GOP Budget Offers First-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country

If you steal more money from the public for these clowns, they will spend it and more. That is the whole point. They can not help but spend ALL the revenue and another 1.3 trillion on their failing, economically inept programs. The only way to hold them accountable is to force them to cut waste adn do it in a big way.

Go ahead though, raise the tax rate to 90% on the 200,000+ income crowd and see what happens.

Fair taxation of disposable income is stealing? You're a fucking loon.

First, nice ad hominem. Ironic those that use such attacks come off as, shall we say, 'fucking loons'...

Anyway, define "fair". Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income tax. That fair? Or are you going to suggest half of American's have NO disposable income?

"Fair" is when useless parasites like Dick Suck get more of someone else's money. That's how he/she defines it, anyway.
At this point, I want Ryan to go the fuck away.

I understand what some of the rhetoric means and how some of these concepts need to happen because the financial crisis needs to be dealt with but yet another play that cuts the upper bracket and voucher-izes Medicare is not going to go over well with the American public. This IS an election year and what Ryan is doing is foot stomping for the left.
Simply put - more tax breaks are a no go in general and fixes for Medicare need to be addressed as just that with far more serious discussion to say the least and at a bare minimum, the public needs to be brought around and on board with any real fix. What Ryan is doing is corrosive.

Well, he's not. Basically because he's part of the "A" Team now and getting groomed for bigger and better things.
If you steal more money from the public for these clowns, they will spend it and more. That is the whole point. They can not help but spend ALL the revenue and another 1.3 trillion on their failing, economically inept programs. The only way to hold them accountable is to force them to cut waste adn do it in a big way.

Go ahead though, raise the tax rate to 90% on the 200,000+ income crowd and see what happens.

Fair taxation of disposable income is stealing? You're a fucking loon.

All taxation is stealing, asshole, and there's nothing "fair" about taxing some at a higher percentage than others. That's just outright plunder by a gang of greedy envious losers.

You know..a light read of the Constitution proves you wrong. And utterly.
At this point, I want Ryan to go the fuck away.

I understand what some of the rhetoric means and how some of these concepts need to happen because the financial crisis needs to be dealt with but yet another play that cuts the upper bracket and voucher-izes Medicare is not going to go over well with the American public. This IS an election year and what Ryan is doing is foot stomping for the left.
Simply put - more tax breaks are a no go in general and fixes for Medicare need to be addressed as just that with far more serious discussion to say the least and at a bare minimum, the public needs to be brought around and on board with any real fix. What Ryan is doing is corrosive.

Well, he's not. Basically because he's part of the "A" Team now and getting groomed for bigger and better things.

No, he does it because he is shocking and that works with the asinine environment that we have now. There is no 'grooming' because he is not going anywhere anytime soon. What he does works where he is but not any further up.
And most people do not praise proposals without having a clue what's in them..

ROFL! You mean like Nazi Pelosi who told us they had to pass Obamacare so we could find out what's in the bill?

You dupes are a great example of what she meant, that people won't understand it until it's implemented, primarily because of huge Pub misinformation and the cowardly corporate media...
when Obama presented his budget proposal without details about this kind of stuff.

Just guessing now, eh? Do your fucking homework, kid. I really don't understand the appeal of relying on hearsay or gut instincts over reading actual primary documents.

The Obama budget request is an actual framework prepared by actual budget professionals, unlike Ryan's bullshit. It includes those little nagging details like what income tax rates would be charged for which income brackets.
There a link to my thread on the 2013 fiscal year Obama budget, and a link to the text.

Show me the exact section where it 'It includes those little nagging details like what income tax rates would be charged for which income brackets'.

You can't because it's not in there, which makes you either a liar, or stupid.

Which is it?
And most people do not praise proposals without having a clue what's in them..

ROFL! You mean like Nazi Pelosi who told us they had to pass Obamacare so we could find out what's in the bill?

You dupes are a great example of what she meant, that people won't understand it until it's implemented, primarily because of huge Pub misinformation and the cowardly corporate media...

