Gop would bar poor from health care altogether

so it's back to insurance companies are the villains...and I guess we are suppose to believe NO one will die again because of Obama and ObamaCare...

All hail Obama
Until you can counter these arguments properly, then you might as well not add your two cents worth, because it stumps you as shown in your counter comments, and we all see it.

Which "arguments"? I, for one, have a hard time reconciling complaints about the insurance industry from supporters of ACA, which serves us up to the insurance companies as captive customers.
Explain this a little more maybe, and then I can maybe jump in on what you are speaking about in this.

I am not the smartest one here, nor do I claim to be, but I do have a righteous common sense bone in me body, and if something is explained in lamense terms, I can apply that common sense or righteousness to the issues in a fair and common sense way. Thanks
Sooo ... Cynthia Tucker has a completely disjointed and unconnected spasm of irrational thought.

Like this is news?

It isn't?

Well it's here too.

Nathan Deal: Tighten access to hospital emergency rooms - The Newnan Times-Herald

You are still all over the map on this one. What exactly is the issue? I see a conflation of issues of both health care, and health insurance, at both Federal and State levels....ACA, Medicaid ,Medicaid expansion, emergency room care... Can you be specific? Just spit it out before you choke on it.

(rhetorical Heimlich maneuver)
Until you can counter these arguments properly, then you might as well not add your two cents worth, because it stumps you as shown in your counter comments, and we all see it.

Which "arguments"? I, for one, have a hard time reconciling complaints about the insurance industry from supporters of ACA, which serves us up to the insurance companies as captive customers.
Explain this a little more maybe, and then I can maybe jump in on what you are speaking about in this.

I am not the smartest one here, nor do I claim to be, but I do have a righteous common sense bone in me body, and if something is explained in lamense terms, I can apply that common sense or righteousness to the issues in a fair and common sense way. Thanks

In my view, ACA is huge gift to the insurance industry. It's really hard to stomach comments like Luddlie's, which attempt to justify it on the grounds that insurance companies were fucking people. ACA doesn't prevent people getting fucked. It pins them down so they can't get away.
Shouldn't matter how little money you have, everyone should be entitled to healthcare, and they shouldn't have to worry about a bill to pay at the end of it, either.
Which "arguments"? I, for one, have a hard time reconciling complaints about the insurance industry from supporters of ACA, which serves us up to the insurance companies as captive customers.
Explain this a little more maybe, and then I can maybe jump in on what you are speaking about in this.

I am not the smartest one here, nor do I claim to be, but I do have a righteous common sense bone in me body, and if something is explained in lamense terms, I can apply that common sense or righteousness to the issues in a fair and common sense way. Thanks

In my view, ACA is huge gift to the insurance industry. It's really hard to stomach comments like Luddlie's, which attempt to justify it on the grounds that insurance companies were fucking people. ACA doesn't prevent people getting fucked. It pins them down so they can't get away.
Yes, there were motives in it all, and now we have to pick apart those motives before it's to late.

We still need a plan that is a good one for all.
It should be if you can't help it, and you need the assistance, but if you are a cheat then who is the creep (not the welfare system that is there to help), but instead you are.

Uh... What?
You have got be able to understand this right ? Do you think a person is undignified for getting any type of assistance if needed ?

It actually isn't clear to me what you were saying. Dependency is inherently undignified. I have no interest in "shaming" people in need, but it's something most people hope to avoid. People in favor of controlling health care with government seem intent on putting all of us in that boat.
It should be if you can't help it, and you need the assistance, but if you are a cheat then who is the creep (not the welfare system that is there to help), but instead you are.

Uh... What?
You have got be able to understand this right ? Do you think a person is undignified for getting any type of assistance if needed ?

We are talking about adults of working age right? What is supposed to be dignifying about having to be taken care of by other adults? While i'm sure one could come up with a scenario or two... the bulk of people on welfare are just being lazy.
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We are talking about adults of working age right? What is supposed to be dignifying about having to be taken care of by other adults? While i'm sure one could come up with a scenario or two... the bulk of people on welfare are just being lazy.

Please provide evidence to prove your assertion.
Shouldn't matter how little money you have, everyone should be entitled to healthcare, and they shouldn't have to worry about a bill to pay at the end of it, either.
I disagree with the not having to pay anything maybe, but only that we have a bill that is righteous and affordable once everything else has kicked in. If insurance and taxes can't handle the whole thing/system, then some charges should apply to those who can afford to pay something (me included), but not as profits beyond and above the total cost of the entire health care system. Paychecks, benefits, as well as incentive bonuses can still be good, but it needs to be done right. A fund should be set aside for research & developement, and the science of medicines and cures also.

