Golan Heights is Officially Part of Israel

Let us be aware that the source where all his, and others, allegations come from are usually known as " Conspiracy Theory " sites, be they of Christian, Muslim, Nazi, Jihadist, Atheist, origins - it really does not matter where they come from.....

All have the same intent, to misinform and spread that misinformation to any and all in order to fight Israel's existence and attempt to destroy it.

Its origins go all the way back to 1920 with the first riots against the Jews led by Al-Hussaini as the Mandate for Palestine was going to be implemented.

The terms Zionist Entity or Regime are just a Jew hater's way of saying that Israel does not exist, or does not have the right to exist, because Jews HAVE NO RIGHTS.

That is something that nearly 2000 years of Christian and Muslim "civilizations" have spread for those who want to believe in their teachings about Jews and Judaism and are very into following those beliefs.

The problem with the conflict has always been with the leaders they have had since 1920. They cannot accept anything less but the whole pie of the Mandate for Palestine, with no land AT ALL going to the Jews.

Once the Arabs of those areas are capable of actually revolting and changing their leaders and the teachings, and do away with the refugee status and UNWRA and what this organization has been set to teach generation after generation of Arabs, then......
there may be a chance for actual peace between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. Not before.

But that is something Mr. Billo and many others will never be capable of accepting, short of Israel's demise.
It's obvious you don't have a leg to stand on, because no matter what the topic or issue, you always try to make it about Jews.
Because you’re pro Palestine and anti Israel is one blatant example.
That doesn't mean I'm a Jew hater. It means I care about justice. And I call out injustice when I see it. People are just pissed off I won't kiss Israel's ass. Fuck Israel!

Thank you for confirming my original post about your antisemitic ass.
RE: Golan Heights is Officially Part of Israel
⁜→ AzogtheDefiler, Hollie, Billo_Really,, et al,

I tend to think that this is an objective evaluation (not personal). While it appears that he has fallen prey to a variation of the "Stockholm" Syndrome.

He is a Jew hater

Maybe "Jew Hater" is close, → but not the right description → simply because it sounds like a personal attack (ad Hominem) → as opposed to the "Objective View" which it is closer to being a better description.

I believe that there is just an enormous number of undereducated people who are attracted to the rhythm of the anti-Semitic rhetoric → like the Pied Piper of Lower Saxony → renowned for this mystic powers to attract little children by playing his flute. The childlike minded → would just follow him blindly. Today's anti-Semitic theme and the medium is quite different, but the framework and methodology are still the same for the weak minded.

It becomes imperative for these weak minded to succumb to the rhythm pro-Muslim agenda. This agenda → forged in the furnace of hatred → craft an alliance with the Hostile Arab-Palestinian community (and associated groups like the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the up and coming Quds Force of Iran) → sacrificing the alliance with Israel on the altar of the Islamic Movement → butchering the top country in the region for human development.

My father asked me once: if the Priest told to jump off a cliff → would you do it? I'm sure that growing-up, you've herd variations on that theme. That is what the anti-Semitic movements do, lure you away and rebrand you as anti-Semetic using disinformation and misinformation as the foundation for the trap.

Just My Thought,
Most Respectfully,
Let us be aware that the source where all his, and others, allegations come from are usually known as " Conspiracy Theory " sites, be they of Christian, Muslim, Nazi, Jihadist, Atheist, origins - it really does not matter where they come from.....

All have the same intent, to misinform and spread that misinformation to any and all in order to fight Israel's existence and attempt to destroy it.

Its origins go all the way back to 1920 with the first riots against the Jews led by Al-Hussaini as the Mandate for Palestine was going to be implemented.

The terms Zionist Entity or Regime are just a Jew hater's way of saying that Israel does not exist, or does not have the right to exist, because Jews HAVE NO RIGHTS.

That is something that nearly 2000 years of Christian and Muslim "civilizations" have spread for those who want to believe in their teachings about Jews and Judaism and are very into following those beliefs.

