GOP blames Obama but International Press blames GOP



Iraq news: Tony Blair airbrushing role in creating Isis in Iraq

Blaming Obama for Iraq's Chaos

Thus, there is almost no attention to the fact that before the U.S. overthrow (and subsequent hanging) of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, there was no al-Qaeda threat in Iraq or Syria.

That threat emerged only after the U.S. invasion and the Bush administration’s rash decision to disband the Iraqi army. Then, as U.S. forces fought to crush Sunni resistance to Iraq’s new U.S.-backed Shiite-dominated government, Iraq became a magnet for Sunni extremists from across the Middle East, a force that coalesced into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Yet, the great divide in the Iraq War narrative came in 2007-08 when the neocons sought to salvage their blood-spattered reputations by inserting the myth of the “successful surge,” hailing Bush’s decision to escalate the war by dispatching some 30,000 additional U.S. troops. Though the “surge” initially was accompanied by a surge in killing, the gradual reduction in the violence was cited as proof of Bush’s heroic wisdom.

Other explanations for the decline in Iraqi violence were ignored, including the fact that some key policies, such as buying-off Sunni tribes in Anbar Province and applying high-tech methods for hunting down al-Qaeda leaders, were initiated before the surge although their impact only became clear later. And, the violence also subsided because the Iraqi people finally recognized that a timetable was being set for the removal of all U.S. troops, a process completed in 2011.

The Debacle in Iraq | Global Research

The Iraq war was not a humanitarian crusade to bring democracy to the Iraqi people. It was justified on the basis of lies about “weapons of mass destruction” and nonexistent ties between Baghdad and Al Qaeda and was carried out to further US imperialism’s drive to assert hegemony over the Middle East and its vast energy reserves. Far from providing a “better destiny” to the Iraqis, the war laid waste to an entire society.

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed by the US war, millions more were turned into refugees, and every facet of the economic, social and political infrastructure holding the country together was reduced to rubble. Nearly 4,500 US troops lost their lives, tens of thousands were wounded, and hundreds of thousands were left with the psychological and emotional toll of having been part of a dirty colonial-style war. Trillions of dollars were squandered on a criminal enterprise that enriched politically connected contractors and oil companies, while leaving Iraq’s population in a state of abject misery.


We all knew this day was coming. Republicans live in a permanent state of delusion. Outside the GOP, the rest of the world knows what happened and who did it. Republicans may try to deflect and scheme, but the jig is up. Everyone knows. This is the worst GOP debacle since, wow, where to begin? There have been so many.
Republicans don't like anyone "different". And that includes "foreigners".
Hey, why don't you ask the military who volunteered to do the dirty work who they blame. It ain't Bush.

Sure it is.

Zogby: Troops think Iraq was retaliation for 9/11

President Bush tried to link Iraq with 9/11 and imply Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda.

These tactics worked -- more than 75% of Bush supporters believed (PDF) in October 2004 that Saddam was directly involved in 9/11 (20%) or gave substantial support to Al Qaeda (55%).

Sadly, a new Zogby International poll of soldiers in Iraq (via Brad DeLong by way of Scott Rosenberg) suggests that soldiers in Iraq may be even more misinformed:

While 85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks
Do liberals have anything other than cliches and their lies? The international press blames Booooooosh, therefore they must be right. Cause the international press has sure supported republicans.

Rdean proving my claim that they only parrot the media. They stand for nothing. You would think it would bother one of them that they are always on the popular side of every issue ((politically correct). They are so blinded by their arrogance that they cannot see it.

Meanwhile Clinton still signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds. Hillary still propagated the existence of wmds before Bush took office. The paradigm did shift post 911 in how to deal with nationals that sponsored terror. Hence the reason democrAts voted for the war.

Rdean is just another know it all hypocritical dooooosh who cannot think for himself. Funny to watch him think he is oh so smart. Pathetic, but funny.
Ha-ha, what makes anyone think it would be any different for our empire just as it was in the history of empires...
Ha-ha, what makes anyone think it would be any different for our empire just as it was in the history of empires...

Are you going to laugh your ass off when Shia's start home grown attacks because they are really really pissed right about now.
Do liberals have anything other than cliches and their lies? The international press blames Booooooosh, therefore they must be right. Cause the international press has sure supported republicans.

