Gone Guy: Ben Affleck Defends Islam Against Bill Maher

Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
The real problem is that idiots like Affleck have their moronic thoughts aired in the media, thereby giving credence to them. Affleck should not be speaking in public on any topic except acting and the entertainment biz. However, people like him will continue to be given access to public forums regardless of the fact that they have no real substantive understanding and background in the non-Hollywood subjects on which they opine.

Maher should have just told Affleck that he is just an actor and to shut the fuck up. On political issues he is a layman. His opinion is no more valid than any of ours merely because he makes gobs of money acting.
The point Affleck and the media failed to bring up is that most religions have a terrible past.

But all religions still have a select few that cling to the idea's of that time.

This is just a general discussion of Progression in religion. Old Testament was full of the exact same messages some Americans portray Islam as because the only people we know about in Islam are the ones who use this nearly extinct belief.

The only way you can see Christians the same as these "Islam Radicals" is if you are on USMB today. The general public doesn't see it. But they are still there.

Ben Affleck was 100% correct. I just wonder if Bill was doing it to gain media attention or if he's showing his true Libertarian side finally.
The real problem is that idiots like Affleck have their moronic thoughts aired in the media, thereby giving credence to them. Affleck should not be speaking in public on any topic except acting and the entertainment biz. However, people like him will continue to be given access to public forums regardless of the fact that they have no real substantive understanding and background in the non-Hollywood subjects on which they opine.

Maher should have just told Affleck that he is just an actor and to shut the fuck up. On political issues he is a layman. His opinion is no more valid than any of ours merely because he makes gobs of money acting.
Certainly bet than hater dupes anyway lol...
Fundie christians suq too, but they're not just now coming out of third world primitive- let alone ANOTHER Pub Great World Depression....
Christians are still using law to oppress women and gays because of the bible.

If you pay attention to the forums they want to kill gays, still.

Nothing different. There are STILL Americans that act like Radical Christians. I'll agree that they don't follow through with it because of our Countries structure, but they are still here.
The left is quick to paint Christianity with a wide brush over something that happened 200 years ago, but not Islam, even though Muslims are doing worse today. Christians never used bombs to murder innocent non-Christians, or flew jets into their cities, or threatened to totally wipe out an entire country with nuclear weapons. Even if they had them way back then I seriously doubt they would go to this extreme.

I see constant examples of a lack of proper perspective in Hollywood and on the left.
During the period of European colonialism, Christians killed far more people than Muslims are killing today: innocent people simply living in or defending their own countries. The fact is, Chistianity is in no way in a position to feel superior to other religions as far as genocide and mass murder. No way. In North America alone, the native American population was deciminated and Africans were enslaved for centuries. This was done by Christian Europeans, and very often in the name of Christianity, what they considered the superior, the only, religion and culture.

I am not defending or justifying anything radical, extremist, murderous people are doing in the name of Islam, but just as the violence and murderous behavior of European colonialists did not represent Christ, the violent, murderous people saying they are acting in the name of Islam do not actually represent Islam.

And I am not ignorant of this. I have spent 7 years of my life living and working in Muslim countries, countries that are 90+ percent Islamic. My co-workers, my clients, my neighbors, my acquaintances and friends have been Muslim. No one was angry, no one was violent, no one wanted to harm me in any way, quite the contrary. Over the 7 years, because I was in 3 different Muslim countries and worked for 3 different large Muslim dominated businesses, I worked with at least 2-300 Muslim co-workers. I visited their homes, went to weddings, traveled with them, had them staying in my home, I stayed in their homes, etc. I have had literally hundreds of Muslim clients with whom I worked closely on a day to day basis. The idea that all Muslims, in fact other than a small minority, are evil people is ludicrous. There are 1.6 BILLIION Muslims on this planet: those doing atrocities are miniscule minority. You are influenced by the media which only shows us what bad people are doing: it does not represent how the vast majority live: in peace, living out their day to day lives like anyone else.

