Good 'Ol Teabagger Racism!

If you want a look at the truth of the Southern Strategy...

The Myth of the Racist Republicans

It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party of the 1860s and 1870s bears no similarity to the party of today.

As I have pointed out in the other post...this is essentially true, the democrat party that owned black slaves is not the democrat party of democrat party wants to own and control all the races, not just blacks....
why racists mostly identify as conservative, and why racists tend to feel most comfortable among conservatives.

Hmmm....I call absolute bullshit....the democrats are the racist party....have been, always will another poster pointed out, the Republicans have no race agenda...while the democrats use race as a weapon and a tool for their own power....

American conservatives believe that all men are created equal...including women...the democrats are the ones who believe that minorities are inferior and need "affirmative action" to "help" them....and thereby increase their dependence on the democrat party....

Sell that crap somewhere else clayton....
for foolish people who believe the democrat lie that the Tea Party is of many lies by the democrats...and if I can find it there is a democrat politician who specifically stated that their strategy against the Tea Party would be to brand them as racists.....

Why was Herman Cain a Tea Party pick, or Mia Love, or Ted Cruz...or Niki morons....

Here is one clip of a Tea Party Rally....check out the 59 second mark....

Hmmm...this Tea Party member....hmmm...he Rachel speaking at a Tea Party Rally....

Yeah....all those minorities at Tea Party if a real racist would belong to an organization that had any minorities in guys have got to start thinking instead of sucking up all the democrat lies....
Falsely accusing opponents as racists is the first tool of the democrat party...

Left Admits Racism Charges Against Tea Parties a Tactic Not a Truth

Former U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Chairman Mary Frances Berry, a long-time prominent liberal activist, has admitted in an interview with Politico that the left is trying to smear the tea party movement as "racist" for strategic reasons, not out of genuine concern that the movement is itself racist.

Berry called the tactic an "effective strategy" and chose not to denounce it.

"As an active participant in the tea party movement, I know the movement's motivation is about Obama's policies and not his race," said Deneen Borelli, a Project 21 full-time fellow who has spoken at many tea party rallies and is scheduled to speak at the "Uni-Tea" rally in Philadelphia on July 31. "Race card politics is the last-ditch effort to shift the debate away from President Obama's harmful policies such as the government's takeover of health care and his failure to create jobs -- both of which are having an impact on his popularity. This diversion may also help Obama to try to jam through cap-and-trade legislation through Congress. It's a grand distraction from policies and may unfortunately increase racial tensions."

[QUOTE]Berry, now the Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought and History at the University of Pennsylvania, was asked, "will branding the tea party 'racist' work?"

Berry replied:

Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one's opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.

"This is exactly the kind of thing that has irked me all of my adult life, to put it mildly," said Project 21 member R. Dozier Gray. "This willful and purposeful use of the race card for nothing more than political gain is toxic to race relations, and Mary Frances Berry must know that. But she evidently does not care. Based on her comment, political posturing takes primacy over whatever real issues regarding race that she might pretend are her calling cards. I have seen this all before. I find it shameful."
Howey you're too blind to see...

Here is the racist...


And he knows you're too dumb to figure this out...
I've got one reply to this thread:

Robert KKK Byrd.

So since Byrd was racist, and not just racist but a full blown KKK member, then the entire fucking demodipshit party is a bunch of racist idiots. All the guy in the OP's post did was say ******. Byrd is a full blown KKK member.

Racist fucking liberals. The whole damn party.

Works for me.

How about Lyndon Johnson's statement of "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years" in reference to the war on poverty. One of the Democrat Presidents held in high regard calls them that and they still vote Democrat.
for foolish people who believe the democrat lie that the Tea Party is of many lies by the democrats...and if I can find it there is a democrat politician who specifically stated that their strategy against the Tea Party would be to brand them as racists.....

Why was Herman Cain a Tea Party pick, or Mia Love, or Ted Cruz...or Niki morons....

Here is one clip of a Tea Party Rally....check out the 59 second mark....

Oh lordy! Theyze done got three negroes and a towelhead!

Tokens be tokens homey. are pretty stupid....a U.S. Senator, the Governor of a state, not the only one....Bobby Jindal, Suzzana Martinez....Allen West....all supported by the Tea Party you nitwit....Tim Scott....

Tim Scott - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The firstRepublican African-American Congressman from South Carolina since 1897,[3] Scott, a fiscal and cultural conservative, was endorsed by Tea Party groups.[

How many democrat klansmen supported black candidates to twit....

From wikipedia on Suzana Martinez...Governor...of New twit...

With 51% of the vote in a five-way contest, Martinez won the Republican nomination for Governor of New Mexico in the primary election on June 1, 2010. Martínez defeated PR firm owner Doug Turner, State Representative Janice Arnold-Jones, Pete Domenici, Jr. (son of the former U.S. Senator Pete Domenici), and former Republican Party state chairman Allen Weh. During the primary campaign, Martinez was endorsed by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.[21]

From wikipedia...Marco Rubio...U.S. twit...

Marco Rubio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Rubio holds conservative views on fiscal and social issues, and has been called the "crown prince" of the Tea Party movement.

You need to change that picture and put the democrat donkey on that klansman's sheets....that's what belongs there...

Yes, Senators and Governors are often thought to be nitwit....
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