Good Job Mr. President!

What about open and transparency of government? No signing statements? No lobbyists in the administration? Upholding the constitution?
What are the big promises kept?

Well he promised to revamp health care and although I think ObamaCare sucks big time, he did keep his promise.
He promised to shift the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan until he found the people who were actually responsible for 9/11 and rained justice down upon them. He did EXACTLY that. Getting OBL was cool too!
He promised to repeal DADT. That was huge.
He promised to get us out of Iraq. That's huge.
He promised to close Git-Mo and by gosh he sure tried. So I give him credit for that, even the the GOP shut him down on it.

Those are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

Keep in mind, I still think he sucks but I'm not a drone so I have no problem with acknowledging the stuff he does right.

Obamacare, sure. Whatever you believe about its effectiveness.

The shift out of Iraq was more or less mandatory at the time of withdrawal. No points awarded there. (And we are still there in a big way) That withdrawal date was scheduled by Bush and the Iraq interim govt.

Justice, under the law, was certainly not served to the criminals alleged to orchestrate 9/11. FAIL. Justice is not assassination. That's actually lawlessness in action.

Repeal of DADT. OK, but he never promised that. And it is quite minor. It affects very few.

Duplicates abound on the next one. We covered that already (and we are not out)

Gitmo is a travesty on his part. No points awarded.

Anything else?

Ah. Didn't realize I was addressing someone who was so thoroughly programmed. got it. No nothing else. I can already predict 90%+ of your opinions on dozens of unrelated issues because seriously, it's not as if you think for yourself.
And no, you can't do the same with me.
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That's your response?

Yes. You're a drone. You've been thoroughly programmed by those who prey upon certain socio-economic and cultural inclinations. So it's not like they would allow you to see anything positive about what they have led you to believe is "The Other Side."
Arguing with you is futile because you don't even have your own thoughts. You're told to believe something and like a well-trained dog, you do as commanded.
It's okay. The majority of Americans are either the same as you or they aren't programmable because they simply don't care.
Far better we go with Paul Ryan's sorry excuse for an "plan" ... 3/4 of the "cuts" will come from the poorest in our country, gives more tax breaks to the 1% and it will require raising the debt ceiling.

Oh yeah - and it accomplishes nothing.

Doesn't matter because, thanks to the taxpayers, the pubs are on vacation until February. They will call in their filibuster, thus costing us even more. Nothing will get done unless President Obama goes over their (empty) heads.

Why don't the pubs and bags understand this simple fact - that every step forward has happened when our president acted in spite of the Party of Do Nothing Except Vacation and Play Golf?

Or, if you do understand that, why do you say we should continue to pay the Do Nothings to just keep Doing Nothing?

If you want to keep paying them to steal your money - fine. I don't.

That's your response?

Yes. You're a drone. You've been thoroughly programmed by those who prey upon certain socio-economic and cultural inclinations. So it's not like they would allow you to see anything positive about what they have led you to believe is "The Other Side."
Arguing with you is futile because you don't even have your own thoughts. You're told to believe something and like a well-trained dog, you do as commanded.
It's okay. The majority of Americans are either the same as you or they aren't programmable because they simply don't care.

You put too much stock in your intuition to label others. If you believe I play party politics, you're sadly mistaken. I don't have my own thoughts? What kind of self proclaimed messiah says such drivel? And then you call me a dog?

You're a fucking complete and utter moron, bro. Keep up the good work. You hopefully aren't sitting there naked, doing something strange with all that delusion of grandeur.
what a joke...

Streamline Government..

Did I hear it would "save" 3billion OVER Ten years...

Ah! The first predicted salvo! Okay let's hear it Steph. Why is this a bad thing?

3 billion over ten years is 300 million a year. We increase debt by 900 billion a year.

Its a joke. Its not real cuts. Its giving lip service to the true statesman who will be president in 2012 without actually doing anything.

It's a start, and your comment reveals the thinking of your drone-like mind.
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So for three years, I've thought and posted that Obama pretty much sucks balls when it comes to his domestic agenda.

Have you actually read all of his accomplishments on the home front? If you have, I'm at a loss to understand why you would say this. Are you blaming him for the dozens of Repub-filibustered bills? It is, after all, the Republicans who have brought this country to a halt and stalled all attempts to move forward.

In case you're interested, here's another link to his accomplishments.
What the fuck has Obama done so far?

I went through a lost that Billy000 posted recently. Most of the accomplishments were from Bush policies, and a few haven't occurred yet, which of them do you think we should give him credit for? You are probably better offf going for the Bush list, at least they happened.
What are the big promises kept?

Well he promised to revamp health care and although I think ObamaCare sucks big time, he did keep his promise.
He promised to shift the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan until he found the people who were actually responsible for 9/11 and rained justice down upon them. He did EXACTLY that. Getting OBL was cool too!
He promised to repeal DADT. That was huge.
He promised to get us out of Iraq. That's huge.
He promised to close Git-Mo and by gosh he sure tried. So I give him credit for that, even the the GOP shut him down on it.