The problem with the conflict has always been with the leaders they have had since 1920. They cannot accept anything less but the whole pie of the Mandate for Palestine, with no land AT ALL going to the Jews.

Once the Arabs of those areas are capable of actually revolting and changing their leaders and the teachings, and do away with the refugee status and UNWRA and what this organization has been set to teach generation after generation of Arabs, then......
there may be a chance for actual peace between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. Not before.

But that is something Mr. Billo and many others will never be capable of accepting, short of Israel's demise.
It's obvious you don't have a leg to stand on, because no matter what the topic or issue, you always try to make it about Jews.
But it is about "Jooooos" Billo. That is all you and other anti Israel clowns are all about, with endless references to how Israel does wrong, how it has stolen land, how Jews are not Jews, how Jews are colonial Europeans, how Jews....How Jews.....how Jews.....

That is all clowns like you have been doing since a bastard wrote that the Jooooos had killed a god and kept humanity from "salvation".

You, and all others, continue in the pathetic path of blaming the Jewish people for all the ills invented, possible and impossible which would have anything to do with anything bad happening in the world, including stomach aches.

You are not about Justice, never have been, anymore than the BDS movement is about Justice, or has ever been.
Any more than the Arab League is about Justice.
Any more than the UN is now about Justice.

You may continue to fool yourself that you are about Justice for the "Palestinians" for the rest of your life.
You will NOT be able to fool the rest of the world that you really are about Justice for ANYONE, and have no deep rooted reasons against the Jewish people and the existence of Israel.

PLEASE....stay away from Israel ass, as far as possible. From another planet, if possible.

Stay pissed off, with the endless ignorance you have swelled whole. Enjoy it.

Israel strives. The Jewish people and all others who live in Israel, strive as well.

Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !

(And there is NOTHING your endless ignorance and false, phony "I am upset" garbage is EVER going to be able to do about it.
Which is exactly what the Arab who now call themselves Palestinians are going to continue to get out of not wanting to live in Peace with the "Jooooooooooooooooos " )
RE: Golan Heights is Officially Part of Israel
⁜→ AzogtheDefiler, Hollie, Billo_Really,, et al,

I tend to think that this is an objective evaluation (not personal). While it appears that he has fallen prey to a variation of the "Stockholm" Syndrome.

He is a Jew hater

Maybe "Jew Hater" is close, → but not the right description → simply because it sounds like a personal attack (ad Hominem) → as opposed to the "Objective View" which it is closer to being a better description.

I believe that there is just an enormous number of undereducated people who are attracted to the rhythm of the anti-Semitic rhetoric → like the Pied Piper of Lower Saxony → renowned for this mystic powers to attract little children by playing his flute. The childlike minded → would just follow him blindly. Today's anti-Semitic theme and the medium is quite different, but the framework and methodology are still the same for the weak minded.

It becomes imperative for these weak minded to succumb to the rhythm pro-Muslim agenda. This agenda → forged in the furnace of hatred → craft an alliance with the Hostile Arab-Palestinian community (and associated groups like the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the up and coming Quds Force of Iran) → sacrificing the alliance with Israel on the altar of the Islamic Movement → butchering the top country in the region for human development.

My father asked me once: if the Priest told to jump off a cliff → would you do it? I'm sure that growing-up, you've herd variations on that theme. That is what the anti-Semitic movements do, lure you away and rebrand you as anti-Semetic using disinformation and misinformation as the foundation for the trap.

Just My Thought,
Most Respectfully,

I ll Simplify it. People who say they like Jews but hate Israel sound the same as those who say I like Americans but hate America. Israel is a nation of Jews. Unless they are discussing the climate they mean the people. They hate the people of Israel aka Jews.
Thank you for confirming my original post about your antisemitic ass.
That's what you call anyone who refuses to kiss Israel's ass. Well, that's too fucking bad. I don't kiss anyone's ass, especially Israel. And, of coarse, none of this has anything to do with Judaism.

