Good Question.Whatever Maxine Has In Mind. Doesn't She Need To Go Thru Senate & Trump?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?
:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?

Liberal Game Plan.

Everything done in the House will be torpedoed by the Senate.

However, the MSM will play up the House as heroes and the Senate
as being bad for the country.

Same game plan for 60 years
:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?

Liberal Game Plan.

Everything done in the House will be torpedoed by the Senate.

However, the MSM will play up the House as heroes and the Senate
as being bad for the country.

Same game plan for 60 years
can the Senate come up with a proposal that Maxine works without her wigs before she starts writing laws?
:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?

Liberal Game Plan.

Everything done in the House will be torpedoed by the Senate.

However, the MSM will play up the House as heroes and the Senate
as being bad for the country.

Same game plan for 60 years
can the Senate come up with a proposal that Maxine works without her wigs before she starts writing laws?

I doubt it. There aren't many in the Senate on the same level as that
incompetent bitch.

Make banking laws, my ass. She'd be lucky if she could balance her
own check book.
:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?
"I did hear on Fox..." A sure sign of a parroting rube.

The way legislation works is that a sponsor in the House draws up a bill, and a sponsor in the Senate draws up a similar bill. The bills are then assigned to committee.

The committee can then just kill it right there on the spot. If the sponsor was a Democrat, say, and the Republicans hold the majority, that means the chair of the committee will be a Republican and he can kill it.

Or the committee can hold hearings and have debates and then vote on the bill. If the bill passes the committee, it then goes to the floor for a full House/Senate vote. Unless the Speaker/Majority Leader is of the opposition party, then he can just kill it right then and there and never pass it to the floor for a vote.

If the House passes a bill, but the Senate does not, the bill dies. And vice versa.

If the bill passes in both houses, then it has to go through conference. If there are differences between the bill passed in the House and the bill passed in the Senate, a conference committee made up of members of both houses is formed to hammer out the differences.

Then the final version is sent back to both houses for an up or down vote.

Should the bill make it all the way through this sausage making process, it then goes to the President. The President either signs it or vetoes it. If it is vetoed, it can go back to the Congress which can then vote to override the President's veto by two-thirds, which is an extreme rarity. If the President signs the bill, it becomes law.

In most cases, a bill is just a framework which directs the creation of a department or agency or regulations. If it becomes law, then it is up to the Executive branch to write the actual regulations which will carry out the law.
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:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?

Liberal Game Plan.

Everything done in the House will be torpedoed by the Senate.

However, the MSM will play up the House as heroes and the Senate
as being bad for the country.

Same game plan for 60 years
can the Senate come up with a proposal that Maxine works without her wigs before she starts writing laws?

I doubt it. There aren't many in the Senate on the same level as that
incompetent bitch.

Make banking laws, my ass. She'd be lucky if she could balance her
own check book.
Maxine: I dont care if its Depositers Moneys dat the banks need to lone to dem poor unfortunate blacks and latinos so dey can all buy a new house!
:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?

Liberal Game Plan.

Everything done in the House will be torpedoed by the Senate.

However, the MSM will play up the House as heroes and the Senate
as being bad for the country.

Same game plan for 60 years
can the Senate come up with a proposal that Maxine works without her wigs before she starts writing laws?

I doubt it. There aren't many in the Senate on the same level as that
incompetent bitch.

Make banking laws, my ass. She'd be lucky if she could balance her
own check book.
Maxine: I dont care if its Depositers Moneys dat the banks need to lone to dem poor unfortunate blacks and latinos so dey can all buy a new house!

If the truth were known. Somebody will be assigned to her that has a clue
of what is happening and it will be scripted for her.

They have to be careful with her because she doesn't understand that the
banks and wall street have always funded the dems.
:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?

Liberal Game Plan.

Everything done in the House will be torpedoed by the Senate.

However, the MSM will play up the House as heroes and the Senate
as being bad for the country.

Same game plan for 60 years
Oh, you mean like passing an Obamacare repeal more than 60 times, knowing it will never survive the Senate or a Presidential veto?

Like that? That "Liberal Game Plan"?

And then, strangely, not coming up with an Obamacare replacement once they have all the power.
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Every time the Republicans passed a partial or full repeal of Obamacare in the Obama years, I called it "theater for the rubes".

But the rubes kept falling for it, over and over.

They STILL have not caught on they were hoaxed.

Why should the Democrats be any different?
Waters make a rock look smart.

I doubt she can do anything to the banks or anyone else.

