GOP Success: First time in TEN YEARS the number of uninsured children grows! Good job GOP!

The Obama big government health ins mandates our millions of teens in College (children) are going without insurance they just don't need...

see how these liberal graphs lie?...all of the story is not shown in a graph?....

Young children are on their parents insurance...

Nice try dumb ass libs....
If their parents have healthcare. Oops!

Some people just do not understand how this works in the real world and different states. I try to stay out of western states because they seem to have a whole different system than the rest of U.S. Also what happens in one state with regards to kids does not necessarily happen in others. I can pretty much nail it down here in Florida and a few other southern states.
Under Trump, the number of uninsured kids is suddenly rising



Finally, something Republicans desperately wanted and they can take credit for.

They're not uninsured dummkopf....
They're simply not registered as private insurance customers.

Thank God I never needed health care when I was growing up. All I ever had was appendicitis, tonsillitis, broken septum, pneumonia, and the flu.

Oh, and a hernia
When you grew up Barbers were practicing medicine....
Putting Republicans anywhere near power, is like letting a raging bull into a China shop.

No matter how they turn, or where they go in there, they're going to do major damage.

It's not until you can get their asses up outta there, is when you can even begin to fix what they've destroyed.
Republicans are unfit to govern, this failure with regard to uninsured children is further proof of that.

If you think EITHER party is "fit" I have a bridge you can buy.
The Obama big government health ins mandates our millions of teens in College (children) are going without insurance they just don't need...

see how these liberal graphs lie?...all of the story is not shown in a graph?....

Young children are on their parents insurance...

Nice try dumb ass libs....
....Obama forced these youngsters to get healthcare they didn't need or they fined them
very American!! :rolleyes-41:
Thank God I never needed health care when I was growing up. All I ever had was appendicitis, tonsillitis, broken septum, pneumonia, and the flu.

Oh, and a hernia.
broken septum?....i bet you opened your mouth once to often and got 5 in the i right?....
And they elected a racist as governor who will make sure they never have healthcare. Ironic.

They don't think, they see one thing on the news or one of their friends tell them something about a candidate and they go with it. No research of past, present or future enter's their minds when they hit that voting booth. Like a bunch of fucking robots.
They don't think, they see one thing on the news or one of their friends tell them something about a candidate and they go with it.
yea democrats do the same thing...robots in the parties are like that...
Pales in comparison to the number of America kids sick and dead from allowing La Reconquista come in without quarantine
Pales in comparison to the number of America kids sick and dead from allowing La Reconquista come in without quarantine
You have to have a link to that or you wouldn’t make the statement, right? So post the link.
Putting Republicans anywhere near power, is like letting a raging bull into a China shop.

No matter how they turn, or where they go in there, they're going to do major damage.

It's not until you can get their asses up outta there, is when you can even begin to fix what they've destroyed.
Republicans are unfit to govern, this failure with regard to uninsured children is further proof of that.

The failure is on the parents that refuse to provide coverage for THEIR children.
Putting Republicans anywhere near power, is like letting a raging bull into a China shop.

No matter how they turn, or where they go in there, they're going to do major damage.

It's not until you can get their asses up outta there, is when you can even begin to fix what they've destroyed.

Children without coverage is the fault, and only the fault, of the parents that refuse to provide that basic item to their own.
The number of uninsured children rising and some posters seem happy about it. Go figure.
I don't think that the number of uninsured children is rising on account of any president. I think that more closely relates to the fact that there are more children who grow up in single-parent homes, and there isn't enough to go around to pay for insurance. It takes a breadwinner and a homemaker to cover the costs and pay attention to the basic needs of their own children. It's always been that way, and a US President has a lot of power, just not the power to keep people together. Hollywood teaches low standards by taking the 1 in 1,000,000 worst horror story of human degeneration and putting it in a movie for public viewing. And that's what I think. The liberals in the country have made a decision to bring chaos and disorder so they can take over like the Bolshevik Revolution, so they can kill all their political rivals and replace human freedom with human obedience to whatever it is they think is a fashionably good idea. Not sure we can stop them from making more false accusations which are being pumped out at record rates in the past few months.

Uninsured children are a product of a morbid culture, not the product of the President of the United States.

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