Bullshit. We all know she hadn't read the bill when she vote on it. No one had. How can you read a 2700 page bill when it is submitted less than 24 hours before it's voted on?

You got hoisted on your own petard.
Fair taxation of disposable income is stealing? You're a fucking loon.

All taxation is stealing, asshole, and there's nothing "fair" about taxing some at a higher percentage than others. That's just outright plunder by a gang of greedy envious losers.

You know..a light read of the Constitution proves you wrong. And utterly.

Since when is the Constitution the final authority on what is moral and what is not? The Constitution originally allowed slavery.

Taxation is indistinguishable from robbery. The only difference is in who is perpetrating the crime. Why should government have a license to do anything that private citizens do not?
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ROFL! You mean like Nazi Pelosi who told us they had to pass Obamacare so we could find out what's in the bill?

You dupes are a great example of what she meant, that people won't understand it until it's implemented, primarily because of huge Pub misinformation and the cowardly corporate media...

Bullshit. We all know she hadn't read the bill when she vote on it. No one had. How can you read a 2700 page bill when it is submitted less than 24 hours before it's voted on?

You got hoisted on your own petard.

the masturbation to pictures of Obama has long ago worn his petard away to nothing.
We dont have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.

Revenues are at a 50 year low right now. To balance the budget without any spending cuts would require getting rid of all discretionary spending (including disbanding the military). If you wanted to shield the military from any cuts, you'd still need to get rid of all other discretionary spending and then chop Social Security checks by 25% and cut all Medicare and Medicaid payments by 25%.
lets cut unnecessary spending.

Why is defense spending totally off limits in Ryan's budget?

not surprisingly, you have not bothered to read anything...

page 13 of the linked pdf... defense spending
more on defense in the rest of the pdf.

It seems you haven't read it, as page 13 states that no cuts to defense beyond those already agreed to in the Budget Control Act will be made.
GOP Budget Offers First-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country

We are making budgets for Sweden now?

I guess that is one way to get back in first place, lower the playing field :)

we've treid that....hello. and its not working.

the plan is far from perfect but hes serious, ron wyden is serious and together they can make a go it, now if only obama were serious.

Do you people keep mentioning Wyden? He's not part of the Ryan budget plan.
Also, for Ryan's plan to generate the kind of revenues he claims, as he says he'll balance the rate cuts with getting rid of deductions, it would require getting rid of the deductions for employer-provided health care and the home mortgage deduction. Good luck with that.
We dont have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.

Revenues are at a 50 year low right now. To balance the budget without any spending cuts would require getting rid of all discretionary spending (including disbanding the military). If you wanted to shield the military from any cuts, you'd still need to get rid of all other discretionary spending and then chop Social Security checks by 25% and cut all Medicare and Medicaid payments by 25%.

OK, in the last 50 years, have we attain a surplus? NO. The debt keeps mounting on and has been since even before then. So raising more revenue under the current groping and intrusive govt. we have signals they will simply squeeze the private capital more and still spend more money than is obtained in revenue.

The only way to keep this govt. in check and from sliding off the table into a despot and market squeezing is to force them into massive cuts to balance the budget. Cut salaries back to national averages across all public servants, gut wasteful departments and unnecessary ones, oversea war and aid expenditures. The whole gambit.

It wont happen though. Raise the rates though. Mark my words, they will still deficit spend and accumulate more debt.
Cutting salaries "back to national averages" won't do anything, as most people working in government are already paid less than their private sector counterparts. Saying we should "gut wasteful department" is just throwing out buzzwords, unless you truly believe that all discretionary spending is wasteful.
Tit for tat?

No thanks. You're moving the posts.

Ron Paul has the best plan I've seen to date on cutting federal spending. Ending wasteful and unconstitutional depts., EPA, dept of energy, dept of ed. etc..I would go much further and not raise another dollar in taxes. Most "discretionary spending" is wasteful and intrusive to market sectors.

Just moments ago you argued taxes are at a 50 year low. So what happens by raising them more? The answer is nothing except depleting private sector capital, capital flight and an increase is UE, investment, etc....

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