Good Gawd....GOP Washington Establishment Follows Example Set By....Nancy Pelosi


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Remember how Nancy Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in the ACA before it had been rammed into law? Yeah, well...the GOP isn't far off from ineptly arguing the same thing.

GOP Rep. Chris Collins: Once we pass the bill, we’ll have a chance to really explain it - Hot Air

"You didn’t think this fiasco would end without a Republican version of Pelosi’s “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” remark, did you?

“In my district right now there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it is we’re doing,” says Rep. Chris Collins below in defense of the bill. Okay, but there’s also a lot of misunderstanding among Republicans about what they’re doing. Your must-read of the day is this wonky but important blog post by Nicholas Bagley on unintended consequences from the new amendment to the GOP health-care bill. One of the Freedom Caucus’s latest demands, remember, was adding something to the bill that repeals the ObamaCare regulations requiring insurers to provide certain “essential health benefits” in all plans. Get rid of those federal rules governing EHBs, conservatives say, and let the states define them for themselves. Then insurers will be able to offer cheaper, more tailored insurance. “Fine, whatever,” said the White House. “Write it up.” So someone wrote it up quickly, hoping that this would finally be the concession that gets the bill through.

Problem is, when you care less about what’s in the bill than about simply getting something passed, key details tend to slip through the cracks."

The bills' a mess.
The GOP has failed miserably, after having 8 years to have something professional and polished ready.
This thing needs to die and the whole thing started over instead of pushing this 'rush job'.
Pelosi is a sage. What an incredible stateswoman.

When she said that no one in San Francisco breaks any laws...she really showed how she really has her finger on the pulse of the nation.

She should be at the Top of the Dem ticket in 2020.

Pelosi/Maxine Waters in 2020!!

Botox and Bubblehead
Remember how Nancy Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in the ACA before it had been rammed into law? Yeah, well...the GOP isn't far off from ineptly arguing the same thing.

GOP Rep. Chris Collins: Once we pass the bill, we’ll have a chance to really explain it - Hot Air

"You didn’t think this fiasco would end without a Republican version of Pelosi’s “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” remark, did you?

“In my district right now there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it is we’re doing,” says Rep. Chris Collins below in defense of the bill. Okay, but there’s also a lot of misunderstanding among Republicans about what they’re doing. Your must-read of the day is this wonky but important blog post by Nicholas Bagley on unintended consequences from the new amendment to the GOP health-care bill. One of the Freedom Caucus’s latest demands, remember, was adding something to the bill that repeals the ObamaCare regulations requiring insurers to provide certain “essential health benefits” in all plans. Get rid of those federal rules governing EHBs, conservatives say, and let the states define them for themselves. Then insurers will be able to offer cheaper, more tailored insurance. “Fine, whatever,” said the White House. “Write it up.” So someone wrote it up quickly, hoping that this would finally be the concession that gets the bill through.

Problem is, when you care less about what’s in the bill than about simply getting something passed, key details tend to slip through the cracks."

The bills' a mess.
The GOP has failed miserably, after having 8 years to have something professional and polished ready.
This thing needs to die and the whole thing started over instead of pushing this 'rush job'.
There is no good solution if any of the Obamacare regs and dictates are to stand. You can't put lipstick on a pig.
The bills' a mess.
The GOP has failed miserably, after having 8 years to have something professional and polished ready.

Sounds like their "we gotta plan, vote for me" bluff worked.

I think some GOP members did / do have some really good plans, but the Washington Establishment sell-outs like Ryan who are working for Special Interests and not the people, have refused to accept them as part of the proposed plan.

The level of incompetence - the failure to have anything solidly ready after 8 years demonstrated the GOP's lack of leadership, ability to get on the same page, and true inability to get things done. It definitely exposes Ryan's and McConnell's piss-poor leadership ability. The main selling point those 2 had was that the ACA was a POS rammed down the people's throats, which is correct. They're in the 'big league' now, though, and their stepping up to the plate without a bat in hand is an amazing embarrassment.
Remember how Nancy Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in the ACA before it had been rammed into law? Yeah, well...the GOP isn't far off from ineptly arguing the same thing.

GOP Rep. Chris Collins: Once we pass the bill, we’ll have a chance to really explain it - Hot Air

"You didn’t think this fiasco would end without a Republican version of Pelosi’s “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” remark, did you?

