Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office


You pay taxes to educate others because in addition to legally requirements, you benefit by having educated neighbors and living in a country with educated citizens and so our country benefits by having an educated workforce.

There are many places in the world where you can live without having to pay for someone else's education, healthcare, or substituents. No one is forcing you to live here.

Despite rumors to the contrary, there are very few people that go through our school and leave without the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. Everyone has a story like the cashier who couldn't add, the factory work that couldn't find the men's room because he couldn't read the signs. These stories make for fun party talk, but they are far from representative of kids graduated from schools today. If you actually have any interest in our schools, visit a local high school, a science fair, better yet volunteer your time.

You are confused about what I was saying. You didn't pay attention, did you?

I don't mind helping to pay for a community school to provide for basic literacy providing the money is spent efficiently and produces good results. By the way, the filthy ass government never does anything efficiently or produces good results, does it? Especially on the Federal level.

I think I should get my money back if I chose to send my children to private schools. That is called choice and freedom, by the way. The filthy ass government should not have a monopoly on the money I give them for education.

I sure as hell should not be required to pay for somebody else's college through grants or government giveaway programs. That is just another form of welfare, isn't it? We have too much of that already, don't we? That is your responsibility to provide for your college education, not mine. I may chose to particulate in funding a scholarship but we don't need an oppressive government taking our money force and giving it to other people, do we?

You must be consumed with the idea of redistribution of income and wealth. That is despicable.

You pay taxes to educate others because in addition to legally requirements, you benefit by having educated neighbors and living in a country with educated citizens and so our country benefits by having an educated workforce.

There are many places in the world where you can live without having to pay for someone else's education, healthcare, or substituents. No one is forcing you to live here.

Despite rumors to the contrary, there are very few people that go through our school and leave without the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. Everyone has a story like the cashier who couldn't add, the factory work that couldn't find the men's room because he couldn't read the signs. These stories make for fun party talk, but they are far from representative of kids graduated from schools today. If you actually have any interest in our schools, visit a local high school, a science fair, better yet volunteer your time.

You are confused about what I was saying. You didn't pay attention, did you?

I don't mind helping to pay for a community school to provide for basic literacy providing the money is spent efficiently and produces good results. By the way, the filthy ass government never does anything efficiently or produces good results, does it? Especially on the Federal level.

I think I should get my money back if I chose to send my children to private schools. That is called choice and freedom, by the way. The filthy ass government should not have a monopoly on the money I give them for education.

I sure as hell should not be required to pay for somebody else's college through grants or government giveaway programs. That is just another form of welfare, isn't it? We have too much of that already, don't we? That is your responsibility to provide for your college education, not mine. I may chose to particulate in funding a scholarship but we don't need an oppressive government taking our money force and giving it to other people, do we?

You must be consumed with the idea of redistribution of income and wealth. That is despicable.
73% of college students have some form of government aid, scholarships, grants, or loans. Without that aid we would not have most of our doctors, engineers, scientists, and teachers, etc. that we depend on. Aid to education is not welfare, it's an investment in the future of this country. Without it, college and universities would revert back to what they were a hundred years ago, schools for the wealthy.

73% of college students have some form of government aid, scholarships, grants, or loans. Without that aid we would not have most of our doctors, engineers, scientists, and teachers, etc. that we depend on. Aid to education is not welfare, it's an investment in the future of this country. Without it, college and universities would revert back to what they were a hundred years ago, schools for the wealthy.

So your justification is that because there are a lot people on welfare then the welfare should continue? Funny!

I don't need to the government forcing me to pay for some else's college, do you?

Do you have any idea of what the college graduation rates are in this country? Only a small percentage of people that start college finish. Meanwhile, a lot of money is wasted. Government money has really diluted the worth of a college degree by making it a haven for otherwise unmotivated sorry ass idiots to hang out instead of having to get serious about life by the school of hard knocks.

I sure as need don't need the filthy ass government to take my money by force so that some asshole Libtard with a hair up their ass can get a degree in Black Studies, do you? Not only does tha asshole have a worthless degree but I lost the money by the oppressive government making me pay for it. The only people that really benefited were the dumbass Left Wing professors that taught the worthless courses.

You are really confused about education, aren't you?

When you say "we", I'm not sure who you mean. However, the 6 million Pell grant receipts are certainly not included in your "we". 73% of the recipients have a family income of less than $50,000 yr, a grade point avearage 3.0 to 4.0. and an SAT score of 1200 to 1600. Kids from these families would never be able to afford college without those grants. Also, your "we" would certainly not include the 73% of all college students with federal student loans which are funded and administered through the Dept of Education.

