Grading the Republican Party for the year.

Gore would not have invaded Iraq.
And people would still be being dropped head first into plastic shredders. The Kurds would still be trying to not be exterminated. This is an improvement how?
Our mistake was insisting we rebuild their nation on our dime.

And IF Gore would have ignored those warnings like BUSH ignored them and IF Gore would have been hit on 9-11, he would not have let Bin Ladin go in the Tora Bora mountains because he would not have needed a boogie man to help scare us into Iraq with fears of mushroom clouds.

Why should we believe he would have done anything more like his friend and former boss Slick Willie and blow up an aspirin family or an abandoned camp and send letters of condemnation. No, he wouldn't have let Osama go into the Tora Bora mountains. OBL would not have needed to because nothing outside of a sternly worded letter would have been sent to the Taliban.

Of course the current dipshit in chief wants to invade a NUCLEAR power called Pakistan, insteadm to get him.

No, what is bankrupting the US is the corruption and massive social spending on unconstitutional projects that have been around and building in size since the 1930s. Then threatening to loot anyone who dares to make a profit in this nation scares outside help away and makes the nation a toxic place to invest. Nationalizing 2/3rds of the nations auto industry in shades of Venezuelan oil facilities comes to mind and scares away sane investors.

You fail to realize that people, labor and capital are mobile and don't give a flying fuck about nationality or patriotism. They can easily leave and abandon this business wasteland to more fertile fields in China, India and Japan because they don't put up with namby pamby do-gooding asshats like environmentalists who want to destroy humanity.

You are doing a bang up job of ushering in the next dark age. Way to go!

You are stupid. Seriously. But that's just a theory. And not a conspiracy.

Dude, I doff my hat to you. You've managed to illustrate a nigh religious level of stupidity in worshiping this political codification of destruction and failure. That takes serious effort and delusion. Good on ya! May we all survive long enough to learn from your object lesson and never let others repeat it.

You're on Glen Beck's newsletter mailing list? That explains everything.

Never read an issue. I just don't listen to the bullshit state controlled media and get information from other reliable sources than TV and American Newspapers. Maybe I should though. Put the NYTimes back one more subscription. Oh wait. You can't pay me to read their lies.

You are so funny. You claim to not be swallowing the right wing bs yet you are using their exact verbage in your rant. Hilarious! You can't even hide how stupid you are. LOL. :lol:
You claim to not be swallowing the right wing bs yet you are using their exact verbage in your rant.

They have ears to hear and eyes to see, but do neither. Calling truth BS is nothing new from liberals. It's page one of their 110 year old playbook.
Statler and Waldorf are funny...Joke and sillyboob are merely pathetic.

I'm nothing like Sealybobo in real life. Are you a right wing conserative asshole in real life too?

Because I'm a funny guy in real life. I'm usually the life of the party. People make me walk in first because I'll walk right up to people and start talking.

And no, I don't talk politics with them. That's why I come here.

But don't look for funny here Dude. If you want funny, watch Fox & friends in the morning. They are dead wrong on everythign they say, but they are hilarious. They pretend to be stupid because they need to dumb down for their audience. That's you Dude!!!

What percent of Americans do you think are smart? 30% maybe? And we all know Fox News is #1? Yes. They appeal to the ignorant masses.

Or, they help rich people who should be republicans get their story straight for when they go out and argue politics. Because you guys are either all liars or you are all stupid. Which are you? Are you rich? Then you are stupid.

You claim to not be swallowing the right wing bs yet you are using their exact verbage in your rant.

They have ears to hear and eyes to see, but do neither. Calling truth BS is nothing new from liberals. It's page one of their 110 year old playbook.

What would minimum wage be if it weren't for us?

You wouldn't even have vacation or sick days if it weren't for us liberals.

And blacks would still be slaves.

And we'd still be a part of England if it weren't for progressives.

Unions brought up all our wages, whether we were in a union or not, we all benefitted.

Social security and medicare are two very popular liberal programs. Try to take them away and see.

The middle class was invented by liberals, not capitalism. Don't forget that son.
Statler and Waldorf are funny...Joke and sillyboob are merely pathetic.