We are living in a nation where lottery winners are walking away with enough money to start a hospital on their own. Hey, just a little perspective as to the way this nation thinks about other things, but yet it cringes about health care and human beings in need of health care.
Uh... What?
You have got be able to understand this right ? Do you think a person is undignified for getting any type of assistance if needed ?

It actually isn't clear to me what you were saying. Dependency is inherently undignified. I have no interest in "shaming" people in need, but it's something most people hope to avoid. People in favor of controlling health care with government seem intent on putting all of us in that boat.
Yes, and we should be on the look out for that for sure.
We are talking about adults of working age right? What is supposed to be dignifying about having to be taken care of by other adults? While i'm sure one could come up with a scenario or two... the bulk of people on welfare are just being lazy.

Please provide evidence to prove your assertion.

Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.
● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.
● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.
● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.


Tell me again why these types of people need Welfare?

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox
Shouldn't matter how little money you have, everyone should be entitled to healthcare, and they shouldn't have to worry about a bill to pay at the end of it, either.


At what cost to the taxpayer, dare I ask? Why should they pay their bills?

At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.
Shouldn't matter how little money you have, everyone should be entitled to healthcare, and they shouldn't have to worry about a bill to pay at the end of it, either.


At what cost to the taxpayer, dare I ask? Why should they pay their bills?

At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.

At very little cost to the taxpayer? Have you actually paid attention to the budget deficit, federal debt, and the growth rate of entitlement spending?
No worries, dude!

The ACA will have everyone insured in no time at all.

Nothing to worry about, everyone will be taken care of in the ER.


Did you read the article?


yes I did and that "article" is a POS.

yahoo should be sued for letting the author publish, here try this one;

Georgia's Deal: Tighten ER access | MSNBC

and as far as obamacare weaning folks off the ER;

But the best evidence has never really supported the hope that the law would reduce emergency room usage. That’s because much of the law’s expanded coverage comes via Medicaid, the jointly run federal-state program for the low income and disabled. And Medicaid beneficiaries tend to visit the emergency room more often than the uninsured.

A new study of Medicaid beneficiaries in Oregon makes a strong version of this case. The study, published today in the journal Science, finds that adult Medicaid beneficiaries rely on emergency rooms about 40 percent more than similar uninsured adults.

"When you cover the uninsured, emergency room use goes up by a large magnitude," said Amy Finkelstein, a health economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who served as a lead investigator on the study, in an MIT press statement accompanying the study.

There were no exceptions to the trend. "In no case were we able to find any subpopulations, or type of conditions, for which Medicaid caused a significant decrease in emergency department use," said Finkelstein.

No, Obamacare Won?t Reduce Emergency Room Usage - Hit & Run :
We are talking about adults of working age right? What is supposed to be dignifying about having to be taken care of by other adults? While i'm sure one could come up with a scenario or two... the bulk of people on welfare are just being lazy.

Please provide evidence to prove your assertion.

Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.
● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.
● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.
● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.


Tell me again why these types of people need Welfare?

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

If I was living alone, I would have almost all of those things, yet I would come under the line to qualify for government assistance.

No one needs an X Box, though. No matter if you have kids. And plasma screen TV's are very common - and as cheap as the regular, old TV's.
Shouldn't matter how little money you have, everyone should be entitled to healthcare, and they shouldn't have to worry about a bill to pay at the end of it, either.


At what cost to the taxpayer, dare I ask? Why should they pay their bills?

At very little cost to the taxpayer. It would work out that you'd be lucky to pay an extra $5 in taxes each year.

Nonsense. You have no clue how much it would cost the average taxpayer. I do. Entitlements cost the taxpayers roughly $2.2 trillion in 2010 alone.
Please provide evidence to prove your assertion.

Data from the Department of Energy and other agencies show that the average poor family, as defined by Census officials:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.
● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.
● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.
● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.


Tell me again why these types of people need Welfare?

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

If I was living alone, I would have almost all of those things, yet I would come under the line to qualify for government assistance.

No one needs an X Box, though. No matter if you have kids. And plasma screen TV's are very common - and as cheap as the regular, old TV's.

Plasma screen TV's cost upwards of 1000 bucks or more, XBoxes probably around 200 or so... if you're genuinely poor, you wouldn't be able to afford any of those things. We have a strange definition of "poor" nowadays.

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