GOP Being Honest(?)! Bankruptcies Are For Everyone, Just Like Longer Than Watergate Hearings!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The famous debate spectacle of Governor Christie blasting Trump and Fiorina for mentioning their business cajones should remind anyone that the Beghazi Hearing is now more like the, "What did they know, and when did they know it!" great spectacle of the 1970's Watergate Hearings.

Clinton campaign: Benghazi probe is Congress' longest investigation ever

It is longer-running than that, if not the longest ever. Republicans were forced to withdraw and resign as process went along. Elected Republicans would have to be forced to make comments, distancing themselves from the proceedings. So far there are no emails noting anything specific about the incident, other than anything to be expected. The outcome of the actual event was lethal. The Congressional Investigation has managed to actually against the Republican Party.

Their concept of a Presidential Nominee is a fellow with four bankruptcies on his own record: Some nature of experience The Republicans want brought to the job.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe another GOP directed credit downgrade of the entire United States is intended, still mainly supportive of Fidel Castro(?)! Real Communists do not do bankruptcies(?), or something. . .or anything, getting done(?)!)
awww, poor Hillary. they sure didn't complain when it was THEM doing the investigating over some low level FBI Agent Valerie Plame .
The Plame affair erupted in July 2003, when journalist Robert Novak revealed that Valerie Plame worked as covert employee of the Central Intelligence Agency, although the seeds of the scandal had been laid during 2001 and 2002 as the Bush administration investigated allegations that Iraq had purchased Nigerien uranium.

Between 2003 and 2007, Patrick Fitzgerald led a criminal investigation into allegations
Plame affair timeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

but now that its HILLARY herself being investigated she is all whiny and worried over the time and cost.

all together now. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaa wa
Odd example to bring up, since finally Vice President Cheney would blame all the expense on Secretary Powell, all of this in the Bush Administration. The problem then was still the "stonewalling," keeping silent, withholding information. Secretary Clinton has been providing information, seemingly since before time began.

And then note that part: There has been so much compliance, with the disruptions only affecting Republicans, that any advantages the Republicans expected, from the hearings, have vanished. There was something to be gained if criminal intent and violations had been shown. There are none, and the FBI and the Clinton attorneys are protecting everyone's rights in the matter. The Committee can't even protect the Republican Party, by comparison.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many know not to jump headfirst into Great Mound of Fire Ants, even far away from Benghazi--where matters were in deterioration, in a matter more of seconds than of decades.)
I don't begrudge an individual or company filing for bankruptcy. We need risk takers. But to be associated with multiple bankruptcies suggests a pattern. I certainly wouldn't hold stock in any company where such character is employed in any top management spot.
Validating the problem raised in the post about pattern bankruptcies--The Trump campaign appears to have no staff or offices. Hats and T-Shirts, Bells and Whistles, a jet it has. There appears to be not too much concern with getting out the vote.

Donald Trump's top campaign expense: hats and t-shirts

He most recently refers to Bush II, Terms I & II, as a "reign," instead of an elected term in actual office.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Yellow Hair: Yet to visit Lands of Many Nations!)
I don't begrudge an individual or company filing for bankruptcy. We need risk takers. But to be associated with multiple bankruptcies suggests a pattern. I certainly wouldn't hold stock in any company where such character is employed in any top management spot.
considering our country is basically bankrupt it might be useful to have someone experienced in the matter.....jus sayin....
The U. S. Credit Market is basically over-extended. Quantitative Easing was invented to bring the bogus paper out of the market: More or less to help the banks get a fresh start(?). It is not clear that the Federal Reserve intends to be all that generous with the overextended household credit loads. The President would not be involved.

Where the potential nominee gets involved is with some semblance of organization, policy prescription, campaign base of support, and electoral support from all kinds of disparate populations. The English only have to deal the Scots and the Irish, by comparison. The Germans tend to deal mainly with the Germans.

The Republicans have the front-runner insulting more or less any of the above, and any others, and the one female basically offering stillborn dancing puppets for the children, disguised as something else. That easily tends more to the Bankruptcy facing the Republican Party.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Basque shepherds mainly favor sheep nuts, at any rate!)

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