Government killing private charity

I'm with the govt on this one. Just because you want to be helpful does not mean you need to break laws or codes.
When I was a single parent raising my eldest son in the '80's. I fed and enetertained the ones that did not really have a loving home to reside in.

Aren't you glad some meddlesome asshole didn't prevent you from doing that?

There was no variance laws in my hood, since we live in a govt. free area.
At that time there was all the lawsuits over child molestation. So there was alot of witchburning types per say.
That was also at the time that if you spanked your child in Wal Mart they would call the cops on you. So there have always been cell phone heros,so to speak.
Under pressure from the community, the local leaders agreed to let Prattis finish her mission this summer, but told her she would need a zoning variance to resume the operation next summer.
Thus the OP thread title is a lie, government is in no way ‘killing’ charity; the program may continue once the zoning variance is obtained. And the program is allowed to continue to the end of the summer.

The City has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of all residents, children in particular. The City would be grossly negligent and remiss in its responsibilities by allowing food distribution of this sort to proceed unmonitored, it’s naïve and ignorant to maintain otherwise.

This is a non-issue, and the thread is a failed and pathetic attempt to vilify government when it is merely carrying out its responsibilities in good faith.

Why, exactly, does she need a zoning variance to hand out free sandwiches?
Just like a person would.


I've never seen a program with hands or a mouth....

They are comprised of people--yes--it's true. Paid people sometimes unless they can find volunteers who will do it for free. The paid employees like that better.


Wellll, if I had to hazard a guess I would bet a passing police car or a concerned neighbor was to blame, not a jealous government employee.
How would you like if the Catholic Church recruited your neighbor to run a soup kitchen out of her home, next to your home? (Designed to serve Trayvons, not the homeless.) Certainly there's a nearby church, school, or park where these kids could be eating, one with a lot more room than a tiny ghetto yard.

BTW, white people are doing the work here. The meals delivered to her every day, prepackaged.

I would probably ask her if she needed help, how would you like it?

I've never seen a program with hands or a mouth....

They are comprised of people--yes--it's true. Paid people sometimes unless they can find volunteers who will do it for free. The paid employees like that better.


Wellll, if I had to hazard a guess I would bet a passing police car or a concerned neighbor was to blame, not a jealous government employee.

Ever see a person who works for the welfare system in danger of losing funding ?
Under pressure from the community, the local leaders agreed to let Prattis finish her mission this summer, but told her she would need a zoning variance to resume the operation next summer.
Thus the OP thread title is a lie, government is in no way ‘killing’ charity; the program may continue once the zoning variance is obtained. And the program is allowed to continue to the end of the summer.

The City has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of all residents, children in particular. The City would be grossly negligent and remiss in its responsibilities by allowing food distribution of this sort to proceed unmonitored, it’s naïve and ignorant to maintain otherwise.

This is a non-issue, and the thread is a failed and pathetic attempt to vilify government when it is merely carrying out its responsibilities in good faith.

Why, exactly, does she need a zoning variance to hand out free sandwiches?

because it is in a residential zone.
They are comprised of people--yes--it's true. Paid people sometimes unless they can find volunteers who will do it for free. The paid employees like that better.


Wellll, if I had to hazard a guess I would bet a passing police car or a concerned neighbor was to blame, not a jealous government employee.

Ever see a person who works for the welfare system in danger of losing funding ?

And what program was in danger of lost funding because of this little old lady?
Fuck it, just don't try to feed anyone. That will keep you out of trouble. put your money in a swiss bank account and let the assholes howl about that. :lol::lol:

Hard to put prepaired ,eals into a Swiss bank account. She could just let the kids into her house and feed them. Word of mouth is already out there. If she had done it on the down low there would have been no hassle.

I suspect her house just doesn't have space for that many kids, not to mention that many kids would likely be a bit rambunctious, so there would be concerns about things getting broken.

I imagine that would be her problem, not the city's. On top of that, she is handing the sandwiches out from her driveway, not her kitchen.

Wellll, if I had to hazard a guess I would bet a passing police car or a concerned neighbor was to blame, not a jealous government employee.

Ever see a person who works for the welfare system in danger of losing funding ?

And wha program was in danger of lost funding because of this little old lady?

