Greatest actors ever

I submit Christopher Waltz playing the cheerful head Nazi in Inglorious Basterds. It's the most deliciously mind-fucking, complex villain performance since Hannibal Lecter. Speaking of which, Anthony Hopkins in the Silence/Lambs is my other all-time favorite acting performance.

That was an amazing acting performance
He also excelled in Django Unchained
Gary Oldman
Stanley Tucci
JK Simmons

Seriously underrated
1. John Wayne


2. Clint Eastwood

3. Arnold Schwartzeneggar

4. Sylvester Stallone

5. Jean Claude Van Damme

6. Harrison Ford

7. Sean Connery
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When I think of great actors, none of those come to mind.

Great actors are people like Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, etc...

Those are all good actors, except not quite on par with the legends on my list.

Look at the versatility of Harrison Ford's roles. Space Pilot, Detective, Archeologist, Mercenary, Author, Presidential Advisor. I could go on and on.

Action movie stars are so underrated in their versatility. The most underrated actor in regards to his versatility ever is Mr. T. He played a boxer, taxi-cab driver, mercenary, among other roles. It's too bad he never made a movie as John Wayne's sidekick in a Western.

You really think running this same joke over and over works huh. Amazing powers of nonobservation.

I think the "funny"s you get are because we don't have a "pathetic" button.

Do you really think simply stating they're not great actors is worthy of a more serious response?
No one has mentioned any comedic actors such as Rodney Dangerfield, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley. Can comedians qualify as great actors?

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