GOP is in Trump's Debt for the foreseeable future


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
If DJT doesn't run for President in 2016 then HRC likely wins as many of the Obama voters shifted to Trump and likely would not have done so if Ted Cruz was the nominee. Trump will have three SCOTUS judges affirmed. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and now ACB. Could have easily gone the other way. So no matter what happens with the White House, the House or the Senate, the Republicans have the courts.

If HRC wins, she likely gets her candidates on there and the Leftists control the courts. Not to mention that HRC has gone utterly insane but that is an altogether other matter.

Of course the media had it all wrong. Anyway, the never Trumpers here should at least acknowledge that he has been a positive factor for the Supreme Court along with naming 100s of Federal Judges who will hold rioters accountably vs. letting them walk.

[Clinton] would crush any of the three Republican novices (Trump, Carson, Fiorina) in a general-election debate’
By Jill Lawrence, columnist for U.S. News & World Report and USA Today

Hillary Clinton has one of the best resumes in politics and more debate experience than almost anyone in the field. She would crush any of the three Republican novices (Trump, Carson, Fiorina) in a general-election debate by exposing their inexperience and lack of policy depth. Her past debates in races for New York Senate and the New Hampshire primary suggest that as the first female nominee, she’d have an advantage against anyone who seemed too forceful or sarcastic (like Ted Cruz or Chris Christie). The GOP needs a non-threatening, knowledgeable figure who can relate to voters, draw a generational contrast and—importantly—energize conservatives without alienating others. Marco Rubio showed once again in Milwaukee that he comes closest to that ideal.
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President Trump has been on fire. Historic TAX CUT not your typical tax cut HISTORIC. Umpteen thousands of government regulations gone. Historic peace agreements. Hasn't started stupid never ending wars and has brought a bunch of our troops home. Bitch slapped Europe, NATO, CHINA, Mexico, Canada. OBLITERATED the liberal news media now the GOP doesn't have to wet their pants in fear of the fake news attacking them.
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.
His antics one could argue also garnered him meaningful votes. Not all negative IMO.
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.
His antics one could argue also garnered him meaningful votes. Not all negative IMO.

And also cost his party the House and several governorships and state legislatures who now control redistricting for the next ten years
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.

There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat.
I seriously doubt he will be in office to run for reelection.

and I doubt Kamala, if she hasn't also been removed, will receive sufficient backing from the masses to retain the office.
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.
His antics one could argue also garnered him meaningful votes. Not all negative IMO.

And also cost his party the House and several governorships and state legislatures who now control redistricting for the next ten years
Not sure I agree. Historically the voters always vote the opposite. Obama by all accounts was a good guy, speaker, square and he lost the House and Senate. Trump was able to keep the Senate. His presence has been polarizing but I disagree that it has been all negative. He is the first president in my lifetime who spoke specifically about black unemployment and who emphatically supports our police officers, who I believe are some of the bravest people in our country and are wrongly vilified by the media.
Not sure I agree. Historically the voters always vote the opposite. Obama by all accounts was a good guy, speaker, square and he lost the House and Senate. Trump was able to keep the Senate. His presence has been polarizing but I disagree that it has been all negative. He is the first president in my lifetime who spoke specifically about black unemployment and who emphatically supports our police officers, who I believe are some of the bravest people in our country and are wrongly vilified by the media.

Obama lost the House and Senate because of ObamaCare. The majority of the country didn't want it. Yes, the Democrats probably would have lost some seats regardless, but I doubt they would have lost 63 House seats and six Senate seats not to mention a slew of governorship and state legislative control.
Not sure I agree. Historically the voters always vote the opposite. Obama by all accounts was a good guy, speaker, square and he lost the House and Senate. Trump was able to keep the Senate. His presence has been polarizing but I disagree that it has been all negative. He is the first president in my lifetime who spoke specifically about black unemployment and who emphatically supports our police officers, who I believe are some of the bravest people in our country and are wrongly vilified by the media.

Obama lost the House and Senate because of ObamaCare. The majority of the country didn't want it. Yes, the Democrats probably would have lost some seats regardless, but I doubt they would have lost 63 House seats and six Senate seats not to mention a slew of governorship and state legislative control.
Part of the problem was that the Republicans weren't all for Trump so in those elections they were unsure and he didn't have much of a track record. We'll see what happens this time around. No doubt he was and remains polarizing but I believe he has done a lot more good vs. bad. Especially because we kept our opinions to ourselves for too long and now they are all out in the open. It may get worse before it gets better but it will get better.
If DJT doesn't run for President in 2016 then HRC likely wins as many of the Obama voters shifted to Trump and likely would not have done so if Ted Cruz was the nominee. Trump will have three SCOTUS judges affirmed. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and now ACB. Could have easily gone the other way. So no matter what happens with the White House, the House or the Senate, the Republicans have the courts.

If HRC wins, she likely gets her candidates on there and the Leftists control the courts. Not to mention that HRC has gone utterly insane but that is an altogether other matter.

