Good or Bad President - Good or Bad Human


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

You were doing great until you got to Obama.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

You were doing great until you got to Obama.
That is your opinion
The majority of Americans, currently, feel Obama was a good President. History will treat him more positively.
One of the best US Presidents, Obama, followed by the worst US President, to date, Trump.
I don't think any President was a "bad human". I could be wrong. For all we know Obama was strangling puppies in the Oval Office, and hiding them under his desk. We know Clinton was choking interns under his.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

You were doing great until you got to Obama.
That is your opinion
The majority of Americans, currently, feel Obama was a good President. History will treat him more positively.
One of the best US Presidents, Obama, followed by the worst US President, to date, Trump.

That is your opinion.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Agree except Reagan was a great President and the Pat Tillman thing makes Bush 2 a piece of shit
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being

you like many american sheep have been brainwashed by the CIA media propaganda On carter being the worst president ever.He was not the mass murderer of women and children or took a lighter to the constitution as all the other presidents have SINCE him and you call HIM a horrific human being?:rolleyes: I guess you are a fan of mass murderers of women and children.:rolleyes:
Have to disagree with your post on Reagan. I believe he was a horrible president but a good human. It was Reagan and what he said and done that made him a terrible President. He came and changed what was the most respected government in the world and start selling his snake oil that the government was the problem and not the solution. Sorry but that just isn't true. Does the government make mistakes. Does the government do things wrong, yes and what do we do about it. Nothing. Hell only about half of registered voters and many times even less bother to vote then do as crybaby Trump does and look for someone or something else to blame.
About Obama, he is a very good man and a good president. The only reason he did not get even more done is that the old man McConnell screwed the American people by refusing to do his job. He got the idea that his job was to obstruct rather than work together and get something done. My god he can't even get things done when the republicans own the house, senate. supreme court' and the presidency. What have they done. Explode the deficit. You should be mad as hell about the republicans failure in all things.
I don't think any President was a "bad human". I could be wrong. For all we know Obama was strangling puppies in the Oval Office, and hiding them under his desk. We know Clinton was choking interns under his.

You are wrong major BIG TIME.the president is a puppet for the bankers and the elite who start wars around the country,they dont do what they tell them to do,they end up like kennedy. when you get up that high,you are an evil person.carter was the exception hense WHY he only served one term.the good presidents dont serve more than one term.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

You were doing great until you got to Obama.
That is your opinion
The majority of Americans, currently, feel Obama was a good President. History will treat him more positively.
One of the best US Presidents, Obama, followed by the worst US President, to date, Trump.

thanks i needed that laugh for the day.
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Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Nixon - Average Prez - Troubled human.
Ford - Horrible Prez - Good human.
Carter - Incompetent Prez - Good human.
Reagan - Average Prez - Good human
Bus41 - Bad Prez - Marginal human.
Clinton - Below average Prez - Horrible human.
Bush43 - Bad Prez - Marginal human.
Obama - Catastrophic Prez - Contemptible human.
Trump - Jury still out - Halfway decent human.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

You were doing great until you got to Obama.
That is your opinion
The majority of Americans, currently, feel Obama was a good President. History will treat him more positively.
One of the best US Presidents, Obama, followed by the worst US President, to date, Trump.

thank i needed that laugh for the day.

Don't forget to leave a few Bolivars in Elmer's tip jar before you leave.
I don't think any President was a "bad human". I could be wrong. For all we know Obama was strangling puppies in the Oval Office, and hiding them under his desk. We know Clinton was choking interns under his.

You are wrong major BIG TIME.the president is a puppet for the bankers and the elite who start wars around the country,they dont do what they tell them to do,they end up like kennedy. when you get up that high,you are an evil person.carter was the exception hense WHY he only served one term.the good presidents dont serve more than one term.

Well... good for them.

"You see that 95 year old who just died surrounded by his friends and family? Do you wanna end up like him, or like..."

"Wait... there's a second option?"
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

Got news for you,everyone of these presidents you mentioned with the exception of maybe carter,were ALL horrifically bad humans.they were ALL monsters.they they belong right up there with Hitler and stalin as horrifically bad men:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

with trump it is too early to say,the jury is till out on to wait till his first term before anybody can start calling a bad human.
I don't think any President was a "bad human". I could be wrong. For all we know Obama was strangling puppies in the Oval Office, and hiding them under his desk. We know Clinton was choking interns under his.

You are wrong major BIG TIME.the president is a puppet for the bankers and the elite who start wars around the country,they dont do what they tell them to do,they end up like kennedy. when you get up that high,you are an evil person.carter was the exception hense WHY he only served one term.the good presidents dont serve more than one term.

Well... good for them.

"You see that 95 year old who just died surrounded by his friends and family? Do you wanna end up like him, or like..."

"Wait... there's a second option?"

yeah that 95 year old mass murderer has joined Reagan,Ford,Nixon in hell burning hiss ass off now so will all so those so called friends of his be joining him

.these moron evil politicians think money can buy them happiness,when they dont realise you cant take it with you to hell where you will suffer for eternity,doesnt sound like a good tradeoff to me IMO.:abgg2q.jpg: Carter is the one president who has done enough good to where he is probably the only one out of that bunch who WONT suffer.sounds like a pretty good tradeoff to me he got IMO.:D
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I could care less what kind of human beins a person is. I want our Presents to be great Presents like Trump. The only thing keeping Trump from being a really great President is the pussy Republican in congress. The good news is after 2yrs of democrat hate Trump will start his second term with a loyal Republican House and Senate, then we will see America become Really Great again.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Swap Trump with Obama and you'd be batting 1000.:iagree:
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

Orange president bad! Orange man bad!
I could care less what kind of human beins a person is. I want our Presents to be great Presents like Trump. The only thing keeping Trump from being a really great President is the pussy Republican in congress. The good news is after 2yrs of democrat hate Trump will start his second term with a loyal Republican House and Senate, then we will see America become Really Great again.

fair post.:thup: much better than all the drivel all the others have posted.
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