Gotta hand it to the right, they sure can pull a fast one.

fox news is balanced somewhere between rightwingnut and malitia audiance

More proof that the administration was absolutely right in their assertions that Foxnews is NOT a news organization.

Maybe this incident will compel the administration to man up and knock Fox, and the rest of the rightwing propaganda machine, on its ass.

well now say it ain't so.
A leftie calling on the President of ALL PEOPLE of the United States to CENSOR what news outlets they can see and not see.

scratch a liberal find a FASCIST.

Are you a liberal here trying to make conservatives look stupid?
More proof that the administration was absolutely right in their assertions that Foxnews is NOT a news organization.

Maybe this incident will compel the administration to man up and knock Fox, and the rest of the rightwing propaganda machine, on its ass.

well now say it ain't so.
A leftie calling on the President of ALL PEOPLE of the United States to CENSOR what news outlets they can see and not see.

scratch a liberal find a FASCIST.

Are you a liberal here trying to make conservatives look stupid?

LOL, musta hit a nerve.
admit it, you would love to wear brown shirts and jack boots for the Obama administration.:lol:
More proof that the administration was absolutely right in their assertions that Foxnews is NOT a news organization.

Maybe this incident will compel the administration to man up and knock Fox, and the rest of the rightwing propaganda machine, on its ass.

well now say it ain't so.
A leftie calling on the President of ALL PEOPLE of the United States to CENSOR what news outlets they can see and not see.

scratch a liberal find a FASCIST.

Are you a liberal here trying to make conservatives look stupid?

What do you mean, "look" stupid?
fox news is balanced somewhere between rightwingnut and malitia audiance

More proof that the administration was absolutely right in their assertions that Foxnews is NOT a news organization.

Maybe this incident will compel the administration to man up and knock Fox, and the rest of the rightwing propaganda machine, on its ass.

Fox News is, of course, both informative and respectable.

I had a different view of the story until I saw post #14, in this thread...which is dispositive and enlightening.

If Fox showed the official referring to not helping a white as an indication of her being racist, it was also Fox, Glenn Beck Show, that put it in perspective.

The leftwing doctrinaire closed-minded folks, such as yourself, have to ignore the Glenn Beck vid in #14 to keep up the clearly uninformed rant.

With reference to myself, I have always believed that it was both childish and malicious to watch folks getting fired, almost always whites, for saying something which 'offendened' some one or some group.
I know that it would take one of the most potent weapons from the left, but cries of 'racism' are so five minutes ago. There is nothing constructive about the ploy.
This is how the people on the right here treat truth.

This is why the right is destined to lose its ass.

No group can be so deliberately dishonest and win over the American voter.

They cheat in elections , they lie about nearly everything and hate everyone who varies even a little bit from what they already have cemented in their brain cases.

They are killing themselves as a politcal force.
Last edited:
This is how the people on the left here treat truth.

This is why the left is destined to lose its ass.

No group can be so deliberately dishonest and win over the American voter.

They cheat in elections , they lie about nearly everything and hate everyone who varies even a little bit from what they already have cemented in their brain cases.

They are killing themselves as a politcal force.
  • Thanks
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fox news is balanced somewhere between rightwingnut and malitia audiance

More proof that the administration was absolutely right in their assertions that Foxnews is NOT a news organization.

Maybe this incident will compel the administration to man up and knock Fox, and the rest of the rightwing propaganda machine, on its ass.

Fox News is, of course, both informative and respectable.

I had a different view of the story until I saw post #14, in this thread...which is dispositive and enlightening.

If Fox showed the official referring to not helping a white as an indication of her being racist, it was also Fox, Glenn Beck Show, that put it in perspective.

The leftwing doctrinaire closed-minded folks, such as yourself, have to ignore the Glenn Beck vid in #14 to keep up the clearly uninformed rant.

With reference to myself, I have always believed that it was both childish and malicious to watch folks getting fired, almost always whites, for saying something which 'offendened' some one or some group.
I know that it would take one of the most potent weapons from the left, but cries of 'racism' are so five minutes ago. There is nothing constructive about the ploy.

Post 14 was a lie. Why would you find a lie enlightening?
More proof that the administration was absolutely right in their assertions that Foxnews is NOT a news organization.

