GOP will paralyze Senate floor with reading of 1,924-page spending bill


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Republicans will paralyze the Senate floor for 50 hours by forcing clerks to read every single paragraph of the 1,924-page, $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill.

Senate clerks are expected to read the massive bill in rotating shifts around the clock — taking breaks to drink water and pop throat lozenges — to keep legislative business on track, according to a Democratic leadership aide.

GOP will paralyze Senate floor with reading of 1,924-page spending bill -

Read every single solitary word of it. I don't care if it takes until Jan. 4th. Stay there and read it. Every word.
Anything to stop the suicide bomber Dems from blowing up the deficit even more.
GOP senators will vote against spending bill over earmarks -- theirs and others'

"Two prominent Republicans vowed Wednesday to vote against the $1.1 trillion spending bill, citing concerns over pork-laden pet projects, although millions of dollars of earmarks in the bill were requested by the two senators.
Sen. John Cornyn of Texas has requested 54 earmarks worth more than $170 million and Sen. John Thune of South Dakota has made 43 requests totaling more than $165 million, according to an analysis by Taxpayers Against Earmarks, Taxpayers for Common Sense and, which collected data from disclosures on Congressional websites.
When asked by Fox News to explain his earmarks, Cornyn said Wednesday, "I believe I can. But I'm not going to, because I'm going to vote against this bill. ... So I am for voting this bill down, even though it could arguably help some of my constituents."
ABC's Jonathan Karl asked Cornyn at a press conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, "How do you have any credibility on this?" Cornyn replied, "because we're going to vote against the bill. ... This is the wrong way to do business."

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is known for sending millions of dollars to his home state of Kentucky.
In the current spending bill, some of his earmarks include: $18 million for a Fort Knox railhead upgrade for the military, $2.5 million for health facilities at Western Kentucky University and $3 million to widen a road at Fort Campbell.
See a map of states with the highest earmarks
McConnell put in for those earmarks and then changed his mind on the bill. On Tuesday he said that it doesn't matter if they're in the bill because he is going to fight hard against the spending bill."

GOP senators will vote against spending bill over earmarks -- theirs and others' -

so the GOP puts hundreds of millions of pork in the bill, but then all of a sudden condemns it because of the pork?
and these are the people you want to trust with government? :cuckoo:

even your beloved fox news called them out and they didnt have an answer.
Well at least it would mean some one had read this bill.Maybe it will give us an idea of what's in the thing before it's passed..Right Nancy?
Well at least it would mean some one had read this bill.Maybe it will give us an idea of what's in the thing before it's passed..Right Nancy?

i think it should be either the senator or the representatives responsibility to read every and understand every piece of legislation before voting on it.

how can you make an objective decision without doing so? if they arent doing their civic responsibility then why are they still there?
I think All Bills should be read in full on the floor of both Houses during prime time viewing hours before any votes.
Well at least it would mean some one had read this bill.Maybe it will give us an idea of what's in the thing before it's passed..Right Nancy?

i think it should be either the senator or the representatives responsibility to read every and understand every piece of legislation before voting on it.

how can you make an objective decision without doing so? if they arent doing their civic responsibility then why are they still there?

Which is a big reason I stopped voting for incumbents.
Simply more evidence the GOP has devolved into a new and dangerous form of anarchy.
Mindful of the lad who denied the opportunity to play quarterback,n the immature and selfish child takes his ball and goes home.
The New Right, Arrogant, Bigoted, Callous and always disgusting.
Simply more evidence the GOP has devolved into a new and dangerous form of anarchy.
Mindful of the lad who denied the opportunity to play quarterback,n the immature and selfish child takes his ball and goes home.
The New Right, Arrogant, Bigoted, Callous and always disgusting.

Durn their hides, far better that this thing be passed unquestioningly, sans debate.
Simply more evidence the GOP has devolved into a new and dangerous form of anarchy.
Mindful of the lad who denied the opportunity to play quarterback,n the immature and selfish child takes his ball and goes home.
The New Right, Arrogant, Bigoted, Callous and always disgusting.

No Wry, the Dem congress had a full year to do these simple spending bills, 12 of them. they are 3 months late and now want the lame duck session to cram them all together without anyone reading what they are voting for. That is what the American people voted against last month. Yet the entire left tries to deny that.
Simply more evidence the GOP has devolved into a new and dangerous form of anarchy.
Mindful of the lad who denied the opportunity to play quarterback,n the immature and selfish child takes his ball and goes home.
The New Right, Arrogant, Bigoted, Callous and always disgusting.

Oh. So that's the new Big Brother Meme: Actually reading a bill before voting on it is Anarchy.

And up is down.
And black is white.
And we should all walk up the down escalator.
Republicans will paralyze the Senate floor for 50 hours by forcing clerks to read every single paragraph of the 1,924-page, $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill.