I'm nothing like Sealybobo in real life. Are you a right wing conserative asshole in real life too?

Because I'm a funny guy in real life. I'm usually the life of the party. People make me walk in first because I'll walk right up to people and start talking.

And no, I don't talk politics with them. That's why I come here.

But don't look for funny here Dude. If you want funny, watch Fox & friends in the morning. They are dead wrong on everythign they say, but they are hilarious. They pretend to be stupid because they need to dumb down for their audience. That's you Dude!!!

What percent of Americans do you think are smart? 30% maybe? And we all know Fox News is #1? Yes. They appeal to the ignorant masses.

Or, they help rich people who should be republicans get their story straight for when they go out and argue politics. Because you guys are either all liars or you are all stupid. Which are you? Are you rich? Then you are stupid.

You're a fucking douchebag, who flat out stole from his former employer, in real life, asshole.

And you're nowhere near funny....At least on purpose, anyways.
Statler and Waldorf are funny...Joke and sillyboob are merely pathetic.

I'm nothing like Sealybobo in real life. Are you a right wing conserative asshole in real life too?

Because I'm a funny guy in real life. I'm usually the life of the party. People make me walk in first because I'll walk right up to people and start talking.

And no, I don't talk politics with them. That's why I come here.

But don't look for funny here Dude. If you want funny, watch Fox & friends in the morning. They are dead wrong on everythign they say, but they are hilarious. They pretend to be stupid because they need to dumb down for their audience. That's you Dude!!!

What percent of Americans do you think are smart? 30% maybe? And we all know Fox News is #1? Yes. They appeal to the ignorant masses.

Or, they help rich people who should be republicans get their story straight for when they go out and argue politics. Because you guys are either all liars or you are all stupid. Which are you? Are you rich? Then you are stupid.


He's trying to say something... I just know it!

So the ad hom instead of facts, Dude? You merely prove just how you are pathetic. Such a loser.
What would minimum wage be if it weren't for us?

When pray tell was the last time you worked for minimum wage? What job would you accept at minimum wage? Those unskilled jobs are for those who have no skills, are just entering the job force like teens or leaving the job force like the elderly who have pensions and other forms of income to support them. Why not give everyone a 100k a year salary just for living? Why not that?

And blacks would still be slaves.

The abolishionist movement was Republican, not democrat. Even then, slavery was ended in all other nations during the 19th century without firing a shot. That shit don't fly even for a microsecond. But thanks for proving bigotry is still exemplified in liberalism and identity politics. Dem po folks cain't accomplish sumptin witout whitey giving em a handout. That's the true racism right there.

And we'd still be a part of England if it weren't for progressives.

And yet you are for every government action that the British undertook. Increase taxes, disarm the populace, imprison those who do not think like you, and persecute those who are of a different religion as you (atheistic) You've become so twisted you have to screw your socks on in the morning.

Social security and medicare are two very popular liberal programs. Try to take them away and see.

Thanks to asshats like you in congress, it will collapse leaving them with nothing. You've stopped every chance of reforming the system. Now it will collapse under it's own unsustainable weight. We won't have to take them away. There will be nothing left to give, and then you'll wish you'd have listened to reason back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's.

The middle class was invented by liberals, not capitalism. Don't forget that son.
Classical Liberals not Neo-Feudalists like you Socialist/fascist thugs.
So the ad hom instead of facts, Dude? You merely prove just how you are pathetic. Such a loser.
If you are the one I'm trying to 'get respect' from, I can do better without. That shit may work on John McCain, but not me.

So the ad hom instead of facts

You're not innocent either. So, butch up, Sally. We've all been using em. And if you're too thin skinned to handle them. You need to go back to the kiddie table.
So the ad hom instead of facts, Dude? You merely prove just how you are pathetic. Such a loser.
If you are the one I'm trying to 'get respect' from, I can do better without. That shit may work on John McCain, but not me.

So the ad hom instead of facts

You're not innocent either. So, butch up, Sally. We've all been using em. And if you're too thin skinned to handle them. You need to go back to the kiddie table.

