GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover — ‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover

‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country

15 Aug 2021 ~~ By Trent Baker
Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) on Sunday called for President Joe Biden and the rest of his administration to resign over their handling of the United States’ withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
Van Drew said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America” that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan is “one of the darkest, most embarrassing days we’ve had in our country.” He called it a “tremendous embarrassment for the Biden administration.”

Joey Xi supposedly got better numbers than Obama. Yet he couldn't draw a crowd larger than 30 while campaigning.
Obama told us after his election that "Elections have consequences". Rigged Elections have bigger consequences as we have seen for the last 7 months and 16 days.
Democrats attempted to impeach Trump for a phone call, but Biden's deliberately destructive and anti American, constitutionally illegal, foreign and domestic policies are just fine.
He has seriously screwed up the nation in less than 8 months (and Pelosi celebrates his Afghanistan debacle).
This is little more than Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat CPUSA scorched earth strategy. Realizing they are on their way out they have opted to incite a race war, erased our border, reduced the nation's economy to ashes, and diminished our military might to that of the Grenada.
Congressman Drew is saying what millions of Americans are thinking. But OTOH the option of a President Harris and Speaker of the House Pelosi as VP is more frightening.
On Monday with the Quisling Media will begin it's disinformation, cover up, lies and blaming Trump, while the PMS/DSA Democrats will cheer for Joey Xi and his cabal.
From an outsider looking in, I'd rather he stayed in office and made continued fuck up's until the whole country has turned against him thus making the Democrat party unelectable for a long, long time.

2 or 3 more abominations like this (and he's more than capable), should see them unelectable again for a generation.

If he resigns now you're still going to have a Democrat take his place anyway - I suppose the question then becomes what do you thinks best for your country? a Democrat who's not senile and clumsy and even though you don't like him he'll limit the damage he can do, or go down the short-term pain for long-term gain route and hope he sinks the country so there's a clean slate to rebuild next election that will guarantee a Republican win? everyone will have their own opinion on which of the 2 options they thinks best.
From an outsider looking in, I'd rather he stayed in office and made continued fuck up's until the whole country has turned against him thus making the Democrat party unelectable for a long, long time.

2 or 3 more abominations like this (and he's more than capable), should see them unelectable again for a generation.

If he resigns now you're still going to have a Democrat take his place anyway - I suppose the question then becomes what do you thinks best for your country? a Democrat who's not senile and clumsy and even though you don't like him he'll limit the damage he can do, or go down the short-term pain for long-term gain route and hope he sinks the country so there's a clean slate to rebuild next election that will guarantee a Republican win? everyone will have their own opinion on which of the 2 options they thinks best.
Excellent points.

Biden's a demented and incompetent career criminal, but Harris is a high-functioning psychopath.

I'd much rather see demented rapist Biden remain in office for the reasons you cite, and more - Harris is basically Hitler in a dress.
Excellent points.

Biden's a demented and incompetent career criminal, but Harris is a high-functioning psychopath.

I'd much rather see demented rapist Biden remain in office for the reasons you cite, and more - Harris is basically Hitler in a dress.
Harris is actually too lazy to be Hitler. To all known reports, Hitler showed up for work on time.
From an outsider looking in, I'd rather he stayed in office and made continued fuck up's until the whole country has turned against him thus making the Democrat party unelectable for a long, long time.

2 or 3 more abominations like this (and he's more than capable), should see them unelectable again for a generation.

If he resigns now you're still going to have a Democrat take his place anyway - I suppose the question then becomes what do you thinks best for your country? a Democrat who's not senile and clumsy and even though you don't like him he'll limit the damage he can do, or go down the short-term pain for long-term gain route and hope he sinks the country so there's a clean slate to rebuild next election that will guarantee a Republican win? everyone will have their own opinion on which of the 2 options they thinks best.

That's what I was thinking.
Running out of words to describe this...



Notable lack of liberals attempting to defend this but they'll be back
What will happen when the Taliban starts publishing the beheadings, the people burned alive, stoning deaths of female doctors, teachers. People drowned in cages? The taliban was on the move while the Biden administration was stressing lgbtqb issues.

Jill Hacky Psaki is going dark all next week as the white house goes into hiding.
What will happen when the Taliban starts publishing the beheadings, the people burned alive, stoning deaths of female doctors, teachers. People drowned in cages? The taliban was on the move while the Biden administration was stressing lgbtqb issues.

Jill Hacky Psaki is going dark all next week as the white house goes into hiding.

This is just the beginning of the disaster.

God help us, think of any attacks going forward. Who owns them?
From an outsider looking in, I'd rather he stayed in office and made continued fuck up's until the whole country has turned against him thus making the Democrat party unelectable for a long, long time.

2 or 3 more abominations like this (and he's more than capable), should see them unelectable again for a generation.

If he resigns now you're still going to have a Democrat take his place anyway - I suppose the question then becomes what do you thinks best for your country? a Democrat who's not senile and clumsy and even though you don't like him he'll limit the damage he can do, or go down the short-term pain for long-term gain route and hope he sinks the country so there's a clean slate to rebuild next election that will guarantee a Republican win? everyone will have their own opinion on which of the 2 options they thinks best.
I like your thinking but our corrupt media have a stupid electorate in the palms of their hands. Everything bad will be blamed on trump and republicans and the morons will buy it.
Will Joey Xi Bai Dung rescue the Americans stranded in Afghanistan, or leave them to the Taliban?
The Taliban can post their deeds on Twitter but Trump is banned...
While they impose Sharia law,close schools, rape and beat women. One can only imagine the number of mutilations and deaths that will soon follow.
What will happen when the Taliban starts publishing the beheadings, the people burned alive, stoning deaths of female doctors, teachers. People drowned in cages? The taliban was on the move while the Biden administration was stressing lgbtqb issues.