Maybe this incident will compel the administration to man up and knock Fox, and the rest of the rightwing propaganda machine, on its ass.

Fox News is, of course, both informative and respectable.

I had a different view of the story until I saw post #14, in this thread...which is dispositive and enlightening.

If Fox showed the official referring to not helping a white as an indication of her being racist, it was also Fox, Glenn Beck Show, that put it in perspective.

The leftwing doctrinaire closed-minded folks, such as yourself, have to ignore the Glenn Beck vid in #14 to keep up the clearly uninformed rant.

With reference to myself, I have always believed that it was both childish and malicious to watch folks getting fired, almost always whites, for saying something which 'offendened' some one or some group.
I know that it would take one of the most potent weapons from the left, but cries of 'racism' are so five minutes ago. There is nothing constructive about the ploy.

Post 14 was a lie. Why would you find a lie enlightening?

Meaning that it was not the Glenn Beck Show?

Or, what, then, was the lie?
Fox News is, of course, both informative and respectable.

I had a different view of the story until I saw post #14, in this thread...which is dispositive and enlightening.

If Fox showed the official referring to not helping a white as an indication of her being racist, it was also Fox, Glenn Beck Show, that put it in perspective.

The leftwing doctrinaire closed-minded folks, such as yourself, have to ignore the Glenn Beck vid in #14 to keep up the clearly uninformed rant.

With reference to myself, I have always believed that it was both childish and malicious to watch folks getting fired, almost always whites, for saying something which 'offendened' some one or some group.
I know that it would take one of the most potent weapons from the left, but cries of 'racism' are so five minutes ago. There is nothing constructive about the ploy.

Post 14 was a lie. Why would you find a lie enlightening?

Meaning that it was not the Glenn Beck Show?

Or, what, then, was the lie?

The lie was the poster's claim that Foxnews never ran with this story until after she was fired.
The USDA and the NAACP should have verified the story before they jumped the gun and threw Ms Sherrod under the bus.

They only checked it after they drove that big ass bus over Ms. Sherrod.

Then, Golly Gee, Whoops, they found the story was taken out of context. OOOPPPPSSS.

Now of course its everyones fault but their own.

Always easy to blame others for your ineptitude.

Typical. Jeeze.
Post 14 was a lie. Why would you find a lie enlightening?

Meaning that it was not the Glenn Beck Show?

Or, what, then, was the lie?

The lie was the poster's claim that Foxnews never ran with this story until after she was fired.

C'mon...grow up.

You angry leftists are so quick to throw not only the 'racist' accusation, but the word 'lie'.

Now, here you are challenged to prove the lie charge, and you are unable to do so.

Were I a leftist, I would, of course, accuse you of 'lying' with your charge, as it is clear that the video provided in post #14 is in no way a lie, nor could you misunderstand my post which indicated that the vid was dispositive as to Fox being fair.

So, I'll simply leave you with the brand of immature, angry, sophomoric, spittle-spewing, left wing janissary, infused with the desire to paint opponents with vituperation, rather than banter about the value of each others' ideas.

There, now, isn't that more literate than 'lying racist'...
Meaning that it was not the Glenn Beck Show?

Or, what, then, was the lie?

The lie was the poster's claim that Foxnews never ran with this story until after she was fired.

C'mon...grow up.

You angry leftists are so quick to throw not only the 'racist' accusation, but the word 'lie'.

Now, here you are challenged to prove the lie charge, and you are unable to do so.

Were I a leftist, I would, of course, accuse you of 'lying' with your charge, as it is clear that the video provided in post #14 is in no way a lie, nor could you misunderstand my post which indicated that the vid was dispositive as to Fox being fair.

So, I'll simply leave you with the brand of immature, angry, sophomoric, spittle-spewing, left wing janissary, infused with the desire to paint opponents with vituperation, rather than banter about the value of each others' ideas.

There, now, isn't that more literate than 'lying racist'...

what? you don't believe FOX NEWS?

FOX news says themselves that they REPORTED IT FIRST.

The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after published its initial report on the video, that Sherrod had resigned. - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer
The USDA and the NAACP should have verified the story before they jumped the gun and threw Ms Sherrod under the bus.

They only checked it after they drove that big ass bus over Ms. Sherrod.

Then, Golly Gee, Whoops, they found the story was taken out of context. OOOPPPPSSS.

