GOP Coburn Plans to Hold Up 9/11 Responders Bill

I tried to read the bill, but got disgusted at all the additional add ons to the government. I stopped counting after 2 new divisions in the federal government and at least 200 people in each one. I think that was only after the first 10 pages......

Yeah the structure they were creating seemed overkill for the need.

It creates one program at the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Not two. Neither with a staff of "at least 200".

I don't know what copy of the bill Ollie is reading.

Why? Who, of the Responders was not insured? What Insurance doesn't cover could easily be handled with Riders, much more economically than what is being proposed here. Why the big production? Are we transferring the Burden here? Who is getting off the hook regarding compensation, should this Bill pass? Why the false claim that these people are not covered?
Yeah the structure they were creating seemed overkill for the need.

It creates one program at the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Not two. Neither with a staff of "at least 200".

I don't know what copy of the bill Ollie is reading.

Why? Who, of the Responders was not insured? What Insurance doesn't cover could easily be handled with Riders, much more economically than what is being proposed here. Why the big production? Are we transferring the Burden here? Who is getting off the hook regarding compensation, should this Bill pass? Why the false claim that these people are not covered?

Why don't you ask these guys?
9/11 First Responders React to the Senate Filibuster - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/16/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
It creates one program at the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Not two. Neither with a staff of "at least 200".

I don't know what copy of the bill Ollie is reading.

Why? Who, of the Responders was not insured? What Insurance doesn't cover could easily be handled with Riders, much more economically than what is being proposed here. Why the big production? Are we transferring the Burden here? Who is getting off the hook regarding compensation, should this Bill pass? Why the false claim that these people are not covered?

Why don't you ask these guys?
9/11 First Responders React to the Senate Filibuster - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/16/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Comedy central news again? No thank you.
Yeah the structure they were creating seemed overkill for the need.

It creates one program at the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Not two. Neither with a staff of "at least 200".

I don't know what copy of the bill Ollie is reading.

Why? Who, of the Responders was not insured? What Insurance doesn't cover could easily be handled with Riders, much more economically than what is being proposed here. Why the big production? Are we transferring the Burden here? Who is getting off the hook regarding compensation, should this Bill pass? Why the false claim that these people are not covered?


They are going to be covered for a life time of ailments?

I don't think so.
It creates one program at the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Not two. Neither with a staff of "at least 200".

I don't know what copy of the bill Ollie is reading.

Why? Who, of the Responders was not insured? What Insurance doesn't cover could easily be handled with Riders, much more economically than what is being proposed here. Why the big production? Are we transferring the Burden here? Who is getting off the hook regarding compensation, should this Bill pass? Why the false claim that these people are not covered?

Why don't you ask these guys?
9/11 First Responders React to the Senate Filibuster - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/16/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

That does not answer the question. Nice deflection though. Why aren't these people covered under their current Insurance and Comp? Why the need in the first place? Why is your fix the only fix? Why the abuse from the current system which you have chosen to expand? Is this what we all have to look forward to? Denial of service? Denial of coverage? Fighting Workman's comp? Fighting the Insurance companies? Fighting the Government for basic obligations? Is it all a lie? Is that it? You want more money to do less? NYFD is now going to be charging us to respond to car accidents and that makes sense to you? Right? Sounds to me like the only thing needed here is a Grand Jury, and a few hundred Indictments, for Fraud, starting with the City Bureaucracy that Administrated this fraud. You could not be in deeper hypocritical bullshit.
Why? Who, of the Responders was not insured? What Insurance doesn't cover could easily be handled with Riders, much more economically than what is being proposed here. Why the big production? Are we transferring the Burden here? Who is getting off the hook regarding compensation, should this Bill pass? Why the false claim that these people are not covered?

Why don't you ask these guys?
9/11 First Responders React to the Senate Filibuster - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/16/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Comedy central news again? No thank you.

With special riders on the policies, yes. Fuck You too.
Why is wanting to debate and discuss provisions in the bill heartless? Even if the Bill is passed tonight it doesnt go into effect until July. What is the harm of discussion the provisions?

You guys still havent even provided a reason why we need the bill considering the first responders have always been insured through their jobs.

Who told you that? As most people who have insurance know, there are exclusions for wars, etc. So show me they were covered by insurance.:eusa_angel: Show me who has been paying the insurance bill (most likely you). They have had 9 years to debate. This boils down to Retards attempting to get credit not due them, just like Reagan did. By making people suffer for the opportune time.
BTW what ever happened to all the private charity that was gathered for this very reason?

That sounds like a lesson in humility to me. An omission that you can't count on the private sector, and the very reason government must intervene and do so many different social programs.

I can't count on you to buy five blankets for the poor family living under the bridge, mainly because you don't know they are there. A social worker knows they are there, and sets in motion a care system to aid and provide basic needs for a family. Private sector? LMAO!!! They can't even wipe their ass.
I tried to read the bill, but got disgusted at all the additional add ons to the government. I stopped counting after 2 new divisions in the federal government and at least 200 people in each one. I think that was only after the first 10 pages......

Do you have a link?
I tried to read the bill, but got disgusted at all the additional add ons to the government. I stopped counting after 2 new divisions in the federal government and at least 200 people in each one. I think that was only after the first 10 pages......