Of coarse? Israel is the only Jewish homeland. So you hate the people who comprise Israel, meaning Jews. Your lack of education is comical.
But it is about "Jooooos" Billo. That is all you and other anti Israel clowns are all about, with endless references to how Israel does wrong, how it has stolen land, how Jews are not Jews, how Jews are colonial Europeans, how Jews....How Jews.....how Jews.....

That is all clowns like you have been doing since a bastard wrote that the Jooooos had killed a god and kept humanity from "salvation".

You, and all others, continue in the pathetic path of blaming the Jewish people for all the ills invented, possible and impossible which would have anything to do with anything bad happening in the world, including stomach aches.

You are not about Justice, never have been, anymore than the BDS movement is about Justice, or has ever been.
Any more than the Arab League is about Justice.
Any more than the UN is now about Justice.

You may continue to fool yourself that you are about Justice for the "Palestinians" for the rest of your life.
You will NOT be able to fool the rest of the world that you really are about Justice for ANYONE, and have no deep rooted reasons against the Jewish people and the existence of Israel.

PLEASE....stay away from Israel ass, as far as possible. From another planet, if possible.

Stay pissed off, with the endless ignorance you have swelled whole. Enjoy it.

Israel strives. The Jewish people and all others who live in Israel, strive as well.

Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !

(And there is NOTHING your endless ignorance and false, phony "I am upset" garbage is EVER going to be able to do about it.
Which is exactly what the Arab who now call themselves Palestinians are going to continue to get out of not wanting to live in Peace with the "Jooooooooooooooooos " )
Listen, you little psycho bitch, you don't tell me my point, I tell you. And you constantly jump through hoops to make any issue, any criticism of Israel, about Jews. Because.....

.....that's all you got!
But it is about "Jooooos" Billo. That is all you and other anti Israel clowns are all about, with endless references to how Israel does wrong, how it has stolen land, how Jews are not Jews, how Jews are colonial Europeans, how Jews....How Jews.....how Jews.....

That is all clowns like you have been doing since a bastard wrote that the Jooooos had killed a god and kept humanity from "salvation".

You, and all others, continue in the pathetic path of blaming the Jewish people for all the ills invented, possible and impossible which would have anything to do with anything bad happening in the world, including stomach aches.

You are not about Justice, never have been, anymore than the BDS movement is about Justice, or has ever been.
Any more than the Arab League is about Justice.
Any more than the UN is now about Justice.

You may continue to fool yourself that you are about Justice for the "Palestinians" for the rest of your life.
You will NOT be able to fool the rest of the world that you really are about Justice for ANYONE, and have no deep rooted reasons against the Jewish people and the existence of Israel.

PLEASE....stay away from Israel ass, as far as possible. From another planet, if possible.

Stay pissed off, with the endless ignorance you have swelled whole. Enjoy it.

Israel strives. The Jewish people and all others who live in Israel, strive as well.

Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !

(And there is NOTHING your endless ignorance and false, phony "I am upset" garbage is EVER going to be able to do about it.
Which is exactly what the Arab who now call themselves Palestinians are going to continue to get out of not wanting to live in Peace with the "Jooooooooooooooooos " )
Listen, you little psycho bitch, you don't tell me my point, I tell you. And you constantly jump through hoops to make any issue, any criticism of Israel, about Jews. Because.....

.....that's all you got!
So, what is your point, or points?

Enummarate them so that we can finally see some light through all of your Israel criticism and give you some credit for what you are "upset" about.
So, what is your point, or points?

Enummarate them so that we can finally see some light through all of your Israel criticism and give you some credit for what you are "upset" about.
In order to be "upset", you have to care. I don't. Why would I care about something that has no affect on my daily life? And I've stated my point many times, but instead of understanding it and responding to it, you constantly try to spin it in to something it isn't. Nothing I have said, has anything to do with Judaism, but everything to do with human rights and international law.

One last thing, you can shove that condescending sarcasm up your ass!

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