Now of course its everyones fault but their own.

Always easy to blame others for your ineptitude.

Typical. Jeeze.

There was the problem for the NAACP in that they had just cast out the charge that the Tea Party was 'racist,' and didn't want to be tarred with the same brush...

And the administration had been so thoroughly dinged by exposures of prior vetting errors that that sought to end the episode quickly...Anita Dunn follows Mao, and Van Jones claims to be a communist...

sort of hoist by their own petard, huh?

And the irony is that Glenn Beck outflanks them! He indicated that the official was not behaving in a 'racist' manner.
The USDA and the NAACP should have verified the story before they jumped the gun and threw Ms Sherrod under the bus.

They only checked it after they drove that big ass bus over Ms. Sherrod.

Then, Golly Gee, Whoops, they found the story was taken out of context. OOOPPPPSSS.

Now of course its everyones fault but their own.

Always easy to blame others for your ineptitude.

Typical. Jeeze.

HMMMM , I cant help but notice you left out Fox news, they dont have to verify the "news" they put on the air?
The lie was the poster's claim that Foxnews never ran with this story until after she was fired.

C'mon...grow up.

You angry leftists are so quick to throw not only the 'racist' accusation, but the word 'lie'.

Now, here you are challenged to prove the lie charge, and you are unable to do so.

Were I a leftist, I would, of course, accuse you of 'lying' with your charge, as it is clear that the video provided in post #14 is in no way a lie, nor could you misunderstand my post which indicated that the vid was dispositive as to Fox being fair.

So, I'll simply leave you with the brand of immature, angry, sophomoric, spittle-spewing, left wing janissary, infused with the desire to paint opponents with vituperation, rather than banter about the value of each others' ideas.

There, now, isn't that more literate than 'lying racist'...

what? you don't believe FOX NEWS?

FOX news says themselves that they REPORTED IT FIRST.

The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after published its initial report on the video, that Sherrod had resigned. - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Try to read the entire thread before post, as it will make you appear less silly.

The point here was not whether or not Fox News went with the story, but, that, in a fair and balanced manner, the Glenn Beck Show put the story in its correct context.

Note post #14 above.
Shirley Sherrod, we now know that her video was edited, yet it was played on Fox again and again. And when poor Shirley was forced to resign, Fox comes out with a report, just tonight, that Obama threw an "innocent" woman under the bus. Now, Fox says she's innocent. Only now.

Except, you have zero evidence that Fox even played the clip until after the Administration forced her to resign over it. In fact, watching Fox will tell you the exact opposite of what you are claiming.

YouTube - July 20, 2010[/url

Of course, you will continue to pretend Fox has been attacking her all along. But the fact is, you idiots fired her before anyone knew about the story.

Bill O'Reilly did this story on MONDAY.

Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod was caught on tape saying how difficult it was for her to provide assistance to a white farmer. The Factor's Check: "That is simply unacceptable.

[url=]Bill O'Reilly: The O'Reilly Factor Flash - Monday, July 19, 2010

When was she fired??

According to her, Monday afternoon before Glenn Beck came on.
This is how the people on the right here treat truth.

This is why the right is destined to lose its ass.

No group can be so deliberately dishonest and win over the American voter.

They cheat in elections , they lie about nearly everything and hate everyone who varies even a little bit from what they already have cemented in their brain cases.

They are killing themselves as a politcal force.

I don't know about that. You lie through your teeth and still get votes.
Meaning that it was not the Glenn Beck Show?

Or, what, then, was the lie?

The lie was the poster's claim that Foxnews never ran with this story until after she was fired.

C'mon...grow up.

You angry leftists are so quick to throw not only the 'racist' accusation, but the word 'lie'.

Now, here you are challenged to prove the lie charge, and you are unable to do so.

Were I a leftist, I would, of course, accuse you of 'lying' with your charge, as it is clear that the video provided in post #14 is in no way a lie, nor could you misunderstand my post which indicated that the vid was dispositive as to Fox being fair.

So, I'll simply leave you with the brand of immature, angry, sophomoric, spittle-spewing, left wing janissary, infused with the desire to paint opponents with vituperation, rather than banter about the value of each others' ideas.

There, now, isn't that more literate than 'lying racist'...

Since Foxnews has admitted running the story before the announcement of the resignation,

you are wrong.

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