Of course the media had it all wrong. Anyway, the never Trumpers here should at least acknowledge that he has been a positive factor for the Supreme Court along with naming 100s of Federal Judges who will hold rioters accountably vs. letting them walk.

[Clinton] would crush any of the three Republican novices (Trump, Carson, Fiorina) in a general-election debate’
By Jill Lawrence, columnist for U.S. News & World Report and USA Today

Hillary Clinton has one of the best resumes in politics and more debate experience than almost anyone in the field. She would crush any of the three Republican novices (Trump, Carson, Fiorina) in a general-election debate by exposing their inexperience and lack of policy depth. Her past debates in races for New York Senate and the New Hampshire primary suggest that as the first female nominee, she’d have an advantage against anyone who seemed too forceful or sarcastic (like Ted Cruz or Chris Christie). The GOP needs a non-threatening, knowledgeable figure who can relate to voters, draw a generational contrast and—importantly—energize conservatives without alienating others. Marco Rubio showed once again in Milwaukee that he comes closest to that ideal.

Trump has been one of the best Presidents in my all ways, in both domestic and foreign policy. Never Trumpers are brain damaged morons.......that they can see what he has done for the economy, for the courts, for foreign policy and say they will vote for biden, the guy who is wholly owned by the Chinese Government?

We need Trump to win.....and to hold the Senate, that would mean two more Supreme Court nominations....breyer and the other federal judges....
Not sure I agree. Historically the voters always vote the opposite. Obama by all accounts was a good guy, speaker, square and he lost the House and Senate. Trump was able to keep the Senate. His presence has been polarizing but I disagree that it has been all negative. He is the first president in my lifetime who spoke specifically about black unemployment and who emphatically supports our police officers, who I believe are some of the bravest people in our country and are wrongly vilified by the media.

Obama lost the House and Senate because of ObamaCare. The majority of the country didn't want it. Yes, the Democrats probably would have lost some seats regardless, but I doubt they would have lost 63 House seats and six Senate seats not to mention a slew of governorship and state legislative control.

And they didn't care about losing those seats...obamacare is now like inoperable cancer and if biden wins it will spread and kill our healthcare system. The democrats were more than happy to sacrifice those 53 house seats and 6 senate seats because infecting the country with obamacare was a death stroke to private healthcare......
I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party
If Trump loses there will be no Republican Party....

The Republicans lost the house in 2018 because regular republican voters didn't want to support the weak, spineless, backstabbing republicans...since Trump wasn't on the ticket....the republicans lost the house because they have been weak and cowardly for decades.......
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.
His antics one could argue also garnered him meaningful votes. Not all negative IMO.

And also cost his party the House and several governorships and state legislatures who now control redistricting for the next ten years
Not sure I agree. Historically the voters always vote the opposite. Obama by all accounts was a good guy, speaker, square and he lost the House and Senate. Trump was able to keep the Senate. His presence has been polarizing but I disagree that it has been all negative. He is the first president in my lifetime who spoke specifically about black unemployment and who emphatically supports our police officers, who I believe are some of the bravest people in our country and are wrongly vilified by the media.

obama is a vile human being.......with a fake outer shell that hides who he truly is. He consorts with racists and domestic and foreign terrorists.....gave 1.5 billion dollars in cash to the greatest state sponsor of terrorism around the world and did his best to create hate between the races while he was in office....
The Republicans lost the house in 2018 because regular republican voters didn't want to support the weak, spineless, backstabbing republicans...

Says who?

Me. First you had about 50 cowards in the Republican party retire after Trump up those seats.......and then you had too many republican voters who sat home because the republicans didn't support Trump and they didn't fight the democrats.......
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.

Sorry, in two years the democrats will have eliminated the filibuster, made millions of illegal aliens new democrat voters, they will make D.C. and puerto rico states giving them 4 new democrat party senators, and their mail in voter fraud schemes will go unpunished because democrat party AGs and the DOJ will not prosecute the criminals doing it.....then, they will once again turn the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department loose on their political enemies.........

The republicans will roll over again the way they did before Trump took office.
I agree, now, I have to figure out who I'm voting for in 2024
Nikki Haley?

I have said before that Trump losing would probably be a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Biden clearly isn't fit for the job and if he does attempt to annihilate our economy in the name of COVID the Republicans could have a very good mid term election in 2022. They can win back suburban support, which they are losing, and build on that in 2024. There is no way Biden runs for reelection, so it's likely an open seat. Even if by chance he did, people will be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man. This opens the door for some rising stars like Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio, who will be far more palatable to the traditional suburban voter base that Trump has damaged with his antics.
His antics one could argue also garnered him meaningful votes. Not all negative IMO.

And also cost his party the House and several governorships and state legislatures who now control redistricting for the next ten years
I don't know if Trump did that...I certainly do not want a Bush or McCain republican......I like a guy who doesn't do the bidding of the DC establishment and creates waves.

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