GOP Candidate In Ohio Argues There Is No Separation Of Church & State


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel confessed to a Sunday debate crowd that he wouldn't follow the Constitution if elected to the federal office. While all federal officials are mandated to swear an oath to the Constitution, Mandel has serious issues with the first one. "They're trying to take God out of all aspects of society," said Mandel. "And they're trying to water down on the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America."

He went on to say that he doesn't want to "water down" Christianity for those of other faiths and religions -- we should dial it up...."We should be instilling faith in the classroom, in the workplace, and everywhere in society," said Mandel. "There's no such thing as separation of church and state."

Aside from the point this guy is obviously pandering and personally doesn't believe a word of what he is saying -- the fact he feels he has to say this to his base proves one thing....A large part of the conservative base wants a religious much so that people running for national office are willing to say it out loud....funny part is, Mandel is Jewish....but he has no problem telling Evangelicals what they want to hear -- even if the fantasy for those Evangelicals doesn't bode well for Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity....

The same folks who go into hysterics over teaching "critical race theory" to kids (even tho it is not being taught to kids) -- those same folks have no problem with public schools "INSTILLING" Christianity into kids in schools...more evidence that these people are full of shit....Because if you truly believe your Conservative-Christian-American version of God is everywhere, how the fuck can anyone "take him out of society"??
Mandel is not going to win but he is right that there is no "separation" in the Constitution but all the same he isn't interested in what the Constitution does say.

Instilling faith is great but that means Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, etc etc etc also and Mandel would have a heart attack over that.
Mandel is not going to win but he is right that there is no "separation" in the Constitution but all the same he isn't interested in what the Constitution does say.

Instilling faith is great but that means Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, etc etc etc also and Mandel would have a heart attack over that.
Well, I was always told that this country was founded by those getting away from religious persecution...

and I also can't overlook the fact that as wordy as the founding fathers were about so many other things; they made no mention of God/religion in the Constitution except to establish that the federal government shall NOT PROMOTE no one religion in any way....
Well, I was always told that this country was founded by those getting away from religious persecution...

and I also can't overlook the fact that as wordy as the founding fathers were about so many other things; they made no mention of God/religion in the Constitution except to establish that the federal government shall NOT PROMOTE no one religion in any way....

Correct. All must be treated the same.

"Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel confessed to a Sunday debate crowd that he wouldn't follow the Constitution if elected to the federal office. While all federal officials are mandated to swear an oath to the Constitution, Mandel has serious issues with the first one. "They're trying to take God out of all aspects of society," said Mandel. "And they're trying to water down on the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America."

He went on to say that he doesn't want to "water down" Christianity for those of other faiths and religions -- we should dial it up...."We should be instilling faith in the classroom, in the workplace, and everywhere in society," said Mandel. "There's no such thing as separation of church and state."

Aside from the point this guy is obviously pandering and personally doesn't believe a word of what he is saying -- the fact he feels he has to say this to his base proves one thing....A large part of the conservative base wants a religious much so that people running for national office are willing to say it out loud....funny part is, Mandel is Jewish....but he has no problem telling Evangelicals what they want to hear -- even if the fantasy for those Evangelicals doesn't bode well for Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity....

The same folks who go into hysterics over teaching "critical race theory" to kids (even tho it is not being taught to kids) -- those same folks have no problem with public schools "INSTILLING" Christianity into kids in schools...more evidence that these people are full of shit....Because if you truly believe your Conservative-Christian-American version of God is everywhere, how the fuck can anyone "take him out of society"??

The constitution does not protect government or its agencies, if the church is a separate entity from government then the constitution does not cover it...
and the post reads more like it is responsible of what you accuse the candidate of than what he actually said...
Separation of church and state is OK with me, but lets not make believe those words appear anywhere in the document..
We have a right to privately and publicly criticize and condemn [even incorrectly] anything that has official recognized use of our tax dollars [as well as government institutions] but those things that are privately funded and legally run are not open to government scrutiny, it's a good system.
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The constitution does not protect government or its agencies, if the church is a separate entity from government then the constitution does cover it...
and the post reads more like it is responsible of what you accuse the candidate of than what he actually said...
Separation of church and state is OK with me, but lets not make believe those words appear anywhere in the document..
We have a right to privately and publicly criticize and condemn [even incorrectly] anything that has official recognized use of our tax dollars [as well as government institutions] but those things that are privately funded and legally run are not open to government scrutiny, it's a good system.
the Establishment cause creates a wall that PREVENTS the government from doing every single thing this GOP candidate claims can be done......

