GOP Should Change Symbol to Honey Badger With Shock of Red Hair


May 23, 2014
Republican elephant needs to go for 2020 and be replaced by a Honey Badger with shock of bright red hair. Honey Badger gets what it wants and vanquishes it’s enemies and “don’t give a shit.” Honey Badger “don’t care.” Trump is like the Honey Badger. When he goes after Democrats, fake news, or America’s enemies...DJT don’t give a shit and doesn’t care what critics think.:21: Narrator of video: Mayor Pete.
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Republican elephant needs to go for 2020 and be replaced by a Honey Badger with shock of bright red hair. Honey Badger gets what it wants and vanquishes it’s enemies and “don’t give a shit.” Honey Badger “don’t care.” Trump is like the Honey Badger. When he goes after Democrats, fake news, or America’s enemies...DJT don’t give a shit and doesn’t care what critics think.:21:

Well I would then say the Republicans need to stop being the weasels which look like a badger just a different temperament. We already know that turkey neck McConnel a long time weasel, should of been put to pasture 30 years ago, but alas, he just keeps on going and going. Drain the swamp of all the weasels and start putting in those badgers to bring down the jackasses of the left.
I agree on one thing the GOP “don’t give a shit.” about anyone including Americans(unless rich)...

We have people on this forum admire Putin, they even admire that he is wealthy..
I agree on one thing the GOP “don’t give a shit.” about anyone including Americans(unless rich)...

We have people on this forum admire Putin, they even admire that he is wealthy..
Did you think that Obama, when he said "Tell Vlad, that after my next election I will have more flexibility", admired Putin?
Everything is about politics when you’re a partisan twat.
I agree on one thing the GOP “don’t give a shit.” about anyone including Americans(unless rich)...

We have people on this forum admire Putin, they even admire that he is wealthy..
--------------------------------- USA is FREE COUNTRY eh 'english' Cowboy Ted ??
but yeah , I like your opening post and video and say that it describe The TRUMP perfectly B92 . ------------ love the video and the Badger Attitude ,
Republican elephant needs to go for 2020 and be replaced by a Honey Badger with shock of bright red hair. Honey Badger gets what it wants and vanquishes it’s enemies and “don’t give a shit.” Honey Badger “don’t care.” Trump is like the Honey Badger. When he goes after Democrats, fake news, or America’s enemies...DJT don’t give a shit and doesn’t care what critics think.:21: Narrator of video: Mayor Pete.

No, the GOP should change it's symbol to either the Trump Baby balloon or....... a pig wearing lipstick.

Republican elephant needs to go for 2020 and be replaced by a Honey Badger with shock of bright red hair. Honey Badger gets what it wants and vanquishes it’s enemies and “don’t give a shit.” Honey Badger “don’t care.” Trump is like the Honey Badger. When he goes after Democrats, fake news, or America’s enemies...DJT don’t give a shit and doesn’t care what critics think.:21: Narrator of video: Mayor Pete.

No, the GOP should change it's symbol to either the Trump Baby balloon or....... a pig wearing lipstick.


Why dont you assholes on the left just fly the ISIS flag since your ANTIFA and ISIS dress alike, act alike, and are the same.

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