But he is right. We lay out facts and you guys just stick and move. We can never get you guys up against the ropes because you are masters at dodging the subject at hand.

But thats ok because we're going to get everything we want in the next year. We have 60 seats which is PLENTY to get er done.

I just come here to bust your balls. I won't take you guys seriously until mid next year before the 2010's.
But he is right. We lay out facts and you guys just stick and move. We can never get you guys up against the ropes because you are masters at dodging the subject at hand.
Taking your ball home since you can't win, I see?

But thats ok because we're going to get everything we want in the next year. We have 60 seats which is PLENTY to get er done.

Absolutely. We will be making sure NOBODY forgets you did this to them. Push this shit through. Please. I look forward to the torches and pitchforks and trials. Destruction by your own success. I'm a-lovin it.

I just come here to bust your balls. I won't take you guys seriously until mid next year before the 2010's.
Keep trying, maybe someday you will succeed against some weak moderate who doesn't know where he stands.

Statler and Waldorf are funny...Joke and sillyboob are merely pathetic.

I'm nothing like Sealybobo in real life. Are you a right wing conserative asshole in real life too?

Because I'm a funny guy in real life. I'm usually the life of the party. People make me walk in first because I'll walk right up to people and start talking.

And no, I don't talk politics with them. That's why I come here.

But don't look for funny here Dude. If you want funny, watch Fox & friends in the morning. They are dead wrong on everythign they say, but they are hilarious. They pretend to be stupid because they need to dumb down for their audience. That's you Dude!!!

What percent of Americans do you think are smart? 30% maybe? And we all know Fox News is #1? Yes. They appeal to the ignorant masses.

Or, they help rich people who should be republicans get their story straight for when they go out and argue politics. Because you guys are either all liars or you are all stupid. Which are you? Are you rich? Then you are stupid.

You're a fucking douchebag, who flat out stole from his former employer, in real life, asshole.
And you're nowhere near funny....At least on purpose, anyways.
This needed repeating. Truer words were never spoken.
I'm nothing like Sealybobo in real life. Are you a right wing conserative asshole in real life too?

Because I'm a funny guy in real life. I'm usually the life of the party. People make me walk in first because I'll walk right up to people and start talking.

And no, I don't talk politics with them. That's why I come here.

But don't look for funny here Dude. If you want funny, watch Fox & friends in the morning. They are dead wrong on everythign they say, but they are hilarious. They pretend to be stupid because they need to dumb down for their audience. That's you Dude!!!

What percent of Americans do you think are smart? 30% maybe? And we all know Fox News is #1? Yes. They appeal to the ignorant masses.

Or, they help rich people who should be republicans get their story straight for when they go out and argue politics. Because you guys are either all liars or you are all stupid. Which are you? Are you rich? Then you are stupid.

You're a fucking douchebag, who flat out stole from his former employer, in real life, asshole.
And you're nowhere near funny....At least on purpose, anyways.
This needed repeating. Truer words were never spoken.
Musta been some admission from a previous thread.
Nah, Meister and Dude are not known, either of them, for their versimilitude.
So the ad hom instead of facts, Dude? You merely prove just how you are pathetic. Such a loser.
If you are the one I'm trying to 'get respect' from, I can do better without. That shit may work on John McCain, but not me.

So the ad hom instead of facts

You're not innocent either. So, butch up, Sally. We've all been using em. And if you're too thin skinned to handle them. You need to go back to the kiddie table.

But he is right. We lay out facts and you guys just stick and move. We can never get you guys up against the ropes because you are masters at dodging the subject at hand.

But thats ok because we're going to get everything we want in the next year. We have 60 seats which is PLENTY to get er done.

I just come here to bust your balls. I won't take you guys seriously until mid next year before the 2010's.

That's exactly why this thread about grading Republicans is nonsense, it's not the Republicans that are being graded here it's the democrats with their majority's in the house and the senate.

You go right ahead and get everything done Sealy and when you do come Nov 2010 you will be very lucky to hold on to even a slight majority in either house.

It's tyranny we are witnessing here.

" When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson.

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