WHo knows? I presented it as a possibility since everyone is guessing here. Could be the KKK for all we know.
Under pressure from the community, the local leaders agreed to let Prattis finish her mission this summer, but told her she would need a zoning variance to resume the operation next summer.

Thus the OP thread title is a lie, government is in no way ‘killing’ charity; the program may continue once the zoning variance is obtained. And the program is allowed to continue to the end of the summer.

The City has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of all residents, children in particular. The City would be grossly negligent and remiss in its responsibilities by allowing food distribution of this sort to proceed unmonitored, it’s naïve and ignorant to maintain otherwise.

This is a non-issue, and the thread is a failed and pathetic attempt to vilify government when it is merely carrying out its responsibilities in good faith.

The zoning ordinance requires payment of fees. Or did you miss that point? $1000 buys a lot of food for hungry children, or don't you understand that? She attended all pertinent food-handling classes required? Missed that too, didn't you?
Libs are not satisfied unless their all-wonderful government is doling out the goodies. Private charities and people who have a personal will to do some good should be punished. Always the claims that government only can provide for the common good, denying that private individuals and groups can feed the hungry, house the poor. I guess it would be just terrible to discover that your whole meme is a fiction, that your role is a farce...
Hard to put prepaired ,eals into a Swiss bank account. She could just let the kids into her house and feed them. Word of mouth is already out there. If she had done it on the down low there would have been no hassle.

How horrid of her to be openly public with her charity so that anybody could find out how generous she is.

Has more to do with the variance laws than anything else.

It has nothing to do with variences, stop lying to yourself.
Under pressure from the community, the local leaders agreed to let Prattis finish her mission this summer, but told her she would need a zoning variance to resume the operation next summer.

Thus the OP thread title is a lie, government is in no way ‘killing’ charity; the program may continue once the zoning variance is obtained. And the program is allowed to continue to the end of the summer.

The City has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of all residents, children in particular. The City would be grossly negligent and remiss in its responsibilities by allowing food distribution of this sort to proceed unmonitored, it’s naïve and ignorant to maintain otherwise.

This is a non-issue, and the thread is a failed and pathetic attempt to vilify government when it is merely carrying out its responsibilities in good faith.

The zoning ordinance requires payment of fees. Or did you miss that point? $1000 buys a lot of food for hungry children, or don't you understand that? She attended all pertinent food-handling classes required? Missed that too, didn't you?
Libs are not satisfied unless their all-wonderful government is doling out the goodies. Private charities and people who have a personal will to do some good should be punished. Always the claims that government only can provide for the common good, denying that private individuals and groups can feed the hungry, house the poor. I guess it would be just terrible to discover that your whole meme is a fiction, that your role is a farce...

I am quite sure liberals prefer the program that runs in my neighborhood during the summer, where the elementary school's cafeteria serves breakfast and lunch to poor children. Of course, that requires the expense of running the lights and air-conditioning, the cafeteria workers at the main branch who have to prepare all the meals for all of the places that participate in this program, the local cafeteria workers who get paid to serve the meals, the janitors who have to open, maintain, and close the schools . . .
Yep, it isn't just free enterprise and small business that is being strangled by government intrusion, private charitable efforts are also under attack. Just try to do something to help your neighbor and you might just run afoul of some ridiculous government rule or regulation.

Mom vows to keep feeding needy kids from her driveway despite city crackdown | Fox News

No surprise here, 4 out of the 7 Council members are democrats.
Proof here,
Borough of West Chester, Chester County Pennsylvania
West Chester Borough Democrats
Under pressure from the community, the local leaders agreed to let Prattis finish her mission this summer, but told her she would need a zoning variance to resume the operation next summer.
Thus the OP thread title is a lie, government is in no way ‘killing’ charity; the program may continue once the zoning variance is obtained. And the program is allowed to continue to the end of the summer.

The City has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of all residents, children in particular. The City would be grossly negligent and remiss in its responsibilities by allowing food distribution of this sort to proceed unmonitored, it’s naïve and ignorant to maintain otherwise.

This is a non-issue, and the thread is a failed and pathetic attempt to vilify government when it is merely carrying out its responsibilities in good faith.

Why, exactly, does she need a zoning variance to hand out free sandwiches?

Because government said so!

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