Government agencies didn't see the meteor coming?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
This thing wasn't just a space rock. It hit with the magnitude of an atomic bomb and it was only six feet in diameter. The "scientists" didn't see it coming and they didn't even spot the 50 yard long asteroid passing close to the earth which was spotted by a bunch of amateurs last year. Maybe asteroid monitoring is a good job for NASA instead of getting involved in the arcane neo-science of global warming. I wonder if the Russians would have retaliated with a strike on the US during the tense days of the Cold War if this thing hit back then.
Size is most likely the reason it wasn't noticed. The meteor was a lot smaller than the asteroid and other bodies that are tracked. It was about 15 meters in size and was traveling 33,000 miles/hr. To have given people a days notice, astronomers would have had seen it 250,000 miles away from the earth.
Ol' Whitey is one of those wingnuts that doesn't believe in science in any case. We are not going to spot little guys like the one that just hit Russia. They are not the major danger. Once they hit a hundred yards or better in diameter, then you have problems. Those are what we are trying to find and keep track of.
Ol' Whitey is one of those wingnuts that doesn't believe in science in any case. We are not going to spot little guys like the one that just hit Russia. They are not the major danger. Once they hit a hundred yards or better in diameter, then you have problems. Those are what we are trying to find and keep track of.
I'm curious about what we would do about it we found a really big one.
Size is most likely the reason it wasn't noticed. The meteor was a lot smaller than the asteroid and other bodies that are tracked. It was about 15 meters in size and was traveling 33,000 miles/hr. To have given people a days notice, astronomers would have had seen it 250,000 miles away from the earth.

Not true. The reason it wasn't noticed is the same reason the big one that went by yesterday was only found by a diligent amateur astronomer who was looking for something else, space is huge, and we can't look everywhere.
Ol' Whitey is one of those wingnuts that doesn't believe in science in any case. We are not going to spot little guys like the one that just hit Russia. They are not the major danger. Once they hit a hundred yards or better in diameter, then you have problems. Those are what we are trying to find and keep track of.

Your pomposity is making you look dumber every-time you post.

That little rock produced a 600 kiloton air burst. If that had hit Times Square, New York would have been wiped out by the thermal blast, and the entire world economy would collapse overnight. I might not be a self declared science expert, but I am pretty sure that would count as major, even if it is not an extinction level event.
Ol' Whitey is one of those wingnuts that doesn't believe in science in any case. We are not going to spot little guys like the one that just hit Russia. They are not the major danger. Once they hit a hundred yards or better in diameter, then you have problems. Those are what we are trying to find and keep track of.
I'm curious about what we would do about it we found a really big one.

Ol' Whitey is one of those wingnuts that doesn't believe in science in any case. We are not going to spot little guys like the one that just hit Russia. They are not the major danger. Once they hit a hundred yards or better in diameter, then you have problems. Those are what we are trying to find and keep track of.
I'm curious about what we would do about it we found a really big one.

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