Senate clerks are expected to read the massive bill in rotating shifts around the clock — taking breaks to drink water and pop throat lozenges — to keep legislative business on track, according to a Democratic leadership aide.

GOP will paralyze Senate floor with reading of 1,924-page spending bill -

They should do it this weekend. Saturday and Sunday, all day and night.

Read every single solitary word of it. I don't care if it takes until Jan. 4th. Stay there and read it. Every word.

They should do it this weekend. Saturday and Sunday, all day and night.
No. They should do it during regular waking hours so that the Public can watch and hear the reading.

Enough of this "you can find out whati's in it after it is passed" nonsense.
Simply more evidence the GOP has devolved into a new and dangerous form of anarchy.
Mindful of the lad who denied the opportunity to play quarterback,n the immature and selfish child takes his ball and goes home.
The New Right, Arrogant, Bigoted, Callous and always disgusting.

No Wry, the Dem congress had a full year to do these simple spending bills, 12 of them. they are 3 months late and now want the lame duck session to cram them all together without anyone reading what they are voting for. That is what the American people voted against last month. Yet the entire left tries to deny that.

i wish everyone would quit using the phrase "the american people". as always many incumbent democrats held on to their senate or house seats. the ones who got voted out on both sides most likely deserved to. different parts of the country have different ideological values. california is liberal. kentucky is conservative. thats just the way it is. but please stop using the argument of "the american people." its simply untrue, the only thing the american people can agree upon is the congress sucks ass right now (13% approval rating). the country is nearly split on the president (45% approve 47% dont)
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we will always be a country divided on many issues. if you look at a lot of the issues congress still doesnt listen the "american people"

tax cuts for the wealthy - polls show american 2 to 1 wanted to see the cuts for the wealthy expire. but the GOP wants to keep them in place

S.T.A.R.T. - 51% want it approved, 30% do not and 19% dont care. but the GOP again doesnt even want to begin debate

D.A.D.T. - 67% of people want to see DADT repealed, but again the GOP is holding this up (specifically John McCain)

these are just a few examples. if the GOP really wanted to do what the american people wanted, all of these things would have been done and passed.
Simply more evidence the GOP has devolved into a new and dangerous form of anarchy.
Mindful of the lad who denied the opportunity to play quarterback,n the immature and selfish child takes his ball and goes home.
The New Right, Arrogant, Bigoted, Callous and always disgusting.

No Wry, the Dem congress had a full year to do these simple spending bills, 12 of them. they are 3 months late and now want the lame duck session to cram them all together without anyone reading what they are voting for. That is what the American people voted against last month. Yet the entire left tries to deny that.

i wish everyone would quit using the phrase "the american people". as always many incumbent democrats held on to their senate or house seats. the ones who got voted out on both sides most likely deserved to. different parts of the country have different ideological values. california is liberal. kentucky is conservative. thats just the way it is. but please stop using the argument of "the american people." its simply untrue, the only thing the american people can agree upon is the congress sucks ass right now (13% approval rating). the country is nearly split on the president (45% approve 47% dont)
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

we will always be a country divided on many issues. if you look at a lot of the issues congress still doesnt listen the "american people"

tax cuts for the wealthy - polls show american 2 to 1 wanted to see the cuts for the wealthy expire. but the GOP wants to keep them in place

S.T.A.R.T. - 51% want it approved, 30% do not and 19% dont care. but the GOP again doesnt even want to begin debate

D.A.D.T. - 67% of people want to see DADT repealed, but again the GOP is holding this up (specifically John McCain)

these are just a few examples. if the GOP really wanted to do what the american people wanted, all of these things would have been done and passed.


Thank you, Mr. Gibbs :)
Simply more evidence the GOP has devolved into a new and dangerous form of anarchy.
Mindful of the lad who denied the opportunity to play quarterback,n the immature and selfish child takes his ball and goes home.
The New Right, Arrogant, Bigoted, Callous and always disgusting.

Umm, you do realize that its the Dems that have been "denied the opportunity" to play quarterback anymore thanks to the American people, right? :lol:
No. They should do it during regular waking hours so that the Public can watch and hear the reading.

Enough of this "you can find out whati's in it after it is passed" nonsense.

If the gop wants to paralyze the senate with their bullshit, let them do it on their own personal time.
Republicans will paralyze the Senate floor for 50 hours by forcing clerks to read every single paragraph of the 1,924-page, $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill.

Senate clerks are expected to read the massive bill in rotating shifts around the clock — taking breaks to drink water and pop throat lozenges — to keep legislative business on track, according to a Democratic leadership aide.

GOP will paralyze Senate floor with reading of 1,924-page spending bill -

They should do it this weekend. Saturday and Sunday, all day and night.

Read every single solitary word of it. I don't care if it takes until Jan. 4th. Stay there and read it. Every word.

They should do it this weekend. Saturday and Sunday, all day and night.

Cavuto just announced the Tea Party was enroute to help with the task. This is gonna get interesting.

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