Why isnt Bush to blame again? I think you "forgot" to mention that part.
Hey, why don't you ask the military who volunteered to do the dirty work who they blame. It ain't Bush.

Sure it is.

Zogby: Troops think Iraq was retaliation for 9/11

President Bush tried to link Iraq with 9/11 and imply Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda.

These tactics worked -- more than 75% of Bush supporters believed (PDF) in October 2004 that Saddam was directly involved in 9/11 (20%) or gave substantial support to Al Qaeda (55%).

Sadly, a new Zogby International poll of soldiers in Iraq (via Brad DeLong by way of Scott Rosenberg) suggests that soldiers in Iraq may be even more misinformed:

While 85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks

Your poll is 8 years old and has nothing to do with current events. Pitiful ignorant creature.
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Hey, why don't you ask the military who volunteered to do the dirty work who they blame. It ain't Bush.

Sure it is.

Zogby: Troops think Iraq was retaliation for 9/11

President Bush tried to link Iraq with 9/11 and imply Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda.

These tactics worked -- more than 75% of Bush supporters believed (PDF) in October 2004 that Saddam was directly involved in 9/11 (20%) or gave substantial support to Al Qaeda (55%).

Sadly, a new Zogby International poll of soldiers in Iraq (via Brad DeLong by way of Scott Rosenberg) suggests that soldiers in Iraq may be even more misinformed:

While 85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks

Your poll is 8 years old and has nothing to do with current events. Pitiful ignorant creator.

Well with all the evidence you provided we can see your po....hahahahaha
Hey, why don't you ask the military who volunteered to do the dirty work who they blame. It ain't Bush.

Sure it is.

Zogby: Troops think Iraq was retaliation for 9/11

President Bush tried to link Iraq with 9/11 and imply Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda.

These tactics worked -- more than 75% of Bush supporters believed (PDF) in October 2004 that Saddam was directly involved in 9/11 (20%) or gave substantial support to Al Qaeda (55%).

Sadly, a new Zogby International poll of soldiers in Iraq (via Brad DeLong by way of Scott Rosenberg) suggests that soldiers in Iraq may be even more misinformed:

While 85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks

Anther Dean-o matic lie.

Provide the direct quotes from Bushe's mouth saying what you accuse him of doing.
Republicans don't like anyone "different". And that includes "foreigners".

Coming from the king of hate,priceless. Republicans are different than you,why do you hate them so much,after all they are just different.

This clown is a fine example of the hypocrisy of his kind,bigoted,racist,just miserable hateful little turd balls.
Hey, why don't you ask the military who volunteered to do the dirty work who they blame. It ain't Bush.
Sure it is.

Zogby: Troops think Iraq was retaliation for 9/11

President Bush tried to link Iraq with 9/11 and imply Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda.

These tactics worked -- more than 75% of Bush supporters believed (PDF) in October 2004 that Saddam was directly involved in 9/11 (20%) or gave substantial support to Al Qaeda (55%).

Sadly, a new Zogby International poll of soldiers in Iraq (via Brad DeLong by way of Scott Rosenberg) suggests that soldiers in Iraq may be even more misinformed:

While 85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks
Anther Dean-o matic lie.

Provide the direct quotes from Bushe's mouth saying what you accuse him of doing.

Here you are:

We also must never forget the most vivid events of recent history. On September the 11th, 2001, America felt its vulnerability -- even to threats that gather on the other side of the earth. We resolved then, and we are resolved today, to confront every threat, from any source, that could bring sudden terror and suffering to America.

Members of the Congress of both political parties, and members of the United Nations Security Council, agree that Saddam Hussein is a threat to peace and must disarm. We agree that the Iraqi dictator must not be permitted to threaten America and the world with horrible poisons and diseases and gases and atomic weapons. Since we all agree on this goal, the issues is : how can we best achieve it?
President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat

9/11.... Saddam Hussein. Direct quote from Bush.

You're welcome.

As for his question, "How can we best achieve it?" He failed miserably because HE FUCKING LIED.
Iraq: The Media War Plan
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Record on CURVEBALL
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

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