Graham - Obama no Christian - didn't hear it from me

So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing? Not only did he question it, it "clearly" sounded as if he was saying Obama is not a Christian.

Sounds like Graham needs to read the Bible before he passes judgment on Obama.
This is a topic based stayed out of by Conservatives and Christians.


A Christian knows that it is not up to us to decide who is "Christian" and who isn't. We realize that we sit besides non-Christians everyday even in church on Sunday.

I, for one, do not know what President Obama's beliefs are. I pray that he has found true faith and is Heaven bound just as I pray for others. I wish no ill will upon our President even though I am both Christian and conservative.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

What Franklin Graham is saying here is that President Obama says that his going to church proves that he is a Christian. Graham disagrees with the President's belief that going to church makes one a Christian. So do I. Non-Christians go to church all the time, some every Sunday. Graham also states his own beliefs which are that to be a Christian you must follow the teachings of Christ and that attending church regularly is not all it takes. In that, I disagree with Mr. Graham. None of us follow the teachings of Christ to the letter of the Law. If following the teachings of Christ were the way to Heaven, we're all Hell Bound.

There is only one road to salvation and that comes through the Grace of God.

May the Grace of God be merciful to us all.


Amen Immie, great post. I myself, could stand for some more humility when it comes to Obama, praying for him, etc. Although I find it hard and part of a trial I'm going through. You set a great example in regard to that, thank you. Amen, May the Grace of God be merciful to us all.
So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing? Not only did he question it, it "clearly" sounded as if he was saying Obama is not a Christian.

No, he was just pointing out that Obama seems to think that going to church makes you a Christian, and Franklin personally believes it takes more than that. One of the reasons I have always admired the Grahams, even though I disagree with some of what they preach, is that they understand that God is ultimately the one you have to answer to, not them. Obama obviously does not understand the requirements Franklin sees to be a Christian, but that does not make Franklin right.

Maybe if you looked at something other than the (D) or (R) behind a person's name you would understand that Christianity is about more complex than your world, and that Christians can believe in God, follow Jesus, and even believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis, and still disagree about politics. That is why Democrats are more likely than Republicans to believe that Jesus will return by 2050. Being a Christian does not make you a Republican, if it did Obama is lying.
Do you have to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ to be a Christian? Where did Graham get that idea?

Where does Obama fall short in that regard? Doesn't he love his enemies enough? That was one of Christ's teachings.

Doesn't he love the terrorists as much as all the good Conservative Christians do?

From the Bible? Please not that Graham did not say that Obama is not following the teachings of Christ, he is just pointing out that Obama saying that going to a Christian church makes him a Christian is not the way he reads the Bible. Nice of you to get all upset about what he didn't say though.
So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing? Not only did he question it, it "clearly" sounded as if he was saying Obama is not a Christian.

Well, if 'following the teachings of Christ, is the criteria, then neither he nor very many Americans are christians. Because he doesn't follow the teachings of Christ, neither do most Americans.
When Michael Savage returned to the air on Wednesday, he mocked Obama's address about Easter and the Resurrection.

"He claims to be a practicing Christian," Savage joked about the president. "For a man with two Muslim fathers, he's doing a pretty good job of being a practicing Christian."

Comparing Obama to a criminal who "finds Jesus" in prison, Savage added, "You can't pee on our backs and call it rain..... YouTube - Michael Savage-Abuse of Power!-April 20, 2011 hour 1 all segments

I'm not defending Obama I think the whole christian thing is a political game, but I have a catholic mom and stepdad and a methodist dad, and I'm an unapologetic atheist.

I know most people just believe whatever their parents do and don't really think about it, but not everyone so you can't just assume it based on parents religion.

Funny thing, Islam believes that, if your father is a Muslim, you are automatically a Muslim. I am not saying they are right, but to dismiss their beliefs simply because you do not like them seems a touch arrogant and condescending.

Not to mention that it can actually get you killed.
Again, why does anyone in a Politics message board, care what "Bill Graham's son" said about our POTUS?