Those are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

Keep in mind, I still think he sucks but I'm not a drone so I have no problem with acknowledging the stuff he does right.

HE actually promised a single payer system, but if you want to give him credit for Obamacare I won't quibble.

He did concentrate a bit more on Afghanistan, but he is now open to negotiating with the Taliban in order to end the war, even if it means giving them power.

He did not repeal DADT. He actually fought to keep it in court, and lost.

He actually promised to bring all the troops home from Iraq by the summer of 2009, how did that work out again?

It was not the GOP that shut him down on Gitmo, it was his own party. Other than that complete lie I will agree that he gets some credit for trying.
Okay so Obama wants to streamline government. Sounds like he's finally listening to the Tea Party and Libertarians! Of course Repubs have always claimed this but usually while growing the government.
So good. Is it because it's an election year? Who gives a flick. Getting Congress to do anything useful has proven impossible. Dems and Repubs are both too busy making sure the other side looks bad, to worry about the best interest of the country. So screw 'em. This is a good thing. Of course, after having made this their mantra for years, The Right will have to find SOME way to spin this as a negative and I'm truly curious to see how they'll do it. My bet is they'll go with the election year thing but who knows? They may try to feck up the process of reducing government, just to make Obama look bad. Wouldn't that be ironic?

Another good thing? I own a small business. We are the REAL "job creators" in the USA but while the government gives tax breaks, subsidies and every bit of help from the government to companies that ship jobs overseas, we get squat.
So Obama is making SBA a cabinet level position. This is the best news in years IF, the post has any teeth and there is ever any progress in helping us. We'll see.

So for three years, I've thought and posted that Obama pretty much sucks balls when it comes to his domestic agenda.
He still does. But he's slightly less bad than he was and even though I don't think he's a good president, I can acknowledge when he does get something right. This is one of those times.
I still won't vote for him though.

Republicans see no business smaller than a billion in revenue. So you better have at least that much, otherwise Republicans will squash you like a bug, which is how they view the middle class and real small business.
What are the big promises kept?

Well he promised to revamp health care and although I think ObamaCare sucks big time, he did keep his promise.
He promised to shift the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan until he found the people who were actually responsible for 9/11 and rained justice down upon them. He did EXACTLY that. Getting OBL was cool too!
He promised to repeal DADT. That was huge.
He promised to get us out of Iraq. That's huge.
He promised to close Git-Mo and by gosh he sure tried. So I give him credit for that, even the the GOP shut him down on it.

Those are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

Keep in mind, I still think he sucks but I'm not a drone so I have no problem with acknowledging the stuff he does right.

HE actually promised a single payer system, but if you want to give him credit for Obamacare I won't quibble.

He did concentrate a bit more on Afghanistan, but he is now open to negotiating with the Taliban in order to end the war, even if it means giving them power.

He did not repeal DADT. He actually fought to keep it in court, and lost.

He actually promised to bring all the troops home from Iraq by the summer of 2009, how did that work out again?

It was not the GOP that shut him down on Gitmo, it was his own party. Other than that complete lie I will agree that he gets some credit for trying.


Not accurate.


Show exactly where he said they will be home in 2009.

Both parties shot him down.

You are a biased hack.
What are the big promises kept?

Well he promised to revamp health care and although I think ObamaCare sucks big time, he did keep his promise.
He promised to shift the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan until he found the people who were actually responsible for 9/11 and rained justice down upon them. He did EXACTLY that. Getting OBL was cool too!
He promised to repeal DADT. That was huge.
He promised to get us out of Iraq. That's huge.
He promised to close Git-Mo and by gosh he sure tried. So I give him credit for that, even the the GOP shut him down on it.

Those are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

Keep in mind, I still think he sucks but I'm not a drone so I have no problem with acknowledging the stuff he does right.

HE actually promised a single payer system, but if you want to give him credit for Obamacare I won't quibble.

He did concentrate a bit more on Afghanistan, but he is now open to negotiating with the Taliban in order to end the war, even if it means giving them power.

He did not repeal DADT. He actually fought to keep it in court, and lost.

He actually promised to bring all the troops home from Iraq by the summer of 2009, how did that work out again?

It was not the GOP that shut him down on Gitmo, it was his own party. Other than that complete lie I will agree that he gets some credit for trying.

As tangential as it is to the thread topic, I feel obligated to jump in here in discussing the history of DADT. It was not repealed (or declared unconstitutional) by the Supreme Court, as suggested by another poster. And it was repealed by Obama, when he signed into law a bill Congress sent to him after he lobbied them aggressively. As Obama and any number of presidents have stated, that their Justice Departments defend a law does not mean that they endorse it. Obama has said he will defend any law that is not clearly unconstitutional.