Jill Hacky Psaki is going dark all next week as the white house goes into hiding.
Public executions, cutting off the head ... Sharia courts were in Chechnya in the 90s, when the Americans supported this "Freedom and Democracy" in Russia. The leaders of the Chechen terrorists were received in America at the highest level, as the heads of the new State.
Thank God, the Chechen terrorists were liquidated by Russian special forces.
Now, Chechnya, as a part of Russia, is developing tourism.
heads are chopped off and heads are stoned in Saudi Arabia - America's best friend.

The Americans got themselves into shit.
Russians gloat on political forums: "Let them now build Communism, we will help them, because we are good .... But first, let them return Texas to the Mexicans, Alaska and Northern California to the Russians, and give independence to the Lakota Indians."
Excellent points.

Biden's a demented and incompetent career criminal, but Harris is a high-functioning psychopath.

I'd much rather see demented rapist Biden remain in office for the reasons you cite, and more - Harris is basically Hitler in a dress.
That would be a concern IF we believed she would actually be making the decisions.

GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover

‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country

15 Aug 2021 ~~ By Trent Baker
Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) on Sunday called for President Joe Biden and the rest of his administration to resign over their handling of the United States’ withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
Van Drew said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America” that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan is “one of the darkest, most embarrassing days we’ve had in our country.” He called it a “tremendous embarrassment for the Biden administration.”

Joey Xi supposedly got better numbers than Obama. Yet he couldn't draw a crowd larger than 30 while campaigning.
Obama told us after his election that "Elections have consequences". Rigged Elections have bigger consequences as we have seen for the last 7 months and 16 days.
Democrats attempted to impeach Trump for a phone call, but Biden's deliberately destructive and anti American, constitutionally illegal, foreign and domestic policies are just fine.
He has seriously screwed up the nation in less than 8 months (and Pelosi celebrates his Afghanistan debacle).
This is little more than Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat CPUSA scorched earth strategy. Realizing they are on their way out they have opted to incite a race war, erased our border, reduced the nation's economy to ashes, and diminished our military might to that of the Grenada.
Congressman Drew is saying what millions of Americans are thinking. But OTOH the option of a President Harris and Speaker of the House Pelosi as VP is more frightening.
On Monday with the Quisling Media will begin it's disinformation, cover up, lies and blaming Trump, while the PMS/DSA Democrats will cheer for Joey Xi and his cabal.
This guy sonds like a real nut. How do people like him get elected? Oh yeah, right, there are that many stupid Americans.

GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover

‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country

15 Aug 2021 ~~ By Trent Baker
Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) on Sunday called for President Joe Biden and the rest of his administration to resign over their handling of the United States’ withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
Van Drew said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America” that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan is “one of the darkest, most embarrassing days we’ve had in our country.” He called it a “tremendous embarrassment for the Biden administration.”

Joey Xi supposedly got better numbers than Obama. Yet he couldn't draw a crowd larger than 30 while campaigning.
Obama told us after his election that "Elections have consequences". Rigged Elections have bigger consequences as we have seen for the last 7 months and 16 days.
Democrats attempted to impeach Trump for a phone call, but Biden's deliberately destructive and anti American, constitutionally illegal, foreign and domestic policies are just fine.
He has seriously screwed up the nation in less than 8 months (and Pelosi celebrates his Afghanistan debacle).
This is little more than Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat CPUSA scorched earth strategy. Realizing they are on their way out they have opted to incite a race war, erased our border, reduced the nation's economy to ashes, and diminished our military might to that of the Grenada.
Congressman Drew is saying what millions of Americans are thinking. But OTOH the option of a President Harris and Speaker of the House Pelosi as VP is more frightening.
On Monday with the Quisling Media will begin it's disinformation, cover up, lies and blaming Trump, while the PMS/DSA Democrats will cheer for Joey Xi and his cabal.
What do expect 2500 troops to do, that's what tramp left in Afghanistan when tramp left office.
Biden won fair and square.
The marxist community are a bunch of elites org and elites who don't pay taxes.

Most of the citizens say they are sick of Afghanistan and want the troops to come home.
Congressman Drew doesn't know what he is talking about.
Those creepy, Europhobic idiots that Sleepy Joe's handlers appointed to top military positions need to be sued, impeached or something. This is a democracy after all... :dunno: No it is not. :cry:
Effective January 15, 2021, American troops in both countries will go to 2,500 personnel. Those troops will defend our embassies and the other agencies of the US government doing important work in those countries. They'll enable our American allies in their important missions in those countries. They'll defend our diplomats and they'll deter our foes," O'Brien told reporters.
"By May, it is President Trump's hope that they will all come home safely, and in their entirety," he added, though by that time, troop decisions will be made by Biden, who will become commander in chief in January.

Penelope, who in the fuck is O'Brien and what is the significance of that idiotic cut and paste you moron? Follow up, why do you have Vespian the "666" of Revelation as your avatar? Are you Jewish or a New Testament End Timer?

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