Gop would bar poor from health care altogether

Shouldn't matter how little money you have, everyone should be entitled to healthcare, and they shouldn't have to worry about a bill to pay at the end of it, either.


At what cost to the taxpayer, dare I ask? Why should they pay their bills?

At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.
Yes, if done right, we all could benefit instead of a smaller amount benefitting while others suffer. Isn't this what we all want ? It's what I want, and what others should all want as well.. Now is Obama the one who is trying to give this to America ? Very Highly debatable, and I think he has failed us because he is to agenda oriented for specific causes, and that has been his akilies heel (I think) as the President.

At what cost to the taxpayer, dare I ask? Why should they pay their bills?

At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.

At very little cost to the taxpayer? Have you actually paid attention to the budget deficit, federal debt, and the growth rate of entitlement spending?

Again, at little cost. It won't cost you thousands of dollars each year. That's just paranoid thinking.

At what cost to the taxpayer, dare I ask? Why should they pay their bills?

At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.

At very little cost to the taxpayer? Have you actually paid attention to the budget deficit, federal debt, and the growth rate of entitlement spending?
I was listening to Hannity or one of them fellers the other day, and he had someone that had a plan to pay the debt off in five years, and balance the budget also with a penny tax. It was a very simple and easy plan that would work, and Hannity said so why don't we do it, and I think he replied about certain things that were standing in the way. There are plans to fix all these things, but the rhetoric and war just keeps going on and on.
Plasma screen TV's cost upwards of 1000 bucks or more, XBoxes probably around 200 or so... if you're genuinely poor, you wouldn't be able to afford any of those things. We have a strange definition of "poor" nowadays.

Took me a few moments to find a Plasma screen TV for sale at a local electronics store for $298. 32 inch screen. Thousand dollars? Maybe ten years ago. Not now.
man oh man, a fast food worker knows all about how much it will cost us taxpayers for Socialist health care that they feel they are ENTITLED too...
man oh man, a fast food worker knows all about how much it will cost us taxpayers for Socialist health care that they feel they are ENTITLED too...

I live in a country with 'socialised' medicine, so I kind of know what its like, you dumb bitch.
Sooo...If I hire an ambulance chasing tort lawyer to sue my insurance company for not paying my medical bills ... Can Obama be listed as a defendant?
man oh man, a fast food worker knows all about how much it will cost us taxpayers for Socialist health care that they feel they are ENTITLED too...

I live in a country with 'socialised' medicine, so I kind of know what its like, you dumb bitch.

so that's make you an expert?

Everyone pays for your health care so you can go out buy a new 32 inch t.v...

I hope you thank the people every now and then at least
man oh man, a fast food worker knows all about how much it will cost us taxpayers for Socialist health care that they feel they are ENTITLED too...

I live in a country with 'socialised' medicine, so I kind of know what its like, you dumb bitch.

so that's make you an expert?

Everyone pays for your health care so you can go out buy a new 32 inch t.v...

I hope you thank the people every now and then at least

I pay taxes, and part of my taxes go towards paying for some complete strangers healthcare.

Why should I object to that?
At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.

At very little cost to the taxpayer? Have you actually paid attention to the budget deficit, federal debt, and the growth rate of entitlement spending?

Again, at little cost. It won't cost you thousands of dollars each year. That's just paranoid thinking.

"little cost"..? any cost if a taxpayer is paying for it is all that counts. It all adds up.

I have no issue helping put food on the table or helping someone get by when they are out of work, but I should not be responsible for supplying $$ so they can watch HI Def. TV and their entertainment.
I don't have a problem with people watching HD TV or playing X-box etc. because they may have had these things before they ended up in the unemployment lines. I would only hope that we could help people before they become wards of the state, or become wrought with depression and feelings of worthlessness and emptiness. I wouldn't want to mistreat children just because their parents are not doing well, because that is exactly what happened to me as a boy growing up.

I was on the free lunch program at school for example, and we had what was called free lunch tokens that were to be presented at the lunch room or cafeteria in order to get the free meal. Now here is how that went for all those who like to sling it around here. First thing the teacher would make sure that everyone knew who the students were that was on the free lunch program. We all had to go up to the front of the class to pick up our octagon shaped tokens in order to later present them to the cafeteria for our meal. We instantly got looked down upon by the other kids in all of this. Then when we went to the cafeteria, we had to be placed in the line separate from the ones who their parents paid with cash. It was another embarrassing moment for all to take notice of. I had to wear second hand clothes purchased at a thrift shop, while the other kids wore the newest styles also. What was I to do, we were poor, and that was all there was to it.

It just all falls back upon the management of these programs, and to how much abuse there is in them, so look at that aspect of it, and quit speaking about what poor kids have and what they shouldn't have in their lives. It makes you look as a bunch of heartless idiots when you people talk in the ways that you do.
Shouldn't matter how little money you have, everyone should be entitled to healthcare, and they shouldn't have to worry about a bill to pay at the end of it, either.

OK noomi lets go for the ideal.
How about requiring that anyone who
Wants the public funds to pay for health care
* agrees not to commit any premeditated crimes that othetwise cost public resources that could pay for health care instead
And agrees to pay the costs if convicted of a premeditated crime
Including prosecution incarcertion and damages
* agrees to go through spiritual healing to diagnose and correct all sources of possible liability to mental and physical health, since 80-85 % of illnesses
Are caused directly or indirectly by unforgiven issues or conflicts
* agrees to work for credits to apply toward costs in the event these exceed the finances of the person incurring those costs

Do you agree to any of these measures to save public
Resources so we could pay for everyones

How about
* all parties agree to reclaim credits or reimbursemments back to taxpayers for all corporate frud, govt abuse or criminalviolations
* these funds or credits are invrsting in building teaching hospitls
And medical school programs to train ppl while serving in public health nd social services

Wouldnt that work better to.cover more of the population
By promoting fiscal accountability where we do think about the costs.