I believe almost anything you say about your local schools because there is almost no consistency in schools in the US. Per student funding in a district in New York state is 10 times that of a district in Oklahoma. The top state in student performance in the country, Massachusetts which spends almost twice the amount per student as Louisiana, the worst state. Yet the worst performing school in the country is located in Massachusetts which also has 2 of the top ten best performing schools in the country. The problems is that there is no unified approach to education in the country. The Dept of Education can recommend and offer grants as an inducement to local K-12 but it can not force districts to increase revenue or to adopt curriculum and tech
niques proven to be effective.

Why in the hell should the oppressive government be allowed to take my money by force and then give it away to somebody else to pay for their college? Pell grants are government thievery. The government is stealing my money and giving it to somebody else and that is despicable. I'll pay my own bills and you can pay yours and that includes college.. If you can't afford college then that is your problem not mine. The government should never be in the business of taking money from somebody that earned it and giving it away to somebody else that didn't earn it.

We don't need a unified approach to education. The problem with that is having stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians making the rules for what is unified. The better approach is to concentrate on reading, writing and arithmetic and keeping it on the community level. Keep it out of the hands of the big government assholes.
You pay taxes to educate others because in addition to legally requirements, you benefit by having educated neighbors and living in a country with educated citizens and so our country benefits by having an educated workforce.

There are many places in the world where you can live without having to pay for someone else's education, healthcare, or substituents. No one is forcing you to live here.

They are forcing me to pay for other people's education, however. The old idiocy that no one forces me to liver presumes that government has a right to tell force things on me because I live here. No one has ever made that case or even bothered to try. The federal government doesn't own my property, and does not enjoy ownership rights of any kind to it.

Despite rumors to the contrary, there are very few people that go through our school and leave without the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. Everyone has a story like the cashier who couldn't add, the factory work that couldn't find the men's room because he couldn't read the signs. These stories make for fun party talk, but they are far from representative of kids graduated from schools today. If you actually have any interest in our schools, visit a local high school, a science fair, better yet volunteer your time.

Prove it.

Despite rumors to the contrary, there are very few people that go through our school and leave without the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. Everyone has a story like the cashier who couldn't add, the factory work that couldn't find the men's room because he couldn't read the signs. These stories make for fun party talk, but they are far from representative of kids graduated from schools today. If you actually have any interest in our schools, visit a local high school, a science fair, better yet volunteer your time.

That may be correct for some of the schools in this country but that is not true for many of the big city shithole schools filled with minorities that are functionally illiterate.

In the college courses that I taught for a few years I saw some smart students but I also saw some real dumbasses that never should have been in a college class.

The education system in this country has been dumb downed significantly to accommodate minorities and others that should not even be wasting their time in school.

In most public high schools there are really two systems. One for the academic students and another system for the non academic. The non academic students gets the same degree as the kids in the academic college prep classes but that diploma isn't worth the paper it is written on.

73% of college students have some form of government aid, scholarships, grants, or loans. Without that aid we would not have most of our doctors, engineers, scientists, and teachers, etc. that we depend on. Aid to education is not welfare, it's an investment in the future of this country. Without it, college and universities would revert back to what they were a hundred years ago, schools for the wealthy.

So your justification is that because there are a lot people on welfare then the welfare should continue? Funny!

I don't need to the government forcing me to pay for some else's college, do you?

Do you have any idea of what the college graduation rates are in this country? Only a small percentage of people that start college finish. Meanwhile, a lot of money is wasted. Government money has really diluted the worth of a college degree by making it a haven for otherwise unmotivated sorry ass idiots to hang out instead of having to get serious about life by the school of hard knocks.

I sure as need don't need the filthy ass government to take my money by force so that some asshole Libtard with a hair up their ass can get a degree in Black Studies, do you? Not only does tha asshole have a worthless degree but I lost the money by the oppressive government making me pay for it. The only people that really benefited were the dumbass Left Wing professors that taught the worthless courses.

You are really confused about education, aren't you?
You call government funding of college education welfare. I call it an investment in the future of the country. I don't think we are going to agree about anything.

You call government funding of college education welfare. I call it an investment in the future of the country. I don't think we are going to agree about anything.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

When the filthy ass oppressive government takes my money by force and then gives it to somebody else then that it sure as hell a form of welfare.

I should be responsible to pay for my own college education, not have to be forced to pay for somebody else's, don't you agree?

Why should I have to pay for worthless education like women's studies or Black studies or Medieval Literature studies or any of this non employable college education that shithasses are given Pell grants to get? "Education" where batshit crazy Marxist professors brainwashing students into thinking that the country will be more prosperous with higher taxes, more welfare and more regulations? I should have to pay for that?

Don't you believe in Liberty? I don't have Liberty when the government takes my money by force and then gives it to somebody else, do I? Do you know the word for that? It is called slavery.

By the way, when my sons went to college they were not eligible for any public funds because we made too much money.

How equable is that? The fucking oppressive government took my tax money by force and gave it to the welfare queens and I got nothing for it.

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