Good article

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
Good article on how with the republicans still in control of the Senate we will just see a return to Moscow Mitch's strategy of blocking every move by the White House, just as he did with Obama. In regards to Trump's campaign strategy, this section hit the nail on the head..'Worse, he approached the Black Swan of the COVID-19 pandemic entirely through the lens of his re-election. More than 230,000 Americans are dead, with cases spiking all around the country as we head into winter, and the president's closing message was to hold rallies where disease and disinformation spread easily. He babbled nonsensically about "rounding the turn" on the virus and accused doctors of taking money to falsify causes of death and mused preposterously that no one would care about the coronavirus on Nov. 4 because the whole thing was a media-driven plot to tank his popularity and hand the election to Joe Biden. His shambolic indifference to this tragedy was a strategy. And more than 70 million people lapped it up. They looked upon this ruined landscape of hate and fear and said, "More."...A Biden presidency might essentially be over before it can begin

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