“In my district right now there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it is we’re doing,” says Rep. Chris Collins below in defense of the bill. Okay, but there’s also a lot of misunderstanding among Republicans about what they’re doing. Your must-read of the day is this wonky but important blog post by Nicholas Bagley on unintended consequences from the new amendment to the GOP health-care bill. One of the Freedom Caucus’s latest demands, remember, was adding something to the bill that repeals the ObamaCare regulations requiring insurers to provide certain “essential health benefits” in all plans. Get rid of those federal rules governing EHBs, conservatives say, and let the states define them for themselves. Then insurers will be able to offer cheaper, more tailored insurance. “Fine, whatever,” said the White House. “Write it up.” So someone wrote it up quickly, hoping that this would finally be the concession that gets the bill through.

Problem is, when you care less about what’s in the bill than about simply getting something passed, key details tend to slip through the cracks."

The bills' a mess.
The GOP has failed miserably, after having 8 years to have something professional and polished ready.
This thing needs to die and the whole thing started over instead of pushing this 'rush job'.
Kind of proves what some have been saying for years there really is no difference between the two parties.
Remember how Nancy Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in the ACA before it had been rammed into law? Yeah, well...the GOP isn't far off from ineptly arguing the same thing.

GOP Rep. Chris Collins: Once we pass the bill, we’ll have a chance to really explain it - Hot Air

"You didn’t think this fiasco would end without a Republican version of Pelosi’s “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” remark, did you?

“In my district right now there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it is we’re doing,” says Rep. Chris Collins below in defense of the bill. Okay, but there’s also a lot of misunderstanding among Republicans about what they’re doing. Your must-read of the day is this wonky but important blog post by Nicholas Bagley on unintended consequences from the new amendment to the GOP health-care bill. One of the Freedom Caucus’s latest demands, remember, was adding something to the bill that repeals the ObamaCare regulations requiring insurers to provide certain “essential health benefits” in all plans. Get rid of those federal rules governing EHBs, conservatives say, and let the states define them for themselves. Then insurers will be able to offer cheaper, more tailored insurance. “Fine, whatever,” said the White House. “Write it up.” So someone wrote it up quickly, hoping that this would finally be the concession that gets the bill through.

Problem is, when you care less about what’s in the bill than about simply getting something passed, key details tend to slip through the cracks."

The bills' a mess.
The GOP has failed miserably, after having 8 years to have something professional and polished ready.
This thing needs to die and the whole thing started over instead of pushing this 'rush job'.
Kind of proves what some have been saying for years there really is no difference between the two parties.
and why there is a president trump
There is no good solution if any of the Obamacare regs and dictates are to stand. You can't put lipstick on a pig.

Excellent point.

The ACA was a mess that was rammed into existence. The Democrats did not intelligently vote on the contents of the ACA - most of them had not read it and had no idea what was in it. It's easier to get 'dumb cows' moving in the same direction - they just follow the leader. Had the democrats actually had to sit down read the ACA, understand what was in it, then come to agreement on the specifics before passing it, it might have never been passed. Having no clue what was in it made it easier to simply follow the herd and vote for it.

Now that it is law- now that the former health care system has been destroyed, leaving nothing but the ACA - it is going to be much harder, painful, to try to get anything passed. People are going to be paying more attention this time. The details will be scrutinized in advance this time...and trying to get so many individuals in Congress to agree, enough to pass it, is going to be a monster challenge...a challenge the Democrats avoided when passing the ACA by not reading it, not knowing what was in it, not letting anyone else read it in advance, and not letting anyone know what was in it in advance - just ramming it into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept.
So are you going to vote out all the Republican bums OP?
see the thing is is the libturds are far worse. If someone would run against the GOP fks, in a second we'd have a new GOP rep. you bet your sweet bippy
So are you going to vote out all the Republican bums OP?

These people will. This is Republican Senator Tom Cotton and what he is facing in Arkansas if this bill pass's.

Like one person said--"they may not know how they got Medical insurance, but they'll sure as hell remember who took it away from them."

This one Republican town hall in Salt Lake City--Utah considered the most conservative state in the nation.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty
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Remember how Nancy Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in the ACA before it had been rammed into law? Yeah, well...the GOP isn't far off from ineptly arguing the same thing.

GOP Rep. Chris Collins: Once we pass the bill, we’ll have a chance to really explain it - Hot Air

"You didn’t think this fiasco would end without a Republican version of Pelosi’s “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” remark, did you?

