Govt: "Run it like a business"??? WHY???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
A catch-phrase I hear a lot is how government should be run "like a business". WHY????? I doubt many people would actually LIKE govt when it is "run like a business". Here is why:

When a business is struggling, they do a combination of things. Reducing pay for workers is one. Downsizing is another. The beloved private sector has surely shown us that, through emotionless layoffs and outsourcing. But hey, "its just business".

But they also do something else. Raise prices. As we've seen in gas, food, power, water, clothing...really anything we need, the price has gone up. But again, hey, its just business.

So if a government was run like a business, what would it look like? Well, a few thing:

1) Less government workers and programs. Downsizing and outsourcing (by saying let the private sector do it). If we look at supply/demand models that the biz world does, "demand" for government has skyrocketed in our society. People call 911 for damn near ANYTHING these days. Any problem at all, people of all parties say "Someone needs to DO SOMETHING!!". That someone, to most, means the government. THey demand the president, governor, sheriff, mayor, chief, or someone to do something. Keep us safe. Keep us healthy, fix the traffic problems, pave the roads, keep the illegals and terrorists out, keep the air and water clean, etc, etc, etc.

But do they wanna pay for it? REMEMBER: Supply and demand. If they aren't willing to pay for ready to consume far less government, and STOP asking the govt to do as much. A realistic analysis by a fair minded person will inevitably acknowledge our society does have a high demand for government in practical terms if not ideological.

2) "Raise prices". The, business....provides a serivce. Which as I've stated above, is a service that is in high demand right now in society. Well, the government's "price" is the tax rate. If the govt is in debt, they must "run it like a business" by downsizing, outsourcing, and raising prices. Sure, some say lower prices/taxes will bring in more customers and revenue. And that is often true. BUT if so, why have prices for food, water, power, gas, clothing spiked lately???

Seems if raising prices works for the private businesses who produce food, water, power, clothes, gas..................why would a government NOT run it like a business and raise their prices (taxes/fees) also?

So, can someone explain to me why, if the government is run like a business, would they not also raise their prices exactly the same way that JIF Peanut Butter, Exxon Oil, the local water and power companies, Cheerios cereal, Regal Cinemas, and any scores of numbers of other private sector companies have done??????????

(**To head it off early, I know the response of "But we can choose to buy a product, we dont choose to pay taxes" is coming. Answer: You choose which city to pay taxes in. And any of us realistically have a choice but to buy power, water, food and gas? No, we dont. Those are staples of survival. That argument is voided.)

So....are we really ready for government to be run like a business? If you were a victim of a horrible crime, and the local police couldn't solve it because they cut costs and lost all their experienced detectives.......would you accept the neighboring city's PD saying "Sorry, we cant loan you one of our experienced detectives, you dont pay taxes here, our taxpayers dont pay to help you. Sorry, but it's just business."

Food for thought.
Or, in a city with very low taxes, what if a citizen asked a government worker to do something a bit "above and beyond" their normal duty?? And the government employee said "Sorry sir, you pay $X in taxes, and for that price you only get the minimum service."

That would be unacceptable right?

But if you went into a Hilton hotel, and demanded a room for Best Western prices, you'd get the same response.

Run it like a business?
A catch-phrase I hear a lot is how government should be run "like a business". WHY????? I doubt many people would actually LIKE govt when it is "run like a business". Here is why:

When a business is struggling, they do a combination of things. Reducing pay for workers is one. Downsizing is another. The beloved private sector has surely shown us that, through emotionless layoffs and outsourcing. But hey, "its just business".

But they also do something else. Raise prices. As we've seen in gas, food, power, water, clothing...really anything we need, the price has gone up. But again, hey, its just business.

So if a government was run like a business, what would it look like? Well, a few thing:

1) Less government workers and programs. Downsizing and outsourcing (by saying let the private sector do it). If we look at supply/demand models that the biz world does, "demand" for government has skyrocketed in our society. People call 911 for damn near ANYTHING these days. Any problem at all, people of all parties say "Someone needs to DO SOMETHING!!". That someone, to most, means the government. THey demand the president, governor, sheriff, mayor, chief, or someone to do something. Keep us safe. Keep us healthy, fix the traffic problems, pave the roads, keep the illegals and terrorists out, keep the air and water clean, etc, etc, etc.

