GOP blames everything on Democrats taking control of both houses in 2007




Democrats Take the Gavels in Congress

Published: January 4, 2007

Democrats have a narrow edge in the Senate: 51 of the 100 seats (counting Bernard Sanders of Vermont and Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, both elected as independents but caucusing with the Democrats).

House GOP Uses Procedural Tactic To Frustrate Democratic Majority -

Motion to Recommit Employed to Delay or Alter Legislation

By Lyndsey Layton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 19, 2007

House Republicans, fighting to remain relevant in a chamber ruled by Democrats, have increasingly seized on a parliamentary technique to alter or delay nearly a dozen pieces of legislation pushed by the majority this year.

Since January, GOP leaders have relied on a maneuver known as the "motion to recommit" to stymie Democrats and score political points for Republicans still adjusting to life in the minority.

In the 12 years of Republican control that ended in January, Democrats passed 11 motions to recommit. Republicans have racked up the same number in just five months of this Congress.

GOP leaders were incensed and threatened to use all available procedural techniques to block every bill except war spending legislation.


During the last Presidential election, Democrats took a "super majority" in the Senate, but because there are "conservative" Democrats, they sometimes vote with Republican conservatives to promote corporate interests over the good of the American people.

The Republicans on this board like to say the economy fell apart because Democrats took control of both houses. Considering that Democrats only had 51 votes and that two votes were actually "independent" and the president had veto power HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE??????????????

What Democratic legislation caused the economy to fall apart in just two measly years? And don't forget, it takes MONTHS to pass legislation.

it is amazing what that Democratic Congress was able to pass in a few short months to cause so much damage
That logic would mean that everything the right tries to give Reagan credit for in reality goes to the Democratic Congress in the eighties.
I find it amazing that

1) Everything is all the Democrats fault, and no blame rests with the Republican policies from 2001-2006


2) Everything is the fault of the Republicans and Bush, and how the Democratic congress share no responsibility, blame or culpability for the past 4 years.

I dont recall anyone saying that some democrats do not deserve some of the blame.

Lets remember which party is the party of deregulation.

lets remember which party that produced a system in which the corporations were treated like they could do no wrong.
I dont recall anyone saying that some democrats do not deserve some of the blame.

Lets remember which party is the party of deregulation.

lets remember which party that produced a system in which the corporations were treated like they could do no wrong.


You're just as bad as they are. Frickin' swallowing anything "your side" tells you to.
I dont recall anyone saying that some democrats do not deserve some of the blame.

Lets remember which party is the party of deregulation.

lets remember which party that produced a system in which the corporations were treated like they could do no wrong.


You're just as bad as they are. Frickin' swallowing anything "your side" tells you to.
The collapse of the economy after the 2006 elections was not Party related but ideology related. The major stalwarts of the CON$ervative movement said congress moved RIGHT with the election of 2006. And we all have observed that the economy was devastated following this shift of congress to the RIGHT.

November 8, 2006
RUSH: Republicans lost last night but conservatism did not, and that is, to me, one of the fundamental elements of last night's results. Conservatism did not lose; Republicans lost last night. In fact, Republicanism, being a political party first rather than an ideological movement, is what lost.

There was conservatism yesterday in the election, and it was to be found on the Democratic side of the aisle.
But conservatism won when it was tried yesterday. Conservatism won fairly big when it was tried
Thomas Sowell put this very well. He said the latest example of "election fraud" is actually what the Democrats did. They nominated a bunch of moderate and conservative Democrats

Only a Minor Earthquake
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, November 10, 2006; Page A31

This is not realignment. As has been the case for decades, American politics continues to be fought between the 40-yard lines. The Europeans fight goal line to goal line, from socialist left to ultra-nationalist right. On the American political spectrum, these extremes are negligible. American elections are fought on much narrower ideological grounds. In this election the Democrats carried the ball from their own 45-yard line to the Republican 45-yard line.

The fact that the Democrats crossed midfield does not make this election a great anti-conservative swing. Republican losses included a massacre of moderate Republicans in the Northeast and Midwest. And Democratic gains included the addition of many conservative Democrats, brilliantly recruited by Rep. Rahm Emanuel with classic Clintonian triangulation. Hence Heath Shuler of North Carolina, antiabortion, pro-gun, anti-tax -- and now a Democratic House member.

The result is that both parties have moved to the right. The Republicans have shed the last vestiges of their centrist past, the Rockefeller Republicans. And the Democrats have widened their tent to bring in a new crop of blue-dog conservatives.
Deregulation and lack inforcement of exsisting regulations caused this mess.