This is the separation that most sane people talk about when they say separation of church and state.....

"Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel confessed to a Sunday debate crowd that he wouldn't follow the Constitution if elected to the federal office. While all federal officials are mandated to swear an oath to the Constitution, Mandel has serious issues with the first one. "They're trying to take God out of all aspects of society," said Mandel. "And they're trying to water down on the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America."

He went on to say that he doesn't want to "water down" Christianity for those of other faiths and religions -- we should dial it up...."We should be instilling faith in the classroom, in the workplace, and everywhere in society," said Mandel. "There's no such thing as separation of church and state."

Aside from the point this guy is obviously pandering and personally doesn't believe a word of what he is saying -- the fact he feels he has to say this to his base proves one thing....A large part of the conservative base wants a religious much so that people running for national office are willing to say it out loud....funny part is, Mandel is Jewish....but he has no problem telling Evangelicals what they want to hear -- even if the fantasy for those Evangelicals doesn't bode well for Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity....

The same folks who go into hysterics over teaching "critical race theory" to kids (even tho it is not being taught to kids) -- those same folks have no problem with public schools "INSTILLING" Christianity into kids in schools...more evidence that these people are full of shit....Because if you truly believe your Conservative-Christian-American version of God is everywhere, how the fuck can anyone "take him out of society"??

I remember when Republican supported the constitution. Alas, no more.
He is right. The left's religion is government mandated CRT/equity satanic garbage and they teach it everywhere.
I notice when Conservatives know they are wrong on the facts...they have resort to goofy ass hyperbolic dumb shit....

None of what you said is rooted in reality......nor does it have a single thing to do with the OP
Mandel is not going to win but he is right that there is no "separation" in the Constitution but all the same he isn't interested in what the Constitution does say.

Instilling faith is great but that means Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, etc etc etc also and Mandel would have a heart attack over that.

Forcing christianity on children and in our society does violate the constitution.

The constitution says the government can't make any law respecting an established religion. And can't prevent the free exercise of any religion.

If the government wants to sanction any religion they have to sanction all religions, as you posted.

Forcing christianity on children and this nation is a clear violation of the constitution.

I'm not christian so if anyone in the government ever tried to force that religion on me I'm going to find the meanest and greediest lawyer I can find to sue the government.

Us non christians have the christian faith forced on is by people who aren't in the government, we certainly don't want the government to join in.

Here is the text of the first amendment:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
We really need to outlaw the goo before they "vote" us back to the stone age.
In all black inner city Churches they promote government to their advantage. And there are Black preacher and their Church who may get local government money sent to them and even cars for driving.
Forcing christianity on children and in our society does violate the constitution.

OK but I never argued that,

The constitution says the government can't make any law respecting an established religion. And can't prevent the free exercise of any religion.

If the government wants to sanction any religion they have to sanction all religions, as you posted.

Forcing christianity on children and this nation is a clear violation of the constitution.

I'm not christian so if anyone in the government ever tried to force that religion on me I'm going to find the meanest and greediest lawyer I can find to sue the government.

Us non christians have the christian faith forced on is by people who aren't in the government, we certainly don't want the government to join in.

Here is the text of the first amendment:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

I know what it says. Do you have a faith in anything? Science?
In all black inner city Churches they promote government to their advantage. And there are Black preacher and their Church who may get local government money sent to them and even cars for driving.
That isn't just in "all black churches"

A lot of so-called White evangelical churches get rich off of pushing politics to their followers and doing it all tax free..
Forcing christianity on children and in our society does violate the constitution.

The constitution says the government can make any law respecting an established religion. And can't prevent the free exercise of any religion.

If the government wants to sanction any religion they have to sanction all religions, as you posted.

Forcing christianity on children and this nation is a clear violation of the constitution.

