Google found to track the location of users who have opted out

To put it simply, every packet of data you transmit over your phone contains the location of the cell tower or towers you're connected to.

That's how the data knows how to get to you.

If Google keeps records of that, its tracking.

If they don't, it's not.
George Orwell sub estimated the "Big Brother" situation in his book 1984....if he only knew what was really going to happen....:mad:
To put it simply, every packet of data you transmit over your phone contains the location of the cell tower or towers you're connected to.

That's how the data knows how to get to you.

If Google keeps records of that, its tracking.

If they don't, it's not.

Google has an all aggregated data policy, so you may turn off something but they can still be collecting through another app or spyware. They may still "track" you as they log what you are doing via their browser, app or spyware. Logging isn't considered tracking by Google. It's considered auditing and they log everything. So the records you mention are being collected via their logger software.

All you can do is disable as much tracking as possible, but it's not easy. You may want some of the benefits from their apps or websites. For example, you like their recommendations for youtube. You may have to turn off ad blocker or accept cookies to use a website. This puts spyware on your phone or internet browser..

You'd have to turn off:
Other To Do's
I use Firefox, CCleaner and SUPERAntiSpyware daily in order to lessen tracking, but once they get my data or I allow other apps access through Google then I'm compromised. Sometimes, Firefox burns too much memory or does not work on a website, so I have to use IE or Chrome. I used to have Opera, but it was overkill. Privacy mode helps, but it could burn up more memory. A VPN helps, too, but is more money every month.
There's a lot of difference between logging your search history, your source IP history, and your mobile location based on cell logging.

If you're mobile, only tracking your cell tower logs would give anyone a history of your physical movements.

That can't be done at the application later.
There's a lot of difference between logging your search history, your source IP history, and your mobile location based on cell logging.

If you're mobile, only tracking your cell tower logs would give anyone a history of your physical movements.

That can't be done at the application later.

All right. Many people use direction finding or direction driving on their smartphone. #1 is probably Google maps. I think that's how they get your location.

The more apps Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc. have to sell or give to you free, they are able to track you. They're probably just as bad as porn websites with tracking and spyware.

I don't trust any of them, including social media, especially Facebook. That said, I am a youtube user, so that's how Google gets me. I figure Google gets it all if you use Chrome. Many people prefer it over IE and Firefox. If you get an app that will prevent tracking and spyware, then they will fight you to just let you use it. It's like David vs Goliath.

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