Please note that the thread was started as an attempt to prove Christians in general are hypocrites because rdean is misrepresenting what Franklin Graham said.
When Michael Savage returned to the air on Wednesday, he mocked Obama's address about Easter and the Resurrection.

"He claims to be a practicing Christian," Savage joked about the president. "For a man with two Muslim fathers, he's doing a pretty good job of being a practicing Christian."

Comparing Obama to a criminal who "finds Jesus" in prison, Savage added, "You can't pee on our backs and call it rain..... YouTube - Michael Savage-Abuse of Power!-April 20, 2011 hour 1 all segments

I'm not defending Obama I think the whole christian thing is a political game, but I have a catholic mom and stepdad and a methodist dad, and I'm an unapologetic atheist.

I know most people just believe whatever their parents do and don't really think about it, but not everyone so you can't just assume it based on parents religion.

Funny thing, Islam believes that, if your father is a Muslim, you are automatically a Muslim. I am not saying they are right, but to dismiss their beliefs simply because you do not like them seems a touch arrogant and condescending.

Not to mention that it can actually get you killed.

I don't give a damn what the Q'uran says, if the son/daughter of muslims says he/she isn't a muslim then that person isn't a muslim.
When Michael Savage returned to the air on Wednesday, he mocked Obama's address about Easter and the Resurrection.

"He claims to be a practicing Christian," Savage joked about the president. "For a man with two Muslim fathers, he's doing a pretty good job of being a practicing Christian."

Comparing Obama to a criminal who "finds Jesus" in prison, Savage added, "You can't pee on our backs and call it rain..... YouTube - Michael Savage-Abuse of Power!-April 20, 2011 hour 1 all segments

I'm not defending Obama I think the whole christian thing is a political game, but I have a catholic mom and stepdad and a methodist dad, and I'm an unapologetic atheist.

I know most people just believe whatever their parents do and don't really think about it, but not everyone so you can't just assume it based on parents religion.

Funny thing, Islam believes that, if your father is a Muslim, you are automatically a Muslim. I am not saying they are right, but to dismiss their beliefs simply because you do not like them seems a touch arrogant and condescending.

Not to mention that it can actually get you killed.

That only matters if you're muslim. Now if your father is muslim and you're not (and he's still alive) you may have a family problem. But what does any of it have to do with the OP.
So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing? Not only did he question it, it "clearly" sounded as if he was saying Obama is not a Christian.

Sounds like Graham needs to read the Bible before he passes judgment on Obama.

Don't we all?

So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing? Not only did he question it, it "clearly" sounded as if he was saying Obama is not a Christian.

rdean, do not use quotations when you are paraphrasing something someone said. That is dishonest. And don't be so lazy that you can't look up the transcript. Here is what Franklin Graham ACTUALLY said.

'This Week' Transcript: God and Government - ABC News

AMANPOUR: Does it bother you that people ///like Donald Trump for instance right now, are making another huge big deal about birth certificates and whether he's a Muslim or a Christian and where he was born?

GRAHAM: Well, the president, I know, has some issues to deal with here. He can solve this whole birth certificate issue pretty quickly. I don't -- I was born in a hospital in Ashville, North Carolina, and I know that my records are there. You can probably even go and find out what room my mother was in when I was born.

I don't know why he can't produce that. So, I'm not -- I don't know, but it's an issue that looks like he could answer pretty quickly.

As it relates to Muslim, there are many people that do wonder where he really stands on that. Now, he has told me that he is a Christian. But the debate comes, what is a Christian?

For him, going to church means he's a Christian. For me, the definition of a Christian is whether we have given our life to Christ and are following him in faith, and we have trusted him as our Lord and Savior.

That's the definition of a Christian, it's not as to what church you're a member of. A membership doesn't make you a Christian.

AMANPOUR: Do you believe him when he tells you he's a Christian?

GRAHAM: Well, when he says that, of course. I can't -- I'm not going to say, "Well, no, you're not." God is the only one who knows his heart.
Do you have to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ to be a Christian? Where did Graham get that idea?

Where does Obama fall short in that regard? Doesn't he love his enemies enough? That was one of Christ's teachings.

Doesn't he love the terrorists as much as all the good Conservative Christians do?