What is needed is an educated, broad view of reality instead of the narrow one provided by media. I admit, before I spent all those years living and working in Muslim countries, I didn't know anything about them or Islam. I understand that people are ignorant. What I want is for people to stop being manipulated by the narrow reality presented by media and start to think more critically and rationally about this issue.
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The left is quick to paint Christianity with a wide brush over something that happened 200 years ago, but not Islam, even though Muslims are doing worse today. Christians never used bombs to murder innocent non-Christians, or flew jets into their cities, or threatened to totally wipe out an entire country with nuclear weapons. Even if they had them way back then I seriously doubt they would go to this extreme.

I see constant examples of a lack of proper perspective in Hollywood and on the left.
During the period of European colonialism, Christians killed far more people than Muslims are killing today: innocent people simply living in or defending their own countries. The fact is, Chistianity is in no way in a position to feel superior to other religions as far as genocide and mass murder. No way. In North America alone, the native American population was deciminated and Africans were enslaved for centuries. This was done by Christian Europeans, and very often in the name of Christianity, what they considered the superior, the only, religion and culture.

I am not defending or justifying anything radical, extremist, murderous people are doing in the name of Islam, but just as the violence and murderous behavior of European colonialists did not represent Christ, the violent, murderous people saying they are acting in the name of Islam do not actually represent Islam.

And I am not ignorant of this. I have spent 7 years of my life living and working in Muslim countries, countries that are 90+ percent Islamic. My co-workers, my clients, my neighbors, my acquaintances and friends have been Muslim. No one was angry, no one was violent, no one wanted to harm me in any way, quite the contrary. Over the 7 years, because I was in 3 different Muslim countries and worked for 3 different large Muslim dominated businesses, I worked with at least 2-300 Muslim co-workers. I visited their homes, went to weddings, traveled with them, had them staying in my home, I stayed in their homes, etc. I have had literally hundreds of Muslim clients with whom I worked closely on a day to day basis. The idea that all Muslims, in fact other than a small minority, are evil people is ludicrous. There are 1.6 BILLIION Muslims on this planet: those doing atrocities are miniscule minority. You are influenced by the media which only shows us what bad people are doing: it does not represent how the vast majority live: in peace, living out their day to day lives like anyone else.

What is needed is an educated, broad view of reality instead of the narrow one provided by media. I admit, before I spent all those years living and working in Muslim countries, I didn't know anything about them or Islam. I understand that people are ignorant. What I want is for people to stop being manipulated by the narrow reality presentity by media and start to think more critically and rationally about this issue.


America is an "advanced civilization".

The point made is that we SHOULD notice the things less advanced Countries are going through since we have been through it. The worst thing we can do is judge it and call them, "stupid dumb faces" like a 12 year old. We need to accept our own history, learn it and apply the knowledge we have to heal others.
Trying to minimize or equate the heinous acts of radical Islam, by claiming Christians do it too, is a moral equivalence turned mental derangement...and an obvious logical fallacy...motivated by hate.

Do Christians behead people in the name of their God TODAY? NO
Do Christians demand non-Christians become Christian or die TODAY? NO
Do Christians mistreat women and homosexuals TODAY? NO
Do Christians commit suicide bombings, killing numerous innocents TODAY? NO
Do Christians believe their religion tells them to murder the non-believer TODAY? NO
Do Christians demand that all nations be governed by their rules TODAY? NO

Luke 21:17 And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
Trying to minimize or equate the heinous acts of radical Islam, by claiming Christians do it too, is a moral equivalence turned mental derangement...and an obvious logical fallacy...motivated by hate.

Do Christians behead people in the name of their God TODAY? NO
Do Christians demand non-Christians become Christian or die TODAY? NO
Do Christians mistreat women and homosexuals TODAY? NO
Do Christians commit suicide bombings, killing numerous innocents TODAY? NO
Do Christians believe their religion tells them to murder the non-believer TODAY? NO
Do Christians demand that all nations be governed by their rules TODAY? NO

How DARE you point that out!

You should lose your job or be forced to sell your business for thinking that!

Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.
Fundie christians suq too, but they're not just now coming out of third world primitive- let alone ANOTHER Pub Great World Depression....
Christians are still using law to oppress women and gays because of the bible.

If you pay attention to the forums they want to kill gays, still.

