Government Screwdrivers


Sep 23, 2010
Neither Kagan or Ginsburg will recuse themselves from a case that gives them an opportunity to legislate same sex marriage regardless of the Constitution. Kagan refusing to recuse herself is nothing new for a lying sneak:

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan will be in clear violation of federal law by virtue of her decision to hear the Affordable Care Act case coming before the Supreme Court today.

Upon joining the other justices to hear oral arguments she will fracture the federal statute which demands that judges recuse themselves from participation in a case “where he has served in governmental employment and in such capacity participated as council, adviser or material witness concerning the proceeding or expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy.”

And according to emails obtained by the Media Research Center as the result of a 2010 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the DOJ, not only did she advise DOJ attorneys and express opinions concerning the merits of ObamaCare, she lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee during her confirmation hearings by answering “No” when asked specifically if she had any involvement in preparing the government’s defense for ObamaCare.

Elena Kagan Breaks Federal Law By Hearing ObamaCare Case, Republicans Silent
Doug Book March 26, 2012 at 11:25am

Elena Kagan Breaks Federal Law By Hearing ObamaCare Case Republicans Silent

Incidentally, the Left went insane over the possibility of losing Kagan’s vote in the ObamaCare case. In desperation, Democrats demanded that Clarence Thomas recuse himself based on his wife’s activities in opposition to the ACA. Liberal media gave Justice Thomas a lot more coverage than they gave to the lying douche bag; so the standard tactic worked. Thomas was made to look as corrupt as Kagan —— in that way she got cover for not recusing herself. See this thread for a little about the Kagan-Thomas flap at the time:

The silver lining

Kagan is the same type of liars and crooks found in all of the scandals popping up in high places in every government institution. Singlehandedly she proves that the High Court is just as foul as the other federal government institutions. More than the other justices Kagan defines how most Americans feel about the presidency, the Congress, the department of Justice, the State Department and even the media. If you can find a silver lining in Kagan it is that the American people will end up better off when they finally stop thinking the Supreme Court is not:


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