At what cost to the taxpayer, dare I ask? Why should they pay their bills?

At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.

Nonsense. You have no clue how much it would cost the average taxpayer. I do. Entitlements cost the taxpayers roughly $2.2 trillion in 2010 alone.

Where is obamas vision of microlending.
Couldnt welfare handouts be replaced with loans
Or require guardianship by someone who cn take
Fiscal and legal respoinsibility for paying back loans.

Also what about military and war spending,
How big is that budget. Why is only a tiny %
Paying for vet care if we put them in combat
That costs their health and ability to and housing.

Why cant we collect back credits for taxes lost on
Vet fraud, corporate corruption of govt contracts, etc.
How many billions are taxpayers owed for abuses
Of our taxdollars. Couldnt we demand credits for
Thst and use that money to set up sustainable
Programs where public money is lent and paid back
Instead of corporate welfare or socialwelfare handouts.
Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.
● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.
● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.
● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.


Tell me again why these types of people need Welfare?

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

If I was living alone, I would have almost all of those things, yet I would come under the line to qualify for government assistance.

No one needs an X Box, though. No matter if you have kids. And plasma screen TV's are very common - and as cheap as the regular, old TV's.

Plasma screen TV's cost upwards of 1000 bucks or more, XBoxes probably around 200 or so... if you're genuinely poor, you wouldn't be able to afford any of those things. We have a strange definition of "poor" nowadays.

I don't know how jobless people are able to troll the internet, and play terrible games such as Diablo 3. America's culture truly is destroyed, as it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no recourse for America, when people, instead of obtaining a job by any means necessary, instead choose to act as a parasite.
Gee, coming from a party who pushed through a law that made it harder for the poor to get healthcare due to rising premiums, AND stripped 6.3 million people of their insurance?

Not exactly a stellar track record there, my friend.

Oh, and this concept isn't new. Hillary was doing the same thing with her stab at universal healthcare. First it was Hillarycare, and that same lie pops up. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period" (if not in those exact words).

You’ll pick the health plan and the doctor of your choice. ... It’s one thing to say we’ll preserve your option to pick the doctor of your choice (recognizing this will cost more), it’s quite another to appear to promise the nation that everyone will get to pick the doctor of his or her choice. And that’s exactly what this line does. I am very worried about getting skewered for over-promising here on something we know full well we won’t deliver.



No. That did not end the thread, Nancy. You did not even address the subject of the OP. Want to try again?
Nope. You completely dodged my point. Your title was all I needed to see to know how full of crap you are. Your party beat everyone to the punch!


What point?

You are floating a fairy tale.

And it's been explained to you over and over again.

No it hasn't. You're the one floating the fairytales. Now, address my original point, or admit defeat.

You have yet to address the OP. Please do so before claiming victory.
Uh... What?
You have got be able to understand this right ? Do you think a person is undignified for getting any type of assistance if needed ?

It actually isn't clear to me what you were saying. Dependency is inherently undignified. I have no interest in "shaming" people in need, but it's something most people hope to avoid. People in favor of controlling health care with government seem intent on putting all of us in that boat.

Bullshit. Just so much bullshit.
If I was living alone, I would have almost all of those things, yet I would come under the line to qualify for government assistance.

No one needs an X Box, though. No matter if you have kids. And plasma screen TV's are very common - and as cheap as the regular, old TV's.

Plasma screen TV's cost upwards of 1000 bucks or more, XBoxes probably around 200 or so... if you're genuinely poor, you wouldn't be able to afford any of those things. We have a strange definition of "poor" nowadays.

I don't know how jobless people are able to troll the internet, and play terrible games such as Diablo 3. America's culture truly is destroyed, as it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no recourse for America, when people, instead of obtaining a job by any means necessary, instead choose to act as a parasite.
Be careful, because it's easier than you think to becoming a parasite in your life. All it takes is for some things to line up, and BAM your a parasite or people would call you one, even though they may not know your situation.
Plasma screen TV's cost upwards of 1000 bucks or more, XBoxes probably around 200 or so... if you're genuinely poor, you wouldn't be able to afford any of those things. We have a strange definition of "poor" nowadays.

I don't know how jobless people are able to troll the internet, and play terrible games such as Diablo 3. America's culture truly is destroyed, as it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no recourse for America, when people, instead of obtaining a job by any means necessary, instead choose to act as a parasite.
Be careful, because it's easier than you think to becoming a parasite in your life. All it takes is for some things to line up, and BAM your a parasite or people would call you one, even though they may not know your situation.

The poster was being careful. He carefully put TK's fat, hypocritical ass right back in it's place.

Yo TK! Does your home have A/C?
Uh... What?
You have got be able to understand this right ? Do you think a person is undignified for getting any type of assistance if needed ?

It actually isn't clear to me what you were saying. Dependency is inherently undignified. I have no interest in "shaming" people in need, but it's something most people hope to avoid. People in favor of controlling health care with government seem intent on putting all of us in that boat.


No one is seeking to ‘control health care with government,’ the notion is idiocy.

A single payer system, expanding Medicare for all, simply provides Americans access to affordable healthcare. Those who wish to do so may forego Medicare and purchase their own health insurance from a private company, or pay out of pocket if they wish.

In fact, Medicare for all would allow health insurance companies to return to selling health insurance, not health maintenance. Health insurance companies could also return to being run like a business, not a de facto government agency, where they would be at liberty to reject applications, reject pre-existing conditions, refuse to pay for services, and tailor their products to maximize profit.

Again, the issue is health maintenance, not health insurance – they are not the same thing, where government would do a better job with the former, and the private sector the latter.

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