But do they wanna pay for it? REMEMBER: Supply and demand. If they aren't willing to pay for ready to consume far less government, and STOP asking the govt to do as much. A realistic analysis by a fair minded person will inevitably acknowledge our society does have a high demand for government in practical terms if not ideological.

2) "Raise prices". The, business....provides a serivce. Which as I've stated above, is a service that is in high demand right now in society. Well, the government's "price" is the tax rate. If the govt is in debt, they must "run it like a business" by downsizing, outsourcing, and raising prices. Sure, some say lower prices/taxes will bring in more customers and revenue. And that is often true. BUT if so, why have prices for food, water, power, gas, clothing spiked lately???

Seems if raising prices works for the private businesses who produce food, water, power, clothes, gas..................why would a government NOT run it like a business and raise their prices (taxes/fees) also?

So, can someone explain to me why, if the government is run like a business, would they not also raise their prices exactly the same way that JIF Peanut Butter, Exxon Oil, the local water and power companies, Cheerios cereal, Regal Cinemas, and any scores of numbers of other private sector companies have done??????????

(**To head it off early, I know the response of "But we can choose to buy a product, we dont choose to pay taxes" is coming. Answer: You choose which city to pay taxes in. And any of us realistically have a choice but to buy power, water, food and gas? No, we dont. Those are staples of survival. That argument is voided.)

So....are we really ready for government to be run like a business? If you were a victim of a horrible crime, and the local police couldn't solve it because they cut costs and lost all their experienced detectives.......would you accept the neighboring city's PD saying "Sorry, we cant loan you one of our experienced detectives, you dont pay taxes here, our taxpayers dont pay to help you. Sorry, but it's just business."

Food for thought.

Translation: endless unpayable debt is good. There is no limit to how much the government can spend. Government workers take precedent over the taxpayer.

I don't really care what your municipality does. It doesent affect me one way or the other. The federal government on the other hand.....
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Or, in a city with very low taxes, what if a citizen asked a government worker to do something a bit "above and beyond" their normal duty?? And the government employee said "Sorry sir, you pay $X in taxes, and for that price you only get the minimum service."

That would be unacceptable right?

But if you went into a Hilton hotel, and demanded a room for Best Western prices, you'd get the same response.

Run it like a business?

You're abject ignorance of the rudimentary elements of finance is astounding.
wow this is a confused mess. I agree with you that a government should not be run like a business but it should also not be treated as a vehicle for wealth distribution. The government should lower taxes and it should cut spending and it should get rid of people and cut salaries. The government is a parasite on the economy it takes money out of the economy and adds nothing of value. The prices that you list as going up are going up because of government meddling. Also you seem to be confusing local government services with federal services and they are completely different.
Government ought to be run efficiently. One of Bush's biggest blunder was to piss on the Reinvention initiative. It's not like the AynRyan/Romney team will be seeking the best out of Government.
Or, in a city with very low taxes, what if a citizen asked a government worker to do something a bit "above and beyond" their normal duty?? And the government employee said "Sorry sir, you pay $X in taxes, and for that price you only get the minimum service."

That would be unacceptable right?

But if you went into a Hilton hotel, and demanded a room for Best Western prices, you'd get the same response.

Run it like a business?

You're abject ignorance of the rudimentary elements of finance is astounding.

Really? If I sit down at Outback, eat a ribeye steak, then try to pay them for a BigMac, I'm in trouble.

Well, if we run government like a business, shouldn't their prices reflect supply/demand and service? Our society has a huge appetite for government. We dont do shit for ourselves anymore. We always think "someone should do something about it (the problem)" and that someone seems to always be the government.

My point's obvious the private sector resorts often to raising prices, especially for a service or product that is in demand. If the govt is to be run like a business (as many are demanding) then they must accept the govt also concluding (as the private sector often does) that a raise in price is necessary.

Thats just business.
Or, in a city with very low taxes, what if a citizen asked a government worker to do something a bit "above and beyond" their normal duty?? And the government employee said "Sorry sir, you pay $X in taxes, and for that price you only get the minimum service."

That would be unacceptable right?

But if you went into a Hilton hotel, and demanded a room for Best Western prices, you'd get the same response.

Run it like a business?

You're abject ignorance of the rudimentary elements of finance is astounding.

