Governing with blackmail - again

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
House Republicans To Demand Obamacare Delay In Debt Ceiling Deal

House Republican leadership will seek a one-year delay in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in exchange for lifting the debt ceiling, National Review reported Tuesday.

The strategy was announced by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) during a conference with fellow House Republicans, according to National Review. A Cantor aide, when reached by The Huffington Post, suggested that other changes to Obamacare could be on the negotiating table when it came to the debt ceiling.

First, these jackasses incur debt.
Then, they refuse to pay the debt they incur.

This will fail, of course. Just like it failed the last time.

And, they will probably get our credit downgraded. AGAIN.

And, remember, the credit rating business said they downgraded us because of the asshole Rs.

They only work 125 days a year. Maybe we should give them more time off. It would most certainly be better for the US.
it is called political compromise, BOTH parties do it all the time luddly

obama had a huge hand in the rating decrease, please learn facts luddly

thank you
The Democrats received 48.74% (59,626,252) of the popular vote for the House in 2012.

The Republicans received 47.58% (58,212,650) of the popular vote for the House

Despite receiving 1 413 602 fewer votes than their Democratic counterparts, the GOP
got 53.79% (234) of the 435 seats.

Apparently Republicans see nothing wrong with "redistricting" congressional districts that provided them with 33 more seats with 1.4 million fewer votes.,_2012
Last edited:
The Democrats received 48.74% (59,626,252) of the popular vote for the House

The Republicans received 47.58% (58,212,650) of the popular vote for the House

Despite receiving 1 413 602 fewer votes than their Democratic counterparts, the GOP
got 53.79% (234) of the seats.

Apparently Republicans see nothing wrong with "redistricting" congressional districts and then acting as if they were the voters' choice!

United States House of Representatives elections, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

House Republicans To Demand Obamacare Delay In Debt Ceiling Deal

House Republican leadership will seek a one-year delay in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in exchange for lifting the debt ceiling, National Review reported Tuesday.

The strategy was announced by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) during a conference with fellow House Republicans, according to National Review. A Cantor aide, when reached by The Huffington Post, suggested that other changes to Obamacare could be on the negotiating table when it came to the debt ceiling.

First, these jackasses incur debt.
Then, they refuse to pay the debt they incur.

This will fail, of course. Just like it failed the last time.

And, they will probably get our credit downgraded. AGAIN.

And, remember, the credit rating business said they downgraded us because of the asshole Rs.

They only work 125 days a year. Maybe we should give them more time off. It would most certainly be better for the US.
First, these jackasses incur debt.
You mean like Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat spendthrift who benefitted all Obama's generous donors in the billions of dollars of our tax money, collected through the cooperative IRS which benefitted Demmie one percenters? While Nancy spent America's butts off on quid-pro-quos, Obama was grinning and lying his ass off, too:

[ame=]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]​

And, remember, the credit rating business said they downgraded us because of the asshole Rs.

How dishonest is that? Every time our Congressmen tried to stop Obama's, Nancy's, and Harry's unprecedented luxury spending spree, Obama spewed "racism" from both sides of his mouth. He fomented anger in the African American community over a civil war that was resolved 150 years ago.

The Conspiracy of Obama, Nancy, and Harry to bankrupt America to teach Republicans who's in charge is what contributed the largest to America's credit downgrade.

It's like you're posting from a mental institution, please have them reduce your hallucinogenic agents slightly, if it's not too painful, Luddly.

Thanks for all of us. In the meantime, I am recommending this thread to be committed to Badlands.

Your false charges against good people are very intolerable indignities in the real world, Luddly. Lay off.
The Democrats received 48.74% (59,626,252) of the popular vote for the House in 2012.

The Republicans received 47.58% (58,212,650) of the popular vote for the House

Despite receiving 1 413 602 fewer votes than their Democratic counterparts, the GOP
got 53.79% (234) of the 435 seats.

Apparently Republicans see nothing wrong with "redistricting" congressional districts that provided them with 33 more seats with 1.4 million fewer votes.

United States House of Representatives elections, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If I don't get the debt ceiling increase, grandma's social security check won't be mailed....

Anyone remember the real blackmail that occurs in our government?
The Democrats received 48.74% (59,626,252) of the popular vote for the House in 2012.

The Republicans received 47.58% (58,212,650) of the popular vote for the House

Despite receiving 1 413 602 fewer votes than their Democratic counterparts, the GOP
got 53.79% (234) of the 435 seats.

Apparently Republicans see nothing wrong with "redistricting" congressional districts that provided them with 33 more seats with 1.4 million fewer votes.

United States House of Representatives elections, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Its also wrong.

We do not elect congress by national popular vote.
House Republicans To Demand Obamacare Delay In Debt Ceiling Deal

House Republican leadership will seek a one-year delay in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in exchange for lifting the debt ceiling, National Review reported Tuesday.

The strategy was announced by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) during a conference with fellow House Republicans, according to National Review. A Cantor aide, when reached by The Huffington Post, suggested that other changes to Obamacare could be on the negotiating table when it came to the debt ceiling.
First, these jackasses incur debt.
Then, they refuse to pay the debt they incur.

This will fail, of course. Just like it failed the last time.

And, they will probably get our credit downgraded. AGAIN.

And, remember, the credit rating business said they downgraded us because of the asshole Rs.

They only work 125 days a year. Maybe we should give them more time off. It would most certainly be better for the US.

How about the House Republicans just hand the Senate Democrats a blank checkbook?
Now THAT would send a tingle, wouldn't it?!
Isn't it strange how Liberals want the Republicans to do their bidding instead of the bidding of the people who elected them?
When will the radical left ever stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the government? In their worst days in office republicans never complained about the democrat majority in congress.
Hell, I remember certain Democrats who used to cheer Clinton and his "A stroke of pen and it's law" with his EO's when Republicans had the House and Senate.

But as soon as President Bush was in office, they screamed that EO's were unconstitional when the Democrats had control of the House and Senate.
it is called political compromise, BOTH parties do it all the time luddly

obama had a huge hand in the rating decrease, please learn facts luddly

thank you
Oh come on, Yurt. You know better than to talk logically to a goddamned buffoon!

Obama has already given half of those affected a waiver or an exemption.

If it isn't ready to go for them, it isn't ready for anyone.
Congress and their staff are exempt. Nancy "we'll have to pass the bill to see what's in it" Pelosi is exempt.

We should ALL have the option to OPT OUT!
Hell, I remember certain Democrats who used to cheer Clinton and his "A stroke of pen and it's law" with his EO's when Republicans had the House and Senate.

But as soon as President Bush was in office, they screamed that EO's were unconstitional when the Democrats had control of the House and Senate.

Examples? Cuz I don't remember that.

I remember when Democrats put into place policies that put us on the road to a surplus which Republicans tried to fuck up the last two years of Clinton's presidency. Then when they got the White House, they really hosed the country. I mean really, really hosed the country.
Hell, I remember certain Democrats who used to cheer Clinton and his "A stroke of pen and it's law" with his EO's when Republicans had the House and Senate.

But as soon as President Bush was in office, they screamed that EO's were unconstitional when the Democrats had control of the House and Senate.

Examples? Cuz I don't remember that.

I remember when Democrats put into place policies that put us on the road to a surplus which Republicans tried to fuck up the last two years of Clinton's presidency. Then when they got the White House, they really hosed the country. I mean really, really hosed the country.

I would suggest you Bing Paul Begala.

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