Nothing different. There are STILL Americans that act like Radical Christians. I'll agree that they don't follow through with it because of our Countries structure, but they are still here.
Sorry, but I've never seen any laws or any movement sanctioned by the church that actually call for capital punishment of Gays other than Islam.
I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

That's what happens with hardcore partisan ideologues. It's all binary, black & white.

If you agree with one thing Bill Maher says, you "love" him.

It's no wonder political discourse is causing so much damage.

Ben Aflack is just repeating the same silly leftist nonsense. He compartmentalizes the issue by claiming we've killed Muslims and ignores the fact that it was always in response to the murder of our own people. We try to kill the guilty and they go out of their way to kill the innocent, and he's totally ignoring that fact.
The left is quick to paint Christianity with a wide brush over something that happened 200 years ago, but not Islam, even though Muslims are doing worse today. Christians never used bombs to murder innocent non-Christians, or flew jets into their cities, or threatened to totally wipe out an entire country with nuclear weapons. Even if they had them way back then I seriously doubt they would go to this extreme.

I see constant examples of a lack of proper perspective in Hollywood and on the left.

Okay, let's look at that.

America did use bombs to murder innocent non-Christians. We bombed the snot out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, North Korea and Japan. And sorry, even though this was "War", most of those folks were innocent.

We were also the only country to ever use nuclear weapons on people, so I always find it amusing when we lecture anyone on who can have nukes.

But please continue in the belief that your Imaginary Sky Fairy is somehow better than their Imaginary Sky Fairy.
The left is quick to paint Christianity with a wide brush over something that happened 200 years ago, but not Islam, even though Muslims are doing worse today. Christians never used bombs to murder innocent non-Christians, or flew jets into their cities, or threatened to totally wipe out an entire country with nuclear weapons. Even if they had them way back then I seriously doubt they would go to this extreme.

I see constant examples of a lack of proper perspective in Hollywood and on the left.

Okay, let's look at that.

America did use bombs to murder innocent non-Christians. We bombed the snot out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, North Korea and Japan. And sorry, even though this was "War", most of those folks were innocent.

We were also the only country to ever use nuclear weapons on people, so I always find it amusing when we lecture anyone on who can have nukes.

But please continue in the belief that your Imaginary Sky Fairy is somehow better than their Imaginary Sky Fairy.

So in your "mind" the American government is a Christian controlled entity and anything it does wrong can be blamed on Christianity. Even though the American government has done much to eliminate or reduce the influence of religion in everything it does.

Again your moral equivalence argument is a complete fallacy and utter ignorance.
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The majority of Muslims would support hanging Affleck's gay ass.

Only if they saw him in Daredevil.

Of course, all this conversation about how whose invisible sky pixie is better ignores why we have aproblem with the Islamic world.

We keep sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complain about getting stung.

Here's the things about it. When you all go about whining about 'terrorism', the fact is, our two biggest pains in the ass over there - Saddam and Bin Laden - were both guys the CIA said we could work with.

When Bin Laden was killing Russians, he was a "Freedom Fighter". Ronnie Reagan said so. Those dirty stinkin' Commies might teach girls how to read or something.

When he started blowing up embassies and office buildings, then he was a terrorist.

When Saddam was invading Iran, he was an awesome guy. We totally sold him weapons. Then he attacked Kuwait and threatened the Zionist Entity, and gosh, darn, he was the worst thing since Hitler.

Can we get real? Our problem isn't with their "Religion", our problem with them is they won't play nice with our corporate world.
Ben Aflack is just repeating the same silly leftist nonsense. He compartmentalizes the issue by claiming we've killed Muslims and ignores the fact that it was always in response to the murder of our own people. We try to kill the guilty and they go out of their way to kill the innocent, and he's totally ignoring that fact.

Sigh. Okay. Let's look at that. We bombed Afghanistan in response to 9/11. Okay. then we invaded Iraq, even though Iraq had nothing to do with "murdering our people'.

Main reasons why they attacked on 9/11? We attacked Iraq in 1991, we continued to operate on their holy land, we continued to support Israel and their oppression of the Palestinians. And, no, most of the people we end up killing are innocent.

You see, this is why i would love to see the word terrorism expunged from the language. We call carnage our carnage 'War', they call theirs "terrorism'.

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