Really? If I sit down at Outback, eat a ribeye steak, then try to pay them for a BigMac, I'm in trouble.

Well, if we run government like a business, shouldn't their prices reflect supply/demand and service? Our society has a huge appetite for government. We dont do shit for ourselves anymore. We always think "someone should do something about it (the problem)" and that someone seems to always be the government.

My point's obvious the private sector resorts often to raising prices, especially for a service or product that is in demand. If the govt is to be run like a business (as many are demanding) then they must accept the govt also concluding (as the private sector often does) that a raise in price is necessary.

Thats just business.

I don't think the people who are saying the government should be run like a business are the same people that are saying they want the government to do everything for them.
Government isn't a business. Running the country as if were a business would be as stupid as flying an airplane as if it were a bike.
wow this is a confused mess. I agree with you that a government should not be run like a business but it should also not be treated as a vehicle for wealth distribution. The government should lower taxes and it should cut spending and it should get rid of people and cut salaries. The government is a parasite on the economy it takes money out of the economy and adds nothing of value. The prices that you list as going up are going up because of government meddling. Also you seem to be confusing local government services with federal services and they are completely different.

And thats all fine, IF, you are willing to accept the McDonalds level of govt service rather than the Outback version. If we cut salaries, downsize, etc, we'll have less qualified employees, less services, less capability to "do something" about problems. You'll get:

- Worse roads, less maintenance.
- Less qualified cops, with less experience (more crime, more rudeness, more corruption, longer response time)
- Same as above with firemen (longer response time, less experienced and training)
- An even WORSE situation at the DMV, longer lines, dumber employees
- Worse public schools, less experienced teachers
- Worse public works service: Clean roads, trash service, sewer flow, etc, etc

Your idea is fine, if you are willing to accept far less government service. Each of us will have to contribute more to our own well being in the community. Ready to do so?
You're abject ignorance of the rudimentary elements of finance is astounding.

Really? If I sit down at Outback, eat a ribeye steak, then try to pay them for a BigMac, I'm in trouble.

Well, if we run government like a business, shouldn't their prices reflect supply/demand and service? Our society has a huge appetite for government. We dont do shit for ourselves anymore. We always think "someone should do something about it (the problem)" and that someone seems to always be the government.

My point's obvious the private sector resorts often to raising prices, especially for a service or product that is in demand. If the govt is to be run like a business (as many are demanding) then they must accept the govt also concluding (as the private sector often does) that a raise in price is necessary.

Thats just business.

I don't think the people who are saying the government should be run like a business are the same people that are saying they want the government to do everything for them.

Really? I hear them wanting:

- Catch the criminals
- Better educate our kids
- Fix the potholes
- Keep dangerous people in jail
- Keep the water and sewer running
- Fix the traffic problems

I can go on and on. But when the same crowd demands less govt, less taxes, cut govt worker salaries............they'd be honest if they acknowledged they also look to the govt for quite a bit of service.
wow this is a confused mess. I agree with you that a government should not be run like a business but it should also not be treated as a vehicle for wealth distribution. The government should lower taxes and it should cut spending and it should get rid of people and cut salaries. The government is a parasite on the economy it takes money out of the economy and adds nothing of value. The prices that you list as going up are going up because of government meddling. Also you seem to be confusing local government services with federal services and they are completely different.

And thats all fine, IF, you are willing to accept the McDonalds level of govt service rather than the Outback version. If we cut salaries, downsize, etc, we'll have less qualified employees, less services, less capability to "do something" about problems. You'll get:

- Worse roads, less maintenance.
- Less qualified cops, with less experience (more crime, more rudeness, more corruption, longer response time)
- Same as above with firemen (longer response time, less experienced and training)
- An even WORSE situation at the DMV, longer lines, dumber employees
- Worse public schools, less experienced teachers
- Worse public works service: Clean roads, trash service, sewer flow, etc, etc

Your idea is fine, if you are willing to accept far less government service. Each of us will have to contribute more to our own well being in the community. Ready to do so?
Those are all local issues dumbass. If your people can't budget their money appropriately then they are as stupid as you and you're getting what you deserve.
Really? If I sit down at Outback, eat a ribeye steak, then try to pay them for a BigMac, I'm in trouble.