“In my district right now there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it is we’re doing,” says Rep. Chris Collins below in defense of the bill. Okay, but there’s also a lot of misunderstanding among Republicans about what they’re doing. Your must-read of the day is this wonky but important blog post by Nicholas Bagley on unintended consequences from the new amendment to the GOP health-care bill. One of the Freedom Caucus’s latest demands, remember, was adding something to the bill that repeals the ObamaCare regulations requiring insurers to provide certain “essential health benefits” in all plans. Get rid of those federal rules governing EHBs, conservatives say, and let the states define them for themselves. Then insurers will be able to offer cheaper, more tailored insurance. “Fine, whatever,” said the White House. “Write it up.” So someone wrote it up quickly, hoping that this would finally be the concession that gets the bill through.

Problem is, when you care less about what’s in the bill than about simply getting something passed, key details tend to slip through the cracks."

The bills' a mess.
The GOP has failed miserably, after having 8 years to have something professional and polished ready.
This thing needs to die and the whole thing started over instead of pushing this 'rush job'.
Looks like Obamacare will remain the law of the land.
Another giant lie of Trump's that his base will defend.
Trump loves the bill but I see whats going on here
Trump just wants his campaign promise to be kept - to repeal and replace the ACA as soon as he 'gets into office'. Ryan, McConnell, and the other GOP Washington Establishment blew sunshine up his arse claiming they could do that when he became President and have exposed since that they could not. They not only failed Trump - they failed the American people.

Trump should not be threatening all GOP for not supporting this bill, but he would be right / justified to throw Ryan, McConnell under the proverbial bus for this.
Looks like Obamacare will remain the law of the land.
Another giant lie of Trump's that his base will defend.
After completely destroying the previous health care system, leaving nothing but the ACA, it's not hard to claim the ACA 'is the best thing out there' and that it is 'needed'. :p
Looks like Obamacare will remain the law of the land.
Another giant lie of Trump's that his base will defend.
After completely destroying the previous health care system, leaving nothing but the ACA, it's not hard to claim the ACA 'is the best thing out there' and that it is 'needed'. :p
again, letting obummerfail die maybe the only way out of this.

I want doctor care not insurance care.
Trump loves the bill but I see whats going on here
Trump just wants his campaign promise to be kept - to repeal and replace the ACA as soon as he 'gets into office'. Ryan, McConnell, and the other GOP Washington Establishment blew sunshine up his arse claiming they could do that when he became President and have exposed since that they could not. They not only failed Trump - they failed the American people.

Trump should not be threatening all GOP for not supporting this bill, but he would be right / justified to throw Ryan, McConnell under the proverbial bus for this.

Why? As you said, Trump wants this. They just want to fast pass anything to take credit. What the bill does doesn't matter.
Trump loves the bill but I see whats going on here
Trump just wants his campaign promise to be kept - to repeal and replace the ACA as soon as he 'gets into office'. Ryan, McConnell, and the other GOP Washington Establishment blew sunshine up his arse claiming they could do that when he became President and have exposed since that they could not. They not only failed Trump - they failed the American people.

Trump should not be threatening all GOP for not supporting this bill, but he would be right / justified to throw Ryan, McConnell under the proverbial bus for this.

Why? As you said, Trump wants this. They just want to fast pass anything to take credit. What the bill does doesn't matter.
Trump does want to keep his campaign promise by passing something, but he doesn't want his name on a POS like Barry did, at least IMO. If he does that he will still have broken his word to the American people. I still think he was suckered by Ryan and McConnell, who failed to deliver.

Just my opinion. I respect yours as well, as it does make sense.
Trump loves the bill but I see whats going on here
Trump just wants his campaign promise to be kept - to repeal and replace the ACA as soon as he 'gets into office'. Ryan, McConnell, and the other GOP Washington Establishment blew sunshine up his arse claiming they could do that when he became President and have exposed since that they could not. They not only failed Trump - they failed the American people.

Trump should not be threatening all GOP for not supporting this bill, but he would be right / justified to throw Ryan, McConnell under the proverbial bus for this.

Why? As you said, Trump wants this. They just want to fast pass anything to take credit. What the bill does doesn't matter.
Trump does want to keep his campaign promise by passing something, but he doesn't want his name on a POS like Barry did, at least IMO. If he does that he will still have broken his word to the American people. I still think he was suckered by Ryan and McConnell, who failed to deliver.

Just my opinion. I respect yours as well, as it does make sense.

Here's the problem. The bill you call a piece of shit he likes. He doesn't want his name on it because he knows it's a piece of shitbut passing a piece of shit would be promoted as "keeping a promise" which is silly. If I said I was going to wash your car then opened the windows and threw a bucket inside you wouldn't accept that I was keeping my promise.

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