Good 'Ol Teabagger Racism!

Hmmm..why do you have the republican elephant on the sheet of a kkk guy....? You do realize that the klan is an organization created by democrats...right? That the democrats owned the slaves, fought to restart the slave trade and fought to allow slavery in the new states...right? and after the Republicans beat them in the civil war and forced the democrats to let their slaves go, the democrats started the klan, jim crow and began lynching the freed blacks and their republican allies...right? And if not for the Republicans, the civil rights acts wouldn't have passed...right?

So sell your ignorance about the real racist party....the democrats, and their use of racism as a tool for their own power, somewhere else...dipstick....
He's racist, and dumb. However. The TEA party is not. Just like the Democrat party has scumbag pedophiles within its ranks, the PARTY is not. Learn the difference Howey.
Hmmm..why do you have the republican elephant on the sheet of a kkk guy....? You do realize that the klan is an organization created by democrats...right? That the democrats owned the slaves, fought to restart the slave trade and fought to allow slavery in the new states...right? and after the Republicans beat them in the civil war and forced the democrats to let their slaves go, the democrats started the klan, jim crow and began lynching the freed blacks and their republican allies...right? And if not for the Republicans, the civil rights acts wouldn't have passed...right?

So sell your ignorance about the real racist party....the democrats, and their use of racism as a tool for their own power, somewhere else...dipstick....
Good post my friend
He's a useful tool.
I've got one reply to this thread:

Robert KKK Byrd.

So since Byrd was racist, and not just racist but a full blown KKK member, then the entire fucking demodipshit party is a bunch of racist idiots. All the guy in the OP's post did was say ******. Byrd is a full blown KKK member.

Racist fucking liberals. The whole damn party.

Works for me.
Hmmm..why do you have the republican elephant on the sheet of a kkk guy....? You do realize that the klan is an organization created by democrats...right? That the democrats owned the slaves, fought to restart the slave trade and fought to allow slavery in the new states...right? and after the Republicans beat them in the civil war and forced the democrats to let their slaves go, the democrats started the klan, jim crow and began lynching the freed blacks and their republican allies...right? And if not for the Republicans, the civil rights acts wouldn't have passed...right?

So sell your ignorance about the real racist party....the democrats, and their use of racism as a tool for their own power, somewhere else...dipstick....
Good post my friend
He's a useful tool.

Please don't repeat that idiocy anymore...The Democrats up until the 1960's are the Republicans of today. See: Southern Strategy.
Let me add to your knowlege base howey....where as the old democrat party wanted to keep black people as slaves...the new democrat party realized this was a mistake....they realized with the right lies, and the judicious use of government handouts...they could enslave everyone...why just stop at enslaving blacks when they can own everyone....
He's racist, and dumb. However. The TEA party is not. Just like the Democrat party has scumbag pedophiles within its ranks, the PARTY is not. Learn the difference Howey.

Sorry, bud. I'm just going by what I see on this forum. Most, if not all, of our far right members who would support a tea party position are demonstrably racist. And homophobic, but that's another story. :)
Hmmm..why do you have the republican elephant on the sheet of a kkk guy....? You do realize that the klan is an organization created by democrats...right? That the democrats owned the slaves, fought to restart the slave trade and fought to allow slavery in the new states...right? and after the Republicans beat them in the civil war and forced the democrats to let their slaves go, the democrats started the klan, jim crow and began lynching the freed blacks and their republican allies...right? And if not for the Republicans, the civil rights acts wouldn't have passed...right?

So sell your ignorance about the real racist party....the democrats, and their use of racism as a tool for their own power, somewhere else...dipstick....
Good post my friend
He's a useful tool.

Please don't repeat that idiocy anymore...The Democrats up until the 1960's are the Republicans of today. See: Southern Strategy.
Wrong dipshit.
Let me add to your knowlege base howey....where as the old democrat party wanted to keep black people as slaves...the new democrat party realized this was a mistake....they realized with the right lies, and the judicious use of government handouts...they could enslave everyone...why just stop at enslaving blacks when they can own everyone....

State Sen. Stephen Martin says Democratic Party created the Ku Klux Klan PolitiFact Virginia

"To say that the Ku Klux Klan was started by the Democratic Party -- it’s not the Democratic party of today," Martinez said. "(From the) 1930s until today, you think of the Democratic Party being considered the party of the disenfranchised."

Other historians had similar takes.

Carole Emberton, an associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, wrote in an email that various "Klans" that sprung up around the South acted as a "strong arm" for many local Democratic politicians during Reconstruction. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest -- believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon -- even spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, said Emberton, author of "Beyond Redemption: Race, Violence and the American South after the Civil War."

But Emberton added a major caveat:

"The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century."