Well, if we run government like a business, shouldn't their prices reflect supply/demand and service? Our society has a huge appetite for government. We dont do shit for ourselves anymore. We always think "someone should do something about it (the problem)" and that someone seems to always be the government.

My point's obvious the private sector resorts often to raising prices, especially for a service or product that is in demand. If the govt is to be run like a business (as many are demanding) then they must accept the govt also concluding (as the private sector often does) that a raise in price is necessary.

Thats just business.

I don't think the people who are saying the government should be run like a business are the same people that are saying they want the government to do everything for them.

Really? I hear them wanting:

- Catch the criminals
- Better educate our kids
- Fix the potholes
- Keep dangerous people in jail
- Keep the water and sewer running
- Fix the traffic problems

I can go on and on. But when the same crowd demands less govt, less taxes, cut govt worker salaries............they'd be honest if they acknowledged they also look to the govt for quite a bit of service.

Those things aren’t the reason we have a federal deficit. They are al legitimate functions of local/state/federal government. But they aren’t why we have a federal deficit.
And you claimed that 90% of your conservative values remained despite your stupid selfish flip.


Cant have an honest debate? Show me where I'm wrong. You are probably right there along with others crying about :


I can go on. But our society has a high demand for govt, a high consumption of it's services. I'm saying are we willing to pay for it? If not, are we ready to all chip in to help ourselves?

BTW, honest debate is part of that 90% conservative side.
And you claimed that 90% of your conservative values remained despite your stupid selfish flip.


Cant have an honest debate? Show me where I'm wrong. You are probably right there along with others crying about :


I can go on. But our society has a high demand for govt, a high consumption of it's services. I'm saying are we willing to pay for it? If not, are we ready to all chip in to help ourselves?

BTW, honest debate is part of that 90% conservative side.

Lets try this....How do democrats meet your policy goals?
You are so dim. You keep crying about roads and potholes. I live in KC and these dumbass repave perfectly good roads EVERY YEAR.

Get a fucking clue and grasp the concept that it's a local budgetary issue. My tax dollars are wasted every year here in KC on stupid busy work for govt employees but you don't see me whining about it like a little bitch on here
I don't think the people who are saying the government should be run like a business are the same people that are saying they want the government to do everything for them.

Really? I hear them wanting:

- Catch the criminals
- Better educate our kids
- Fix the potholes
- Keep dangerous people in jail
- Keep the water and sewer running
- Fix the traffic problems

I can go on and on. But when the same crowd demands less govt, less taxes, cut govt worker salaries............they'd be honest if they acknowledged they also look to the govt for quite a bit of service.

Those things aren’t the reason we have a federal deficit. They are al legitimate functions of local/state/federal government. But they aren’t why we have a federal deficit.

The FBI, DEA, ATF, BP all catch criminals.
The Feds send aid to failing/poor schools
The Feds maintain many of our major highways, and send aid to states to do theirs (thats why we have the seat belt law to get the Federal money for roads)
The borders, as we know, is only done by the Feds (I hate this fact)
The Federal prisons keep many of our most dangerous criminals
The Feds help keep waterways open and clean for drinking water
The Feds have grants to PD's for traffic control

The Feds contribute to every issue I listed.
Or, in a city with very low taxes, what if a citizen asked a government worker to do something a bit "above and beyond" their normal duty?? And the government employee said "Sorry sir, you pay $X in taxes, and for that price you only get the minimum service."

That would be unacceptable right?

But if you went into a Hilton hotel, and demanded a room for Best Western prices, you'd get the same response.

Run it like a business?

You're abject ignorance of the rudimentary elements of finance is astounding.

Your constant refusing to back up anything you claim with supporting evidence is equally astounding.

But that's "your thing"
You are so dim. You keep crying about roads and potholes. I live in KC and these dumbass repave perfectly good roads EVERY YEAR.

Get a fucking clue and grasp the concept that it's a local budgetary issue. My tax dollars are wasted every year here in KC on stupid busy work for govt employees but you don't see me whining about it like a little bitch on here

I live in South Carolina. Our roads are about like driving on Mars. You should be so thankful that your local govt is PREVENTING a roadway problem. I have to put $500 or so in work on my truck every damn year to fix the suspension/alignment from the horrible roads here.

Imagine that....a govt being PROACTIVE rather than reactive.

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