Good guy with a gun shot and killed by police .


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
Armed security at a club . Shooter comes in and security takes him to ground and has him at gun point . NRA wet dream !

Until the cops show up and shoot the security guard cause they think he’s the bad guy .

Oh, and he was black .

Officer shoots, kills armed security guard outside south suburban bar

"He had somebody on the ground with his knee in back, with his gun in his back like, 'Don’t move,'" witness Adam Harris said.

Soon after, witnesses said, an officer responding to the scene fired at Roberson — killing him.
Read the story tim. Then go to real thread. Wait for final report. Like mueller 3 years out.
Armed security at a club . Shooter comes in and security takes him to ground and has him at gun point . NRA wet dream !

Until the cops show up and shoot the security guard cause they think he’s the bad guy .

Oh, and he was black .

Officer shoots, kills armed security guard outside south suburban bar

"He had somebody on the ground with his knee in back, with his gun in his back like, 'Don’t move,'" witness Adam Harris said.

Soon after, witnesses said, an officer responding to the scene fired at Roberson — killing him.
Wtf is wrong with you
Don’t worry . I’m sure this thread will be moved by the bias conservative mods .

Meanwhile, every time a grandma stops a robber with a gun it’s allowed to stay in politics.
Armed security at a club . Shooter comes in and security takes him to ground and has him at gun point . NRA wet dream !

Until the cops show up and shoot the security guard cause they think he’s the bad guy .

Oh, and he was black .

Officer shoots, kills armed security guard outside south suburban bar

"He had somebody on the ground with his knee in back, with his gun in his back like, 'Don’t move,'" witness Adam Harris said.

Soon after, witnesses said, an officer responding to the scene fired at Roberson — killing him.
Wtf is wrong with you

What’s wrong with me ? What’s wrong with you cons denying that blacks are targeted by the cops ? What’s wrong with cons thinking that arming everyone is the way to go?
Just cause you "a bouncer" don't give you the right to run down street niggas at 4AM and play Cop. Stay in your club where "no one was shot" perhaps?

Again, wait for the Police report. Put down the weapon when you hear sirens or they tell you to. Follow simple instruction & live on.

You can never be too safe. Boys in blue get 0.15sec to make decision. Tough job. Yawn.....getting late. Shame it happens.
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Where is your outrage thread about a woman that was accidentally shot by police after calling in a rape? Too white? No agenda to push unless the victim is black?

When blacks made "pigs" a target, we all knew it wasn't going to bode well for the blacks. And it hasn't.
Just cause you "a bouncer" don't give you the right to run diw street niggas at 4AM and play Cop. Stsy in your club where "no one was shot" perhaps.

Again, wait for the Police report. Put down the weapon when you hear sirens or they tell you to.

Your use of "street niggas" shows exactly what a low-life you are, What if it was a white guy in a cowboy hat doing the same thing?

A person tries to do what's right. This person tries to do his job. He ends up dead. There is no way that this is acceptable.
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Just cause you "a bouncer" don't give you the right to run diw street niggas at 4AM and play Cop. Stsy in your club where "no one was shot" perhaps.

Again, wait for the Police report. Put down the weapon when you hear sirens or they tell you to.

Your use of "street niggas" shows exactly what a low-life you are, What if it was a white guy in a cowboy hat doing the same thing?

We could play the what-if game all night too. What else is a nigga running da street at 4AM to be called? Richard Pryor calls em same? Snoop, etc. Look there goes a street redneck at 4AM! Street honky. Jim? Running cracker? Thanks obammy.
Where is your outrage thread about a woman that was accidentally shot by police after calling in a rape? Too white? No agenda to push unless the victim is black?

When blacks made "pigs" a target, we all knew it wasn't going to bode well for the blacks. And it hasn't.

That story made national news and had all kinds of outrage .

Sorry. International news ! She was Australian.
Armed security at a club . Shooter comes in and security takes him to ground and has him at gun point . NRA wet dream !

Until the cops show up and shoot the security guard cause they think he’s the bad guy .

Oh, and he was black .

Officer shoots, kills armed security guard outside south suburban bar

"He had somebody on the ground with his knee in back, with his gun in his back like, 'Don’t move,'" witness Adam Harris said.

Soon after, witnesses said, an officer responding to the scene fired at Roberson — killing him.

Always the black man
Just cause you "a bouncer" don't give you the right to run diw street niggas at 4AM and play Cop. Stsy in your club where "no one was shot" perhaps.

Again, wait for the Police report. Put down the weapon when you hear sirens or they tell you to.

Your use of "street niggas" shows exactly what a low-life you are, What if it was a white guy in a cowboy hat doing the same thing?

We could play the what-if game all night too. What else is a nigga running da street at 4AM to be called? Richard Pryor calls em same? Snoop, etc.

How retarded do you have to be to use terms like "nigga" and you are so ignorant to use the article "da" when you know damned well that the article is "the"? You do understand that not all Americans of African descent use street vernacular. Neither do whites. I'm white. I can't use the term "nigga" because I was raised in a polite society, not the society of these tribal tramps.
Just cause you "a bouncer" don't give you the right to run diw street niggas at 4AM and play Cop. Stsy in your club where "no one was shot" perhaps.

Again, wait for the Police report. Put down the weapon when you hear sirens or they tell you to.

Your use of "street niggas" shows exactly what a low-life you are, What if it was a white guy in a cowboy hat doing the same thing?

We could play the what-if game all night too. What else is a nigga running da street at 4AM to be called? Richard Pryor calls em same? Snoop, etc.

How retarded do you have to be to use terms like "nigga" and you are so ignorant to use the article "da" when you know damned well that the article is "the"? You do understand that not all Americans of African descent use street vernacular. Neither do whites. I'm white. I can't use the term "nigga" because I was raised in a polite society, not the society of these tribal tramps.

I don't care what you use. I use what I know to be latest slang for 4AM street folk. There is more to this story allegedly.

Hey if I'm wrong? I do like leftist MSM and print retraction 3 days later on page 16A.

Kinda like beatch made up rape story bout kavanaugh. Remember...anything goes per BO.
Security Guard for a club? Talk about a dangerous job
Talk about a wet dream, lefties love it don't they? Never let a tragedy go to waste.

So you think that "good guys with guns" should be shot and killed? And should be killed by cops?
Obviously. But only if they are black.

A black is shot and the first thing rightwingers on the USMB do is make a joke.

Lysistrata said: Talk about a wet dream, lefties love it don't they? Never let a tragedy go to waste.

Seriously, I suspect very few Republicans feel this is a tragedy. You get mass murderers like Dylann Roof, who entered a church and murdered 9 African Americans, and who gets caught when blacks J walking are shot dead. And Republicans laugh and make jokes and even send money to the person who killed a black person.

Republicans are fukked up.

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