dept agrees to allow Muslim cadets to wear hijabs – InvestmentWatch

That is pretty clever considering Siks did not declare war on the entire non-Sikh world, and Siks do have a reputation for loyalty. I think CAIR should let Siks speak for themselves, but then I am biased. I also think our own Socialists/Communists posing as Democrats should speak for themselves and stop mouthing off on talk shows as though they speak for everyone.

I do have a suggestion for American Siks serving in the US military who wear a dastar. They should find a way to identify themselves as a Sikh so nobody confuses them with Muslims. It is a matter of knowing who NOT to turn your back on. No small thing in combat zones.

Finally, had Hasan Akbar been allowed to wear Muslim headdress the men and women he served with who did not know he was a Muslim would have been forewarned. Hell, maybe the new rules on wearing religious headgear is not so bad after all.

United States v. Hasan K. Akbar - Wikipedia

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