Obama's problem is he loves our enemies more than he loves his own country.

And by the way, Christ had more than a few choice words about hypocrites. So libs in general, and especially Obama, will have a lot to answer for....

Don't forget the liars like Palin and Bachman.......they broke the commandment about bearing false witness.

Don't forget about Newt Gingrich, John Ensign and the Appalachian trail dude......they broke the commandment about adultery.

Nope, I see more aberrant behavior in the GOP than I do with the Dems.

Besides..........Obama's only been married once. I actually think he's following the teachings of Yeshua better than many of his GOP counterparts.
So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that if the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing?

LOL Obama a Christian oh ya that's a good one Skippy

Yes, we all realize that going to a Christian Church for over twenty years was just a ruse. He did this so he could deceive us all into thinking he was a Christian, because he planned all along to run for President one day and knew that his true Muslim faith would be too big of an obstacle for him to be elected. :cuckoo:
So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian.

Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing? Not only did he question it, it "clearly" sounded as if he was saying Obama is not a Christian.

rdean, do not use quotations when you are paraphrasing something someone said. That is dishonest. And don't be so lazy that you can't look up the transcript. Here is what Franklin Graham ACTUALLY said.

'This Week' Transcript: God and Government - ABC News

AMANPOUR: Does it bother you that people ///like Donald Trump for instance right now, are making another huge big deal about birth certificates and whether he's a Muslim or a Christian and where he was born?

GRAHAM: Well, the president, I know, has some issues to deal with here. He can solve this whole birth certificate issue pretty quickly. I don't -- I was born in a hospital in Ashville, North Carolina, and I know that my records are there. You can probably even go and find out what room my mother was in when I was born.

I don't know why he can't produce that. So, I'm not -- I don't know, but it's an issue that looks like he could answer pretty quickly.

As it relates to Muslim, there are many people that do wonder where he really stands on that. Now, he has told me that he is a Christian. But the debate comes, what is a Christian?

For him, going to church means he's a Christian. For me, the definition of a Christian is whether we have given our life to Christ and are following him in faith, and we have trusted him as our Lord and Savior.

That's the definition of a Christian, it's not as to what church you're a member of. A membership doesn't make you a Christian.

AMANPOUR: Do you believe him when he tells you he's a Christian?

GRAHAM: Well, when he says that, of course. I can't -- I'm not going to say, "Well, no, you're not." God is the only one who knows his heart.

You're right. I paraphrased. I thought I made that clear when I said, "So this woman interviewer with a Middle Eastern background, Christine A - something was interviewing the son of Billy Graham. She asked him if Obama was a Christian." If I had the transcript, I would have known her name.

Let's continue:

I said, "Graham said, "Obama told me he goes to a Christian Church so that PROVES he's a Christian. But to me, you have to follow the teachings of Christ which Obama clearly doesn't, and that is the ONLY way you can be a Christian, not just go to a church".

But the transcript said, "For him, going to church means he's a Christian. For me, the definition of a Christian is whether we have given our life to Christ and are following him in faith, and we have trusted him as our Lord and Savior. That's the definition of a Christian, it's not as to what church you're a member of. A membership doesn't make you a Christian.

Pretty close, wouldn't you say?

And finally, I said, "Then Christine said, "So then, is Obama a Christian?"

Then Graham said, "Well, he says he is. It's not for me to question another person's faith".

But the transcript said, "AMANPOUR: Do you believe him when he tells you he's a Christian?

GRAHAM: Well, when he says that, of course. I can't -- I'm not going to say, "Well, no, you're not." God is the only one who knows his heart.

And then I summed it up with: And yet, wasn't that just what he was doing? Not only did he question it, it "clearly" sounded as if he was saying Obama is not a Christian.

What part of, "doesn't make you a Christian" isn't an accusation?

I stand by my reporting. Now, unbunch those panties. They'll liable to go off.
When Michael Savage returned to the air on Wednesday, he mocked Obama's address about Easter and the Resurrection.

"He claims to be a practicing Christian," Savage joked about the president. "For a man with two Muslim fathers, he's doing a pretty good job of being a practicing Christian."

