GOP Senators Betray America And Vote To Pass Infrastructure Bill


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Senate passed a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan Tuesday, a huge step for Democrats as they try to push President Joe Biden’s sweeping economic agenda through Congress. The legislation, which includes $550 billion in new funding for transportation, broadband and utilities, got through with Democratic and Republican votes. (69-30). The infrastructure bill on its own appears to have enough Democratic and Republican support to coast through the House. However, to win over both centrists wary of a $3.5 trillion bill and progressives who want additional spending on child care, paid leave and climate policy, Pelosi has said she will not pass one bill without the other."

It's pathetic that GOP Senators voted to pass Biden's Satanic commie infrastructure bill and didn't even bother to vote on Trump's brilliant patriotic infrastructure bill....which never existed, but if it did -- it would be the most freedom-filled bill in American history.....even Mitch McConnell caved to his Deep State overlords and voted for this bill.....luckily this bill will not pass thru the house because moderate Dems will not support the reconciliation bill and progressives will not support a bill that doesn't call for such evil Anti-American policies like child care, paid leave and possibly more broadband support in rural areas...what's next? Sharia law??
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Same 911 Zionist Traitors who supported the Steal.

Maybe half of the "infrastructure" bill is just more foreign aid to Israel, the only country they have ever cared about....
Same 911 Zionist Traitors who supported the Steal.

Maybe half of the "infrastructure" bill is just more foreign aid to Israel, the only country they have ever cared about....
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"The Senate passed a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan Tuesday, a huge step for Democrats as they try to push President Joe Biden’s sweeping economic agenda through Congress. The legislation, which includes $550 billion in new funding for transportation, broadband and utilities, got through with Democratic and Republican votes. (69-30). The infrastructure bill on its own appears to have enough Democratic and Republican support to coast through the House. However, to win over both centrists wary of a $3.5 trillion bill and progressives who want additional spending on child care, paid leave and climate policy, Pelosi has said she will not pass one bill without the other."

It's pathetic that GOP Senators voted to pass Biden's Satanic commie infrastructure bill and didn't even both to vote on Trump's brilliant patriotic infrastructure bill....which never existed, but if it did -- it would be the most freedom-filled bill in American history.....even Mitch McConnell caved to his Deep State overlords and voted for this bill.....luckily this bill will not pass thru the house because moderate Dems will not support the reconciliation bill and progressives will not support a bill that doesn't call for such evil Anti-American policies like child care, paid leave and possibly more broadband support in rural areas...what's next? Sharia law??

They saved you $2.5T on what the price would have been without the compromise deal and preserved the filibuster. Big win for the GOP.
They saved you $2.5T on what the price would have been without the compromise deal and preserved the filibuster. Big win for the GOP.
Tell that to your cult leader...He didn't get the memo on how to spin it yet...

What exactly was Trump warning Republicans about?? Since you are saying its a "big win" for them

Not much of a science student, eh affirmative action bigot???

Let me give you a short lesson....

Jet fuel burns at 600F

This is what came out of the South Tower....

See the source image

See the source image

Now according to the Steel Industry.... 2200F


See the source image

See the source image

So how did 600F burning jet fuel cause 2200F molten steel?

Affirmative Action Bigots do not understand basic math or science, and have no patriotism to america....

but they do TOSS CARDS and ISMS.....
Tell that to your cult leader...He didn't get the memo on how to spin it yet...

What exactly was Trump warning Republicans about?? Since you are saying its a "big win" for them

You assume Trump is a republican. He exploits whoever is exploitable in the same way that Biden gropes anybody within proximity
Not much of a science student, eh affirmative action bigot???

Let me give you a short lesson....

Jet fuel burns at 600F

This is what came out of the South Tower....

See the source image

See the source image

Now according to the Steel Industry.... 2200F


See the source image

See the source image

So how did 600F burning jet fuel cause 2200F molten steel?

Affirmative Action Bigots do not understand basic math or science, and have no patriotism to america....

but they do TOSS CARDS and ISMS.....
Bro, you still whining about 9/11??

The flu killed more people.....


T_006tmp.114 (17).jpg
Not much of a science student, eh affirmative action bigot???

Let me give you a short lesson....

Jet fuel burns at 600F

This is what came out of the South Tower....

So how did 600F burning jet fuel cause 2200F molten steel?

Affirmative Action Bigots do not understand basic math or science, and have no patriotism to america....

but they do TOSS CARDS and ISMS.....

Oh NOES! - ANOTHER 9/11 truther? We have enough 1/6 truthers here in the normal forums. You people all need to move to Conspiracy Theories and circle jerk this Alex Jones crap around the coffee table. :cool-45:
Oh NOES! - ANOTHER 9/11 truther? We have enough 1/6 truthers here in the normal forums. You people all need to move to Conspiracy Theories and circle jerk this Alex Jones crap around the coffee table. :cool-45:

And you post that because you CANNOT EXPLAIN that missing 1600F can you....

I don't think this bill will be good for we tax payers who will be paying for it. Only 25% of it is for actual infrastructure repair the rest if green shit and who knows what else.
I agree. I wonder where they will get the money to pay for all of this. Wonder if those dumbasses in Congress have given that a thought??

1 Trillion dollars. We are so fucked.
I don't think this bill will be good for we tax payers who will be paying for it. Only 25% of it is for actual infrastructure repair the rest if green shit and who knows what else.
Amazing that this bill has more support among the American taxpayers than than that 3 trillion dollar taxcut.....

It seems people tend to like infrastructure bills....especially when they can actually benefit from it materially......tell folks in rural America that corporations getting a bigger tax credit is better for them than they getting more broadband coverage, or better roads, bridges, etc
I agree. I wonder where they will get the money to pay for all of this. Wonder if those dumbasses in Congress have given that a thought??

1 Trillion dollars. We are so fucked.
When these stupid uneducated dumbass Moon Bats voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact he stole the election they really fucked this country.

When all this comes back to bite us in the ass they will deny it was their fault and try to put the blame on somebody else.

That is how these turkeys roll.

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