This mess was the product of basic right wing policy.
Dishonest people caused this mess. Until people start realizing it's not regulation or lack of regulation that's causing the problem and that it's corrupt people, we cannot fix this problem.
Dishonest people caused this mess. Until people start realizing it's not regulation or lack of regulation that's causing the problem and that it's corrupt people, we cannot fix this problem.

I hate to break the news to you "Tweedy Bird", but the purpose of "regulation" is to protect us from "dishonest people". Why do you think the Republican leadership wants to get rid us of "regulation"? Could it be because they are inherently "dishonest"?

I tawd I taw a puddy tat!

Even when you guys see the light, you will only follow the right.
I dont recall anyone saying that some democrats do not deserve some of the blame.

Lets remember which party is the party of deregulation.

lets remember which party that produced a system in which the corporations were treated like they could do no wrong.

You want me to point you at all the people who have said that? Without even thinking about it I can name on in the real world, and one on this board. Part of the problem is selective memories of people like you who see and here this happening, and then promptly forget it unless there is an R behind their name.
I find it amazing that

1) Everything is all the Democrats fault, and no blame rests with the Republican policies from 2001-2006


2) Everything is the fault of the Republicans and Bush, and how the Democratic congress share no responsibility, blame or culpability for the past 4 years.


You have to be a conservative. Because conservatives have a very difficult time seeing anything in shades of gray. To them, everything is always black or white, up or down, left or right. It's why the concept of "conservative Democrats" is foreign to them.

The Democrats actually compromise with Republicans when Republicans are in power because it's the will of the American people.

Republicans never compromise. For them, it's fuck the American people. It's why Republicans are so comfortable blocking unemployment for millions of Americans. They can give a trillion dollars to the rich, but won't give 3% of that to the unemployed Middle Class. They can give 35 billion in subsidies to oil companies, but not 30 billion to the middle class for unemployment. Because of the deficit. Ooh, the scary deficit. Only when it comes to helping the Middle Class is the deficit so "frightening".
Dishonest people caused this mess. Until people start realizing it's not regulation or lack of regulation that's causing the problem and that it's corrupt people, we cannot fix this problem.

I hate to break the news to you "Tweedy Bird", but the purpose of "regulation" is to protect us from "dishonest people". Why do you think the Republican leadership wants to get rid us of "regulation"? Could it be because they are inherently "dishonest"?

I tawd I taw a puddy tat!

Even when you guys see the light, you will only follow the right.

That is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read. Regulation does a lot of things, some of them good, but it does not protect us from dishonest people, and making more regulations in an attempt to deal with dishonest people only hurts honest people. If someone is willing to break a law/regulation then making more of them only gives them more to break/ignore.

If you are correct that regulations are meant to protect us from dishonesty we might as well scrap them, because they obviously fail. If, on the other hand, regulations are meant to protect us from unintentional harm and lessen the impact of mistakes, like most people who advocate them argue, then they serve a purpose, and some of them are worthwhile.
I find it amazing that

1) Everything is all the Democrats fault, and no blame rests with the Republican policies from 2001-2006


2) Everything is the fault of the Republicans and Bush, and how the Democratic congress share no responsibility, blame or culpability for the past 4 years.


You have to be a conservative. Because conservatives have a very difficult time seeing anything in shades of gray. To them, everything is always black or white, up or down, left or right. It's why the concept of "conservative Democrats" is foreign to them.

The Democrats actually compromise with Republicans when Republicans are in power because it's the will of the American people.

Republicans never compromise. For them, it's fuck the American people. It's why Republicans are so comfortable blocking unemployment for millions of Americans. They can give a trillion dollars to the rich, but won't give 3% of that to the unemployed Middle Class. They can give 35 billion in subsidies to oil companies, but not 30 billion to the middle class for unemployment. Because of the deficit. Ooh, the scary deficit. Only when it comes to helping the Middle Class is the deficit so "frightening".

Just when I think you have gotten as stupid as it is possible for you to get, you prove me wrong. One of these days I will accept that there are no bounds to your ability to spout idiocy, and cease being surprised by it.

Didn't you even how Radioman called out both sides? How the Ds blame the Rs and the Rs blame the Ds for the exact same thing? Yet somehow this proves he is a right wing extremist because he disagrees with your faith and points out that Ds are not perfect, while simultaneously calling out the Rs for the same thing.

Get a life.
Dishonest people caused this mess. Until people start realizing it's not regulation or lack of regulation that's causing the problem and that it's corrupt people, we cannot fix this problem.