Hell its probably all she do to just show up in her cushy office every day.

Woman needs a keeper.
Waters make a rock look smart.

I doubt she can do anything to the banks or anyone else.

Hell its probably all she do to just show up in her cushy office every day.

Woman needs a keeper.
after all these years, not one reporter/host has ever asked her why she wears a wig and 1/2inch of make up?
Waters make a rock look smart.

I doubt she can do anything to the banks or anyone else.

Hell its probably all she do to just show up in her cushy office every day.

Woman needs a keeper.
after all these years, not one reporter/host has ever asked her why she wears a wig and 1/2inch of make up?
She is emulating Trump!

:1peleas: Do any of you guys out there know of the actual/legal process of how legislature coming from the house to senate works? But, we know the obvious ones, but what about what Maxine Waters wants to do? She wants to mess with banks/wall street, just like the Dems did in 2007 and purposely caused the Pelosi/Ried Recession of 2007/08.
I did hear on Fox/maybe one legal expert that whatever Maxine cooks up, it would still need to pass the Senate.
So tell me/us. Does anything Maxine wants to do, gone down the toilet already?
It’s not possible to be this stupid. You think Democrats did something to banks in 2008 and then at the end of 2008 they collapsed?

What is it with Republicans and knowledge. It’s like they’re the same poles of a magnet where when they get close to each other they repel.

I don’t even know what to say to something like you. I don’t think you’re able to be educated. You sit in front of the Internet you could learn all kinds of things but for some reason you don’t. Go figure.
House passes a law. Senate can kill it, go along with it, or change it. If they change it, it goes back to the House. If they agree on a bill, it goes to the President's desk to be either signed into law or vetoed. If he vetoes it, Congress can try to override it but that rarely happens. Senate would most likely kill anything proposed by Maxine Waters.
House passes a law. Senate can kill it, go along with it, or change it. If they change it, it goes back to the House. If they agree on a bill, it goes to the President's desk to be either signed into law or vetoed. If he vetoes it, Congress can try to override it but that rarely happens. Senate would most likely kill anything proposed by Maxine Waters.
Maxine bitches over "What Dey Did To Us'?,,really? wasnt it a democrat congress that passed new banking laws that crashed the economy in 2007? I dont recall Bush telling all poor people that they are all approved for very expensive mortgages,,so long as u can breathe
wasnt it a democrat congress that passed new banking laws that crashed the economy in 2007?


It was actually things like this which crashed the economy:

Final Rule Alternative Net Capital Requirements for Broker-Dealers That Are Part of Consolidated Supervised Entities Rel. No. 34-49830 June 8 2004

The Commission is amending Rule 15c3-12 (the “net capital rule”) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) to establish a voluntary, alternative method of computing net capital for certain broker-dealers.
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I dont recall Bush telling all poor people that they are all approved for very expensive mortgages,,so long as u can breathe

President Bush Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership

"And so here are some of the ways to address the issue. First, the single greatest barrier to first time homeownership is a high downpayment. It is really hard for many, many, low income families to make the high down payment."

"And so that's why I propose and urge Congress to fully fund the American Dream Downpayment Fund."

"This will use money, taxpayers' money to help a qualified, low income buyer make a down payment. And that's important."

"Secondly, there is a lack of affordable housing in certain neighborhoods. Too many neighborhoods, especially in inner city America, lack affordable housing units. How can you promote homeownership if people can't afford a home?"

"And so what I've done is propose what we call a Single Family Affordable Housing Tax Credit, to encourage the development of affordable housing in neighborhoods where housing is scarce." (Applause.)

"A third major barrier is the complexity and difficulty of the home buying process. There's a lot of fine print on these forms. And it bothers people, it makes them nervous. And so therefore, what Mel has agreed to do, and Alphonso Jackson has agreed to do is to streamline the process, make the rules simpler, so everybody understands what they are -- makes the closing much less complicated."

"We certainly don't want there to be a fine print preventing people from owning their home. We can change the print, and we've got to."

"That's why I've challenged the industry leaders all across the country to get after it for this goal, to stay focused, to make sure that we achieve a more secure America, by achieving the goal of 5.5 million new minority home owners. I call it America's home ownership challenge."

"First of all, government sponsored corporations that help create our mortgage system -- I introduced two of the leaders here today -- they call those people Fannie May and Freddie Mac, as well as the federal home loan banks, will increase their commitment to minority markets by more than $440 billion. (Applause.)"
- George Bush, June 17, 2002


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