Gorsuch Is The Majority Vote


Sep 23, 2010
To hell with the High Court’s Right/Left balance. All is well again. Neil Gorsuch restored Harvard’s majority. He joins Roberts, Kagan, Kennedy, and Breyer.

Where is Doctor Strangelove when you need him?

Journalism schools, film schools, etc., get tax dollars, too, and you see what they have produced. Worse still are schools for government; they are nothing but Socialist seminaries. Whenever I think of them I think of the plots in two 1964 movies; Failsafe and Dr. Strangelove. Both movies promote the Left’s favorite line of crapola. In both pictures a nuclear bomb is accidentally dropped on the USSR. In a show of good faith the American president makes a deal. The Soviets can bomb one American city in order to avert an all-out nuclear war.

My suggestion is to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s leader he can bomb Harvard to even the score.​

Bombing Harvard “Accidentally”

This one goes in the Who Gives A Shit fie:


Harvard to change historic anthem to be more inclusive
To hell with the High Court’s Right/Left balance. All is well again. Neil Gorsuch restored Harvard’s majority. He joins Roberts, Kagan, Kennedy, and Breyer.

Where is Doctor Strangelove when you need him?

Journalism schools, film schools, etc., get tax dollars, too, and you see what they have produced. Worse still are schools for government; they are nothing but Socialist seminaries. Whenever I think of them I think of the plots in two 1964 movies; Failsafe and Dr. Strangelove. Both movies promote the Left’s favorite line of crapola. In both pictures a nuclear bomb is accidentally dropped on the USSR. In a show of good faith the American president makes a deal. The Soviets can bomb one American city in order to avert an all-out nuclear war.

My suggestion is to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s leader he can bomb Harvard to even the score.​

Bombing Harvard “Accidentally”

This one goes in the Who Gives A Shit fie:


Harvard to change historic anthem to be more inclusive

At least he can't be worse than Scalia
We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion,
To Wry Catcher: But not with wisdom.

Harvard’s negative influence over the law is without question.

http://www.hms.harvard.edu/md_phd/downloads/2016 Spring Book Cover.jpg

Nobody ever questions Harvard’s murderous influence over medical. This marriage between law and medical is one of the nation’s under-reported tragedies:

The number of innocent human beings killed with kindness does not compare to the fifty-five-million-plus abortions in this country alone, while brain dead codified murder on a grand scale.

NOTE: “Brain dead” preceded Roe v. Wade by five years; so it is not far-fetched to say that the Democrat party’s culture of death was legitimated in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was Harvard thinking that replaced coma with “brain dead.”​

An ad hoc committee at Harvard Medical School published a pivotal 1968 report to define irreversible coma. The Harvard criteria gradually gained consensus toward what is now known as brain death. In the wake of the 1976 Karen Ann Quinlan controversy, state legislatures in the United States moved to accept brain death as an acceptable indication of death. Finally, a presidential commission issued a landmark 1981 report – Defining Death: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues in the Determination of Death – that rejected the "higher brain" approach [clarification needed] to death in favor of a "whole brain" definition. This report was the basis for the Uniform Determination of Death Act, which is now the law in almost all fifty states. Today, both the legal and medical communities in the US use "brain death" as a legal definition of death, allowing a person to be declared legally dead even if life support equipment keeps the body's metabolic processes working.

Brain death - Wikipedia

Bottom line: Kill someone in a coma and you run the risk of being convicted of murder. Murder someone who is legally defined as brain dead and you get away with it. The same process to decriminalize infanticide reduced babies to fetuses.​

The Parable Of The Rectum

The philosophy Harvard hides in the subjects it teaches is infinitely more destructive than activist judges and medical homicide.

Bottom line: A million compassionate doctors and lawyers cannot protect society against one serial killer with a license and cultural mores.

At least he can't be worse than Scalia
To TheOldSchool. Scalia was one of the few good ones from Harvard.
To hell with the High Court’s Right/Left balance. All is well again. Neil Gorsuch restored Harvard’s majority. He joins Roberts, Kagan, Kennedy, and Breyer.

Where is Doctor Strangelove when you need him?

My suggestion is to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s leader he can bomb Harvard to even the score.​

Bombing Harvard “Accidentally”

This one goes in the Who Gives A Shit fie:


Harvard to change historic anthem to be more inclusive

Poison the Ivy

Fine with me, because the Right Wing leaders you dupes bootlick also are indoctrinated at Harvard. Taking sides on which twin of the guillotine-fodder aristocracy you will worship is political suicide.
Gorsuch would be well to remember he was confirmed by the nuclear option. He should of, if he was of moral character , stepped down.

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