I hate to break the news to you "Tweedy Bird", but the purpose of "regulation" is to protect us from "dishonest people". Why do you think the Republican leadership wants to get rid us of "regulation"? Could it be because they are inherently "dishonest"?

I tawd I taw a puddy tat!

Even when you guys see the light, you will only follow the right.

That is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read. Regulation does a lot of things, some of them good, but it does not protect us from dishonest people, and making more regulations in an attempt to deal with dishonest people only hurts honest people. If someone is willing to break a law/regulation then making more of them only gives them more to break/ignore.

If you are correct that regulations are meant to protect us from dishonesty we might as well scrap them, because they obviously fail. If, on the other hand, regulations are meant to protect us from unintentional harm and lessen the impact of mistakes, like most people who advocate them argue, then they serve a purpose, and some of them are worthwhile.

Dishonest people caused this mess. Until people start realizing it's not regulation or lack of regulation that's causing the problem and that it's corrupt people, we cannot fix this problem.

I hate to break the news to you "Tweedy Bird", but the purpose of "regulation" is to protect us from "dishonest people". Why do you think the Republican leadership wants to get rid us of "regulation"? Could it be because they are inherently "dishonest"?

I tawd I taw a puddy tat!

Even when you guys see the light, you will only follow the right.

dishonest hacks like yourself are not good for if no dems were ever for're as bad as your OP, all YOU do is blame republicans and only republicans
I find it amazing that

1) Everything is all the Democrats fault, and no blame rests with the Republican policies from 2001-2006


2) Everything is the fault of the Republicans and Bush, and how the Democratic congress share no responsibility, blame or culpability for the past 4 years.


You have to be a conservative. Because conservatives have a very difficult time seeing anything in shades of gray. To them, everything is always black or white, up or down, left or right. It's why the concept of "conservative Democrats" is foreign to them.

The Democrats actually compromise with Republicans when Republicans are in power because it's the will of the American people.

Republicans never compromise. For them, it's fuck the American people. It's why Republicans are so comfortable blocking unemployment for millions of Americans. They can give a trillion dollars to the rich, but won't give 3% of that to the unemployed Middle Class. They can give 35 billion in subsidies to oil companies, but not 30 billion to the middle class for unemployment. Because of the deficit. Ooh, the scary deficit. Only when it comes to helping the Middle Class is the deficit so "frightening".

Just when I think you have gotten as stupid as it is possible for you to get, you prove me wrong. One of these days I will accept that there are no bounds to your ability to spout idiocy, and cease being surprised by it.

Didn't you even how Radioman called out both sides? How the Ds blame the Rs and the Rs blame the Ds for the exact same thing? Yet somehow this proves he is a right wing extremist because he disagrees with your faith and points out that Ds are not perfect, while simultaneously calling out the Rs for the same thing.

Get a life.

Republicans Setting Filibuster Record in Senate - ABC News

Opposition Republicans are using the delaying tactic at a record-setting pace.

"The numbers are astonishing in this Congress," says Jim Riddlesperger, political science professor at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.

In the 110th Congress of 2007-2008, with Republicans in the minority, there were a record 112 cloture votes. In the current session of Congress — the 111th — for all of 2009 and the first two months of 2010 the number already exceeds 40. The most the filibuster has been used when Democrats were in the minority was 58 times in the 106th Congress of 1999-2000.


That's 152 compared to 58 and it's not even November.

Why are Republicans doing this? They know if things improve, people won't vote for them. They are willing to hurt the American people to claw their way back to power. Fuck America. It's all about the Republican Party.

And you, Dumbass, call me stupid? That's rich.
Dishonest people caused this mess. Until people start realizing it's not regulation or lack of regulation that's causing the problem and that it's corrupt people, we cannot fix this problem.

I hate to break the news to you "Tweedy Bird", but the purpose of "regulation" is to protect us from "dishonest people". Why do you think the Republican leadership wants to get rid us of "regulation"? Could it be because they are inherently "dishonest"?

I tawd I taw a puddy tat!

Even when you guys see the light, you will only follow the right.

dishonest hacks like yourself are not good for if no dems were ever for're as bad as your OP, all YOU do is blame republicans and only republicans

Actually, if you read my posts, I blame "conservatives".

But it's like calling the Republican party the "White Wing" because 90% of the party is "white". So 90% of the fuck ups of the last 20 years have been Republican. Ok, perhaps it's closer to 95%. And the Democratic fuck ups? Listening to Republicans.

I've asked Republicans to name a single success in the last 10 years and all they could come up with is tricking the American people into war or voting Republican. Then they call me names. Hey don't shoot the messenger.
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