Comparing Obama to a criminal who "finds Jesus" in prison, Savage added, "You can't pee on our backs and call it rain..... YouTube - Michael Savage-Abuse of Power!-April 20, 2011 hour 1 all segments

I'm not defending Obama I think the whole christian thing is a political game, but I have a catholic mom and stepdad and a methodist dad, and I'm an unapologetic atheist.

I know most people just believe whatever their parents do and don't really think about it, but not everyone so you can't just assume it based on parents religion.

Funny thing, Islam believes that, if your father is a Muslim, you are automatically a Muslim. I am not saying they are right, but to dismiss their beliefs simply because you do not like them seems a touch arrogant and condescending.

Not to mention that it can actually get you killed.

Everything I've read says both of Obama's parents were atheists. So if you are born into a "Muslim" family, atheist or not, you're a Muslim"? What two or three generations down the line? Still a Muslim?

If Obama wants to be a Christian, more power to him. I have no problem with Christians, just the ones who are homophobic and believe science is a "faith" and are against "women's rights" and who say Katrina was "punishment from Gawd". Those of that "ilk", I have problems with.
I'm not defending Obama I think the whole christian thing is a political game, but I have a catholic mom and stepdad and a methodist dad, and I'm an unapologetic atheist.

I know most people just believe whatever their parents do and don't really think about it, but not everyone so you can't just assume it based on parents religion.

Funny thing, Islam believes that, if your father is a Muslim, you are automatically a Muslim. I am not saying they are right, but to dismiss their beliefs simply because you do not like them seems a touch arrogant and condescending.

Not to mention that it can actually get you killed.

Everything I've read says both of Obama's parents were atheists. So if you are born into a "Muslim" family, atheist or not, you're a Muslim"? What two or three generations down the line? Still a Muslim?

If Obama wants to be a Christian, more power to him. I have no problem with Christians, just the ones who are homophobic and believe science is a "faith" and are against "women's rights" and who say Katrina was "punishment from Gawd". Those of that "ilk", I have problems with.

You know how to read? When did you learn? You should try reading more. Barrack Sr was raised a Muslim. That, by the definition of some Muslims, makes him Muslim, even if he no longer practiced. That, again by the definition of some Muslims, makes Barrack Jr Muslim. You have a problem with that argue with the Muslims who believe it, not me.
I'm not defending Obama I think the whole christian thing is a political game, but I have a catholic mom and stepdad and a methodist dad, and I'm an unapologetic atheist.

I know most people just believe whatever their parents do and don't really think about it, but not everyone so you can't just assume it based on parents religion.

Funny thing, Islam believes that, if your father is a Muslim, you are automatically a Muslim. I am not saying they are right, but to dismiss their beliefs simply because you do not like them seems a touch arrogant and condescending.

Not to mention that it can actually get you killed.

Everything I've read says both of Obama's parents were atheists. So if you are born into a "Muslim" family, atheist or not, you're a Muslim"? What two or three generations down the line? Still a Muslim?

If Obama wants to be a Christian, more power to him. I have no problem with Christians, just the ones who are homophobic and believe science is a "faith" and are against "women's rights" and who say Katrina was "punishment from Gawd". Those of that "ilk", I have problems with.
Like Franklin Graham, who is no Chirstian.
You know how to read? When did you learn? You should try reading more. Barrack Sr was raised a Muslim. That, by the definition of some Muslims, makes him Muslim, even if he no longer practiced. That, again by the definition of some Muslims, makes Barrack Jr Muslim. You have a problem with that argue with the Muslims who believe it, not me.

Can you name a Muslim with scholarly credentials who believes that?
Obama is one of those baby killing homo supporting athiest Harvard marxist christians that doesnt pray or go to church and believes that Jesus is NOT the only way to the Father and many religions get you to heaven even though Jesus Himself stated "I am the truth, the Life and no one gets to the Father but though Me"........

Hey guys...

Is going to bars frequently part of the Christian experience?

Is eating pork a part of the Christian experience?

Is drinking a beer every day after a work a part of the Christian experience?

Is being obsessed with the politics of the day a part of the Christian experience?

Why/why not?

Just curious.

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