The repeal of DADT was an historic accomplishment, and the single person most responsible was Barack Obama.
I'm skeptical of this streamlining proposal. I don't think it's bad, but I'm not sure how much it will accomplish. Some of the things that make me skeptical about it:

1) This is an election year proposal that seems to have a clear political motive. That suggests that the White House is not necessarily proposing it because it is good policy.

2) One of the motives given for the bill is the direct savings in eliminating redundancy. These are quite small, compared to the total budget, and the degree to which they are emphasized suggests that the more indirect benefits aren't appreciably larger.

3) Even if what Obama is proposing is genuinely meritorious, Congress may well block or dilute it.

4) Previous reorganizations have often proven ineffective. For instance, the creation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has, in retrospect, created a largely ineffective layer of bureaucracy.
Okay so Obama wants to streamline government. Sounds like he's finally listening to the Tea Party and Libertarians! Of course Repubs have always claimed this but usually while growing the government.
So good. Is it because it's an election year? Who gives a flick. Getting Congress to do anything useful has proven impossible. Dems and Repubs are both too busy making sure the other side looks bad, to worry about the best interest of the country. So screw 'em. This is a good thing. Of course, after having made this their mantra for years, The Right will have to find SOME way to spin this as a negative and I'm truly curious to see how they'll do it. My bet is they'll go with the election year thing but who knows? They may try to feck up the process of reducing government, just to make Obama look bad. Wouldn't that be ironic?

Another good thing? I own a small business. We are the REAL "job creators" in the USA but while the government gives tax breaks, subsidies and every bit of help from the government to companies that ship jobs overseas, we get squat.
So Obama is making SBA a cabinet level position. This is the best news in years IF, the post has any teeth and there is ever any progress in helping us. We'll see.

So for three years, I've thought and posted that Obama pretty much sucks balls when it comes to his domestic agenda.
He still does. But he's slightly less bad than he was and even though I don't think he's a good president, I can acknowledge when he does get something right. This is one of those times.
I still won't vote for him though.

If this was a serious goal on his part, he would have worked with Harry Reid and others in advance to pave the way.

Just like if his September jobs plan had been serious, he would have made sure he had something members of his party were on board with. He would have had at least one legislator who had agreed in advance to start the process of getting the legislation passed.

Is it because it's an election year? Who gives a flick. Getting Congress to do anything useful has proven impossible. Dems and Repubs are both too busy making sure the other side looks bad, to worry about the best interest of the country. So screw 'em. This is a good thing.

Lots of people give a flick for lots of reasons. How is it in the best interest of the country for Obama to make announcements like this without even checking with the Democrat members of Congress to see if they might go along with it?

Do you think that Democrats are going to be happy about giving up the power to filibuster? There could be a Republican president next year if Obama's election year grandstanding fails to earn him the votes he wants. Democrats aren't going to want to cede that power to an administration which could be populated with Republicans in 12 months.

Do you think that Democrats whose committees oversee the various agencies he wants to merge are going to be on board with losing the agencies they oversee. They'll have objections based on both the functionality of the agencies and their own political power. Obama should have talked this stuff over with them first.

Is it the best interest of the country for Obama to go out and make surprise announcements about things in ways which make it much harder for them to come to pass?

This is one more instance of him being an agitator instead of a leader.
Ameilia, your argument merely inflames and is not accurate. The concept, downsizing and streamlining, makes conservative sense. The GOP will have to meet him somewhere along the plane. If such a bill passes this year, both parties can claim credit, and the GOP can honestly state it is not obstructionist.
Okay so Obama wants to streamline government. Sounds like he's finally listening to the Tea Party and Libertarians! Of course Repubs have always claimed this but usually while growing the government.
So good. Is it because it's an election year? Who gives a flick. Getting Congress to do anything useful has proven impossible. Dems and Repubs are both too busy making sure the other side looks bad, to worry about the best interest of the country. So screw 'em. This is a good thing. Of course, after having made this their mantra for years, The Right will have to find SOME way to spin this as a negative and I'm truly curious to see how they'll do it. My bet is they'll go with the election year thing but who knows? They may try to feck up the process of reducing government, just to make Obama look bad. Wouldn't that be ironic?

Another good thing? I own a small business. We are the REAL "job creators" in the USA but while the government gives tax breaks, subsidies and every bit of help from the government to companies that ship jobs overseas, we get squat.
So Obama is making SBA a cabinet level position. This is the best news in years IF, the post has any teeth and there is ever any progress in helping us. We'll see.

So for three years, I've thought and posted that Obama pretty much sucks balls when it comes to his domestic agenda.
He still does. But he's slightly less bad than he was and even though I don't think he's a good president, I can acknowledge when he does get something right. This is one of those times.
I still won't vote for him though.
If you believe that he's serious and not just posturing, then you're a bigger rube than I had you pegged for...Which is saying something. :lol:

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