I'm not christian so if anyone in the government ever tried to force that religion on me I'm going to find the meanest and greediest lawyer I can find to sue the government.

Us non christians have the christian faith forced on is by people who aren't in the government, we certainly don't want the government to join in.

Here is the text of the first amendment:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Eliminate taxes to pay for your views. People that do things may do it for faith. So if a Christian denomination gets a tax break, why do 16 Catholic Nuns from first to eighth grade earn less totally then one secular public school teacher in a year? With much of the way they live in convents subsidized by parishioners who give what they can afford. We are now corrupted. Corrupted to stench. And the costs will keep rising until the system collapses.
the Establishment cause creates a wall that PREVENTS the government from doing every single thing this GOP candidate claims can be done......
OK, but the post doesn't cover that, the by line reads one thing and then the post does not back it up

This is the separation that most sane people talk about when they say separation of church and state.....
OK, just so you don't get the idea that you can monopolize who is sane and who isn't do ya know what else sane people also say about the "RIGHT TO LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" [which happens to be the foundation that became our constitution]? That the "right to life" is guaranteed in writing without need for interpretation

"Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel confessed to a Sunday debate crowd that he wouldn't follow the Constitution if elected to the federal office. While all federal officials are mandated to swear an oath to the Constitution, Mandel has serious issues with the first one. "They're trying to take God out of all aspects of society," said Mandel. "And they're trying to water down on the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America."

He went on to say that he doesn't want to "water down" Christianity for those of other faiths and religions -- we should dial it up...."We should be instilling faith in the classroom, in the workplace, and everywhere in society," said Mandel. "There's no such thing as separation of church and state."

Aside from the point this guy is obviously pandering and personally doesn't believe a word of what he is saying -- the fact he feels he has to say this to his base proves one thing....A large part of the conservative base wants a religious much so that people running for national office are willing to say it out loud....funny part is, Mandel is Jewish....but he has no problem telling Evangelicals what they want to hear -- even if the fantasy for those Evangelicals doesn't bode well for Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity....

The same folks who go into hysterics over teaching "critical race theory" to kids (even tho [sic] it is not being taught to kids) -- those same folks have no problem with public schools "INSTILLING" Christianity into kids in schools...more evidence that these people are full of shit....Because if you truly believe your Conservative-Christian-American version of God is everywhere, how the fuck can anyone "take him out of society"??

The source is the left wrong-wrong lies and propaganda site, Raw Story, so just from this alone, we can know that the story is almost certainly composed mostly, if not entirely, of complete bullshit.

Assuming that Mr. Mandel said what this propaganda piece quotes him as saying, he's absolutely right. The statement that “Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel confessed to a Sunday debate crowd that he wouldn't follow the Constitution if elected to the federal office.” is just Raw Story's own LIbtARd lie, based on trying to twist the Constitution to fit its degenerate agenda, rather than reading it for what it actually says.
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The source is the left wrong-wrong lies and propaganda site, Raw Story, so just from this alone, we can know that the story is almost certainly composed mostly, if not entirely, of complete bullshit.

Assuming that Mr. Mandel said what this propaganda piece quotes him as saying, he's absolutely right. The statement that “Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel confessed to a Sunday debate crowd that he wouldn't follow the Constitution if elected to the federal office.” is just Raw Stories own LIbtARd lie, based on trying to twist the Constitution to fit its degenerate agenda, rather than reading it for what it actually says.

Assuming? The link to him saying it is there.
I remember when Republican supported the constitution. Alas, no more.

We support the Constitution as it is explicitly written, and not, as you filth on the left wrong do, as an absurd straw man army created by twisting the Constitution to mean other than, and very often the opposite of, what it explicitly says, to support the very abuses that it was intended to prohibit.
OK but I never argued that,

I know what it says. Do you have a faith in anything? Science?

My faith is no one's business.

I'm not a christian so I don't need to talk about it on a message board.

Some christians seem to have a need to tell everyone their faith then try to force it on others.

Also, some christians attack those of other faiths and I have no desire to see some christians post attacks to me because of my personal faith.

So, no, it's not any of yours or anyone else's business what faith follow.

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