Elaine Frantz Parsons, an associate professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh said that most post-Civil War southern whites were Democrats who were unhappy with Republican policies on Reconstruction while large numbers of newly-freed slaves were Republicans.

"So it is not surprising that the Reconstruction era Klan would have been very largely Democrats attacking Republicans," Parsons said in an e-mail. "But this simply does not map well at all onto the party structure we know today. Among other things, the Republicans (during Reconstruction) were condemned as the party of big government and as wanting to centralize authority on the federal level."

Our ruling

Martin said the KKK was created by the Democratic Party. He acknowledged he was wrong.

Historians say the KKK consisted of a group of Southern whites after the Civil War who were Democrats. But there’s no evidence the KKK was created by their political party.

It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party of the 1860s and 1870s bears no similarity to the party of today.

Recognizing that Martin has expressed regret for his statement. We rate his claim False. obviously went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party...that is why you say "Southern Strategy" when you don't even realize that that has been debunked here on U.S. message repeatedly....the Republicans won the new, non racist south...while the racists in the democrat party stayed in the democrat party...and simply changed their tactics

They realized there was no way to keep blacks from amount of lynching, or church bombing or murdering that they could do to keep blacks out of the voting they went with the "Great Society"....give poor people, not just blacks, enough government money to destroy their families....and they would have a solid voting block for 200 years...

You really need to look up non propaganda sources for the "Southern Strategy" ...the democrats have been lying to need to break out of their control...
He's racist, and dumb. However. The TEA party is not. Just like the Democrat party has scumbag pedophiles within its ranks, the PARTY is not. Learn the difference Howey.

Sorry, bud. I'm just going by what I see on this forum. Most, if not all, of our far right members who would support a tea party position are demonstrably racist. And homophobic, but that's another story. :)
Gay is satans idea. Typical idiot libtard using the race card for a lame excuse. obviously went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party...that is why you say "Southern Strategy" when you don't even realize that that has been debunked here on U.S. message repeatedly....the Republicans won the new, non racist south...while the racists in the democrat party stayed in the democrat party...and simply changed their tactics

They realized there was no way to keep blacks from amount of lynching, or church bombing or murdering that they could do to keep blacks out of the voting they went with the "Great Society"....give poor people, not just blacks, enough government money to destroy their families....and they would have a solid voting block for 200 years...

You really need to look up non propaganda sources for the "Southern Strategy" ...the democrats have been lying to need to break out of their control...

Ummm...I received my education in a DoD school. lol.
Really....all the kkk founders were democrats...and yet they are a republican problem....have you really thought this any depth at all....?
Let me add to your knowlege base howey....where as the old democrat party wanted to keep black people as slaves...the new democrat party realized this was a mistake....they realized with the right lies, and the judicious use of government handouts...they could enslave everyone...why just stop at enslaving blacks when they can own everyone....

State Sen. Stephen Martin says Democratic Party created the Ku Klux Klan PolitiFact Virginia

"To say that the Ku Klux Klan was started by the Democratic Party -- it’s not the Democratic party of today," Martinez said. "(From the) 1930s until today, you think of the Democratic Party being considered the party of the disenfranchised."

Other historians had similar takes.

Carole Emberton, an associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, wrote in an email that various "Klans" that sprung up around the South acted as a "strong arm" for many local Democratic politicians during Reconstruction. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest -- believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon -- even spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, said Emberton, author of "Beyond Redemption: Race, Violence and the American South after the Civil War."

But Emberton added a major caveat:

"The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century."

Elaine Frantz Parsons, an associate professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh said that most post-Civil War southern whites were Democrats who were unhappy with Republican policies on Reconstruction while large numbers of newly-freed slaves were Republicans.

"So it is not surprising that the Reconstruction era Klan would have been very largely Democrats attacking Republicans," Parsons said in an e-mail. "But this simply does not map well at all onto the party structure we know today. Among other things, the Republicans (during Reconstruction) were condemned as the party of big government and as wanting to centralize authority on the federal level."

Our ruling

Martin said the KKK was created by the Democratic Party. He acknowledged he was wrong.

Historians say the KKK consisted of a group of Southern whites after the Civil War who were Democrats. But there’s no evidence the KKK was created by their political party.

It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party of the 1860s and 1870s bears no similarity to the party of today.

Recognizing that Martin has expressed regret for his statement. We rate his claim False.
Started by dimwits means it was started by dimwits idiot.
The TPM has the same problem as does the GOP: both attract racists.

And although neither the TPM nor the GOP condone racism, both need to examine why racists are indeed attracted to conservative dogma, why racists mostly identify as conservative, and why racists tend to feel most comfortable among conservatives.

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