GOP stance on Net Neutrality is a losing position


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
GOP opposition to net neutrality is a political loser NewsWorks

How many times does the GOP have to chose Big Corporations over middle America before the low information FOX disciples understand that the Republican Party cares little for the middle class? Lush Rimbaugh is now at it squealing unfair for the Internet behemoths. They want big corporations to decide your interest access. Even some GOP supporters know how wrong that is.

Net Neutrality Is Obamacare All Over Again - The Rush Limbaugh Show

The man is delusional!
GOP opposition to net neutrality is a political loser NewsWorks

How many times does the GOP have to chose Big Corporations over middle America before the low information FOX disciples understand that the Republican Party cares little for the middle class? Lush Rimbaugh is now at it squealing unfair for the Internet behemoths. They want big corporations to decide your interest access. Even some GOP supporters know how wrong that is.

Net Neutrality Is Obamacare All Over Again - The Rush Limbaugh Show

The man is delusional!

So we replace it with big government deciding our internet access?

Your trust in government not to fuck you in the ass is quaint, unless you enjoy being fucked in the ass by government, then its creepy.
I have to say at first I am not an authority on internet stuff, but apparently neither is the guy in the first article. He provides no specifics only generalities, just like the immigration debate(repubs want to snatch children out of the arms of their mothers or repubs just hate brown people), obamacare(repubs just want to throw grandma over the cliff), social secuity(repubs don't care about the elderly, children, or the handicapped). The news works article follows the same demagoguery saying the net neutrality deal is just repubs siding with big business. The article is full of generalizations and no specifics.

I listened to rush's presentations in real time and I thought it was very persuasive. His points are based on history and precedent. The govt wants more control and less liberty. One only has to use his or her imagination to conceive of a plan by the FCC to shut down conservative talk radio or any radio using net neutrality as a basis. How can anyone say that we are better off if everyone now has to get a govt approved license which we also have to pay for. What about possible waivers. What about net neutrality rules that can't be seen by the public before they are voted on. This whole deal smells and if it was anyone but rush making the same claims they would be taken seriously. His example of the internet in Europe is apt. What is your response to the internet goddess,Kim Commando, voicing the exact same concerns about net neutrality that rush did?
I have to say at first I am not an authority on internet stuff, but apparently neither is the guy in the first article. He provides no specifics only generalities, just like the immigration debate(repubs want to snatch children out of the arms of their mothers or repubs just hate brown people), obamacare(repubs just want to throw grandma over the cliff), social secuity(repubs don't care about the elderly, children, or the handicapped). The news works article follows the same demagoguery saying the net neutrality deal is just repubs siding with big business. The article is full of generalizations and no specifics.

I listened to rush's presentations in real time and I thought it was very persuasive. His points are based on history and precedent. The govt wants more control and less liberty. One only has to use his or her imagination to conceive of a plan by the FCC to shut down conservative talk radio or any radio using net neutrality as a basis. How can anyone say that we are better off if everyone now has to get a govt approved license which we also have to pay for. What about possible waivers. What about net neutrality rules that can't be seen by the public before they are voted on. This whole deal smells and if it was anyone but rush making the same claims they would be taken seriously. His example of the internet in Europe is apt. What is your response to the internet goddess,Kim Commando, voicing the exact same concerns about net neutrality that rush did?

Paranoia will kill you eventually.

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