Great People's Bank Of China Easing Helpful To Obama - Bernanke USA!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
And so from the events of November, at Wall Street: "People's Bank! People's Bank! People's Bank!" is now the new apparent, Occupy Wall Street mantra, complete with a 404,101.632: Yuan actual question answer(?)!

Presbyterians, these are not: China central bank lowers reserve requirement ratio - Nov. 30, 2011. These people actually do Quantitative Easing--and fore(?) mega-millions.

What does this have to do with the "Oh! Screw Europe!" movement on Wall Street(?)! Apparently it is under way this week.

Western Civilization, famously, does not know much about accounting. . . .tax dodges, aside! Mostly, intelligent Europeans avoid paying taxes altogether. Anyone sees, just how that works!

So if China is robust, and glutton-masters, U. S. A. is robust, and South America is robust, and the Mideast seems to be getting content with itself--now that some foreign-invaders that anyone can think of are gone: Then that makes Obama into some kind international super-star! The advanced civilizations are clearly socialist, and Obama is of them. The Party of Abraham Lincoln tends to fondness for the Laissez-Faire outcomes: Haiti and East Africa in drought. That now seems to be a chosen compare and contrast in agenda!

Not only are the Obama's, not from Haiti, or East Africa. So far, they don't even try to go there(?): With Sidwell Friends school, in the neighborhood, and all: Away over there, somewhere over yonder. They know about, "Right down the street," where they live.

These are not your ordinary Presbyterians, at all(?)!

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New White Eyes Campaign Drums Now Say: "Fired People Unite! Someone out there knows a great deal about you! And it was fun!")
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About brother Ben the repub:

Often, government plays a role in bubbles. The housing bubble was in part generated by the Federal Reserve maintaining low interest rates. Easy money meant readily obtainable loans and, at least in the short run, low monthly payments.

Also, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan denied the housing bubble’s existence—not fraud exactly, but deception that kept the bubble going. (Greenspan, whose view was ideologically driven, got support in his bubble denial from the academic work of the man who was to be his successor, Ben Bernanke.)

What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense
Republican managment is not business friendly. China wants people spending in the stores of the USA. Senate Minority, GOP Leader McConnell is opposed to all spending in
USA stores: From the Chinese fnanced,, U. S. deficit spending. The Tea Party is opposed to the spending in the the USA stores From the Chinese financed, U. S. deficit spending.

Candidate Romney thinks that it is unfair that Chinese money is getting spent in the U. S. A. stores, and therefore wants all of China punished. Their babies are all to be spayed and neutered(?), or whatever it is that Christian polygymists do(?). Their record may not be all that permanent, however: As it turns out. You have to go with what is on their unpermanent record(?)! Republicans only see a candidate, maybe more viable than Quaker-rejecting, Nixon.

House Speaker Boehner is clearly so clueless that only the will of the Third Reich makes any sense--of its record of support of the laws of the Holocaust, like his own support of the laws of the foreclosures crisis,and the mega-trillions bailouts needed! Others know about this, and how he intended that to happen(?). . .unless he was even more clueless than that(?)!

The Republicans even now will not concede that they even know anything about "The blahs!" Historians need to take note! Probably Lincoln had no concept of the "Blahs," except that they needed to be shipped off to Costa Rica, instead of back to Africa(?)!

New Hampshire Republicans, seem to believe!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Louisiana Governor famously piled rocks on shore post BP spill: In "high tech" solution to the Oil Spill crisis. No one now maybe better qualified to understand Leavenworth qualifications of Republican Party(?), now that Nixon is dead!)
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