Of course there's objectionable things added in this bill.It's a setup because like what's happening now you disagree with the add ons you will be labeled scumbags for not helping out the first responders.:eusa_shhh:

Why don't you tell me what "objectionable" things have been added to the bill? There's no riders (like the Republicans wanted to add).

On the news, they said it was a "stand-a-lone" bill. I don't know if that was true.
Some "truths".

The government told those people it was "safe". And remember who the "government" was at that time.

I watched one of the responders on the news just a couple of hours ago. He said he went to 44 funerals of friends he worked with who were also first responders who all died during the last 4 years. Every one of them had cancer. They were in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. He asked the crowd to raise their hand, everyone who has been to 44 or more funerals during the last four years (he was the only one who raised his hand).

The thing that gets me. These are all a bunch of policemen and firemen and hard working construction workers and other American heroes and Republicans act as if they were a bunch of sponges and criminal trash who are trying to "pull one over" and from my understanding, all they are seeking is "medical care".

If they were rich, Republicans would find a way to get them treatment for free. You wanna bet?
Oklahoma Sen. Coburn Plans To Hold Up 9/11 Responders Bill : The Two-Way : NPR


There's word now that "Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn will not allow a proposal that would cover health-care costs for ground zero workers to go through the Senate before Christmas" (via The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire blog).

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-OK.
Politico says ilt's been told by Coburn that "he wouldn't allow the bill to move quickly, saying he has problems with parts of the bill and the process Democrats are employing."

I just watched Coburn on Fox say that this bill has never been through committee. Then they showed the list of those that was on the committee Coburn said the bill never went through back in June and lo and behold, Coburn's name was on the list of those on the committee he said the bill never went through. Then they showed pictures of the "meeting" and highlighted Coburn's chair, which was empty, because he never showed up.

I bet this shows up on Youtube because it was hilarious.
Of course there's objectionable things added in this bill.It's a setup because like what's happening now you disagree with the add ons you will be labeled scumbags for not helping out the first responders.:eusa_shhh:

Why don't you tell me what "objectionable" things have been added to the bill? There's no riders (like the Republicans wanted to add).

On the news, they said it was a "stand-a-lone" bill. I don't know if that was true.

The bill's online on

Check it out.

Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Why don't you tell me what "objectionable" things have been added to the bill? There's no riders (like the Republicans wanted to add).

On the news, they said it was a "stand-a-lone" bill. I don't know if that was true.

The bill's online on

Check it out.

Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Am I reading it wrong or is it like ten pages? Yea, I was reading it wrong.

But I didn't see anything so far not related to first responders. Guess I have to read the whole thing.
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Is there nothing Democrats are willing to cut to pay for another expenditure?

Yeah, cut the tax break for the rich out of the tax bill. That'll pay for it.

There was no tax break for the rich in the tax bill, so how can you cut something that doesn't exist to pay for it?
Oklahoma Sen. Coburn Plans To Hold Up 9/11 Responders Bill : The Two-Way : NPR


There's word now that "Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn will not allow a proposal that would cover health-care costs for ground zero workers to go through the Senate before Christmas" (via The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire blog).

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-OK.
Politico says ilt's been told by Coburn that "he wouldn't allow the bill to move quickly, saying he has problems with parts of the bill and the process Democrats are employing."

Yeah, there are no set plans on how the money will be spent. None at all.

so a smart man just prevented more waste. And by doing so, ensures that it will get to the right people.

fyi; the dems had all year to work on this but blew it off until now. so ask them why they took so long in doing this, then ask why they don't give a damn about these heroic volunteers.
Gotta love it. Such a show of compassion from all our board Conservatives. Yet they were crying buckets at the thought of the rich having to pay the taxes they paid in the '90s.

Sure, so, perhaps we can talk Moore into taking more of the 9-11 responders to Cuba.
Gotta love it. Such a show of compassion from all our board Conservatives. Yet they were crying buckets at the thought of the rich having to pay the taxes they paid in the '90s.

Sure, so, perhaps we can talk Moore into taking more of the 9-11 responders to Cuba.

Tom Coburn is a medical doctor. A typical Right Winger, he appears on Fox and says the bill never went through a committee and received a hearing and it did all the way back in June and in typical right wing fashion, HE WAS A MEMBER OF THAT COMMITTEE. But he says that doesn't count.

I don't get the right wing. It seems their leadership can do anything and get away with it.

Apologize to BP
Hold millions hostage to get tax cuts for rich people who didn't even want them
Push for more spending in Afghanistan
Denying first responders needed medical care
Number one concern is to beat Obama and make sure he fails

Why is the base protecting these politicians? Do they really and truly agree with these positions?

Coburn Moves to Block 9/11 First Responders Bill as Some Republicans Urge its Passage - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Coburn also argued that the bill, entitled the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, "hasn't even been through a committee." Coburn added: "We haven't had the testimony to know." (ThinkProgress notes that on June 29, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions - on which Coburn sits - held a hearing on the bill. But Coburn's office says that doesn't amount to having gone "through a committee.")

Meanwhile, a growing chorus of Republican commentators has begun to pressure GOP senators to revise their positions, arguing that the health of first responders is a sensitive national issue - and that opposing it could be politically unwise.

"It's just like taking care of veterans' health care... It can't be a good move for Republicans to oppose a bill for the firefighters and the cops on 9/11."

A few conservatives supporting the bill:

Mike Huckabee
Shepard Smith
Joe Scarborough
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