GOP: Gaggle of Paranoids Show Hate

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Who is Michele Meyer, 59, of Vienna, Va., who marched with a small blue-and-white sign that read: "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy"? Who gave her that sign and why is she so full of hate? Does she collect any sort of government aid and did she ever do so? Why does she hate America? Why was she proud enough to give her name and more to the media? Is she proud to be a freak and a loser? Was it the mass hysteria that caused this sick woman to air her paranoid fantasies?

latimes story..

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Who is Michele Meyer, 59, of Vienna, Va., who marched with a small blue-and-white sign that read: "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy"? Who gave her that sign and why is she so full of hate? Does she collect any sort of government aid and did she ever do so? Why does she hate America? Why was she proud enough to give her name and more to the media? Is she proud to be a freak and a loser? Was it the mass hysteria that caused this sick woman to air her paranoid fantasies?


Gaggle Of Paranoids...good one.

I still prefer Grand Obstructionist Party, myself.
Who is Michele Meyer, 59, of Vienna, Va., who marched with a small blue-and-white sign that read: "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy"? Who gave her that sign and why is she so full of hate? Does she collect any sort of government aid and did she ever do so? Why does she hate America? Why was she proud enough to give her name and more to the media? Is she proud to be a freak and a loser? Was it the mass hysteria that caused this sick woman to air her paranoid fantasies?

latimes story..


How is stating you want to bury a plan which essentially re-structures our entire economic and social system, akin to hatred?
Who is Michele Meyer, 59, of Vienna, Va., who marched with a small blue-and-white sign that read: "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy"? Who gave her that sign and why is she so full of hate? Does she collect any sort of government aid and did she ever do so? Why does she hate America? Why was she proud enough to give her name and more to the media? Is she proud to be a freak and a loser? Was it the mass hysteria that caused this sick woman to air her paranoid fantasies?

latimes story..


How is stating you want to bury a plan which essentially re-structures our entire economic and social system, akin to hatred?
The Sign-The Sign.

Some fear GOP is being carried to the extreme
The Republican establishment hopes cooler heads will prevail over strongly anti-Obama parts of the conservative base.

Such insiders point to theories running rampant on the Internet, such as the idea that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus ineligible to be president, or that he is a communist, or that his allies want to set up Nazi-like detention camps for political opponents. Those theories, the insiders say, have stoked the GOP base and have created a "purist" climate in which a figure such as Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) is lionized for his "You lie!" outburst last week when Obama addressed Congress.

They are "wild accusations and the paranoid delusions coming from the fever swamps," said David Frum, a conservative author and speechwriter for President George W. Bush who is among the more vocal critics of the party base and of the conservative talk show hosts helping to fan the unrest.

"Like all conservatives, I am concerned about this administration's accumulation of economic power," Frum said. "Still, you have to be aware that there's a line where legitimate concerns begin to collapse into paranoid fantasy."
GOP fears paranoid fantasies of the right in America...
Who is Michele Meyer, 59, of Vienna, Va., who marched with a small blue-and-white sign that read: "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy"? Who gave her that sign and why is she so full of hate? Does she collect any sort of government aid and did she ever do so? Why does she hate America? Why was she proud enough to give her name and more to the media? Is she proud to be a freak and a loser? Was it the mass hysteria that caused this sick woman to air her paranoid fantasies?

latimes story..


How is stating you want to bury a plan which essentially re-structures our entire economic and social system, akin to hatred?

Well now, that's a good question and one the libs won't be able to answer like they can't answer anything else, so get ready you are about to be called a racist for questioning any policies or agendas of this President. The libs or the progressives. that's what they call themselves now, think that the office of President is an Affirmative Action position and onyone who dares to question his policies or agenda is a racist.
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Who is Michele Meyer, 59, of Vienna, Va., who marched with a small blue-and-white sign that read: "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy"? Who gave her that sign and why is she so full of hate? Does she collect any sort of government aid and did she ever do so? Why does she hate America? Why was she proud enough to give her name and more to the media? Is she proud to be a freak and a loser? Was it the mass hysteria that caused this sick woman to air her paranoid fantasies?

latimes story..


LOL there is several threads on that sign today.

You clowns getting a bulk talking point discount or something? :lol::lol::lol:

The zombietime Hall of Shame
Here are some of your leftist buddies.
Coming from the group that spent the last eight years calling Bush & Cheney every vile name in the book, uh, ya kinda have no credibility. The last eight years were one big left-wing hate fest..... your outrage is a bit selective.
Who is Michele Meyer, 59, of Vienna, Va., who marched with a small blue-and-white sign that read: "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy"? Who gave her that sign and why is she so full of hate? Does she collect any sort of government aid and did she ever do so? Why does she hate America? Why was she proud enough to give her name and more to the media? Is she proud to be a freak and a loser? Was it the mass hysteria that caused this sick woman to air her paranoid fantasies?

latimes story..


How is stating you want to bury a plan which essentially re-structures our entire economic and social system, akin to hatred?

Well now, that's a good question and one the libs won't be able to answer like they can't answer anything else, so get ready you are about to be called a racist for questioning any policies or agendas of this President. The libs or the progressives. that's what they call themselves now, think that the office of President is an Affirmative Action position and onyone who dares to question his policies or agenda is a racist.
The plans in the works so far do nothing of the sort. They do not restructure much at all. :lol::lol: gawd, you people are full of hysteria and delusion.
Claiming a demonstrator with sign of protest is 'full of hate' is merely showing their desperation as the people awake and rise up in protest.
Coming from the group that spent the last eight years calling Bush & Cheney every vile name in the book, uh, ya kinda have no credibility. The last eight years were one big left-wing hate fest..... your outrage is a bit selective.

hey loser, I never engaged in the Bush hate fest. I saved my contempt for people like you.

two wrongs always make for a righty justification. :lol:
Claiming a demonstrator with sign of protest is 'full of hate' is merely showing their desperation as the people awake and rise up in protest.

the message...the message. It was a hateful one.
Maybe you learned to spout that kind of hate at your parent's knees, but some of us were taught better.
Is this the latest Hopey Changey talking point? Pretty lame stuff. In reality it's your post that seems a bit paranoid & deranged. Hmm?
hey loser, I never engaged in the Bush hate fest. I saved my contempt for people like you.
Funny... how'd you figure I was speaking to you? I guess my remarks hit home huh?

Claiming a demonstrator with sign of protest is 'full of hate' is merely showing their desperation as the people awake and rise up in protest.

the message...the message. It was a hateful one.
Maybe you learned to spout that kind of hate at your parent's knees, but some of us were taught better.
Obviously your propaganda is not working.
Claiming a demonstrator with sign of protest is 'full of hate' is merely showing their desperation as the people awake and rise up in protest.

the message...the message. It was a hateful one.
Maybe you learned to spout that kind of hate at your parent's knees, but some of us were taught better.
Obviously your propaganda is not working.

Propaganda? So you're blind as well as deaf and dumb? :lol:

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