Gohmert to Strzok: Did you look as innocently at your wife while lying about Lisa as you look at us?

Is U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert a hypocrite for not being hard on Jim Jordan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • It doesn't matter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Benghazi!

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Comey!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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That Trump was a 'private citizens' is meaningless in defending his bad conduct as a civilian, now in light of his Presidency.

His character is defective and always has been.

No reason exists to think that the Russians do not have black mail evidence on him.

If the Russians having access to all of Hilliary's electronic work product didn't bother you (they did and certainly many other superpowers did) then you're a hypocrite. Or any of the PREVIOUS scandals that she skated on.

You can't blackmail anyone who OWNS UP to their mistakes. Especially in public life BEFORE serving in a sensitive position. That's why the Russians hookers peeing on the bed was a farce. If that was actually in the possession of the Russians, it would have had to come out.

Russians don't just fling this blackmail (compromat) out in public. It's TOO VALUABLE to waste on silly things like hating political candidates.
And now a deflection to Hillary, a certain sleight of hand trick that fails.
Gohmert to Strzok: Did you look as innocently at your wife while lying about Lisa as you look at us?

Strzok to Goober Gohmert: Did the Orange Fucktard look as innocently at HIS wife when bonking a porn star whilst she was coddling her newborn son?

Spare us ... PLEASE. Donald and his interference elves have NO moral authority here.

And who could forget "TERROR BABIES"? :D


And who could POSSIBLY forget (to Holder) "Stop casting aspersions on mah ASPARAGUS!! :lol:

Gohmert is an American hero who gets ridiculed a lot. Strzok is the one who should be ridiculed!

Louie Gohmert to Strzok: Did you look as innocently at your wife while lying about Lisa Page as you look at us?
Talk about a stupid question that does not address the issue at hand. That question reminds me of how innocent Trump looked when the reporter asked him about knowing anything about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, then lying about it. Except that question was actually relevant to the hush money case. This question Gohmert asked, wasn't relative to anything, except to insult. Gohmert, what an idiot.
Really? It goes to credibility! Or, is it stupid for ewe libtards to hammer Trump about women and affairs! Make up your feeble mind!
If Republicans were so worried about credibility, maybe they should start at the top, by being more interested in the actual person who is a subject of a multi pronged criminal investigation, and hush money with women for campaign violations? Throw me a friggin bone will you.

We're here today talking about an FBI agent who was texting his political views,which he is allowed to do so, as opposed to the number of scandals Trump has going on? That by the number, I'm not sure I could come up with if I wrote them down on paper? Give me a break. You have to be a special kind of retarded, to think Strozk holds more importance than the multiple Trump scandals.

Strzok OWNED those little bitches yesterday - :)
Only a guy from Texas would go there. Uncalled for I have to say, but that's how Texas rolls.
The democrats were a disgrace. They interrupted, yelled out loud while a congressman was asking questions of the witness. Every one of them should be fined and placed under arrest. This was an attempt to hide testamony evidence.

We never got an answer about him looking at his wife while Having an affair with Lisa Page.

Possibly because the question was entirely out of line.

I have a home in his district in Tyler.

He is not the swiftest bulb in the chandelier. He got his national start because of Bob Lehmann, a philanthropist out of Nacogdoches, who caught up in the whirl of being a big supporter. Charlie Wilson had his as well down in Lufkin and Nacogdoches, on the dem side. Bob is dead now, but his taint of Judge Louie continues.

ICK - My apologies. I mean, MY reps here in Ideeho are embarrassing enough.
Can you believe that Louie F-ing Gohmert was a JUDGE?
I cannot :rolleyes:
Gohmert is an American hero who gets ridiculed a lot. Strzok is the one who should be ridiculed!

Louie Gohmert to Strzok: Did you look as innocently at your wife while lying about Lisa Page as you look at us?
Talk about a stupid question that does not address the issue at hand. That question reminds me of how innocent Trump looked when the reporter asked him about knowing anything about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, then lying about it. Except that question was actually relevant to the hush money case. This question Gohmert asked, wasn't relative to anything, except to insult. Gohmert, what an idiot.
Really? It goes to credibility! Or, is it stupid for ewe libtards to hammer Trump about women and affairs! Make up your feeble mind!
If Republicans were so worried about credibility, maybe they should start at the top, by being more interested in the actual person who is a subject of a multi pronged criminal investigation, and hush money with women for campaign violations? Throw me a friggin bone will you.

We're here today talking about an FBI agent who was texting his political views,which he is allowed to do so, as opposed to the number of scandals Trump has going on? That by the number, I'm not sure I could come up with if I wrote them down on paper? Give me a break. You have to be a special kind of retarded, to think Strozk holds more importance than the multiple Trump scandals.

Strzok OWNED those little bitches yesterday - :)
You are so stupid! His career is over, his credibility shot!

she was angry out there as she was walking to the hearings. boy was she angry. it's not going well for the deep state!
The anger of EWE indicates just how wonderful strong was Strzok as he kicked the Republican heinies all over the place.
Gohmert is an American hero who gets ridiculed a lot. Strzok is the one who should be ridiculed!

Louie Gohmert to Strzok: Did you look as innocently at your wife while lying about Lisa Page as you look at us?
Talk about a stupid question that does not address the issue at hand. That question reminds me of how innocent Trump looked when the reporter asked him about knowing anything about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, then lying about it. Except that question was actually relevant to the hush money case. This question Gohmert asked, wasn't relative to anything, except to insult. Gohmert, what an idiot.
Really? It goes to credibility! Or, is it stupid for ewe libtards to hammer Trump about women and affairs! Make up your feeble mind!
If Republicans were so worried about credibility, maybe they should start at the top, by being more interested in the actual person who is a subject of a multi pronged criminal investigation, and hush money with women for campaign violations? Throw me a friggin bone will you.

We're here today talking about an FBI agent who was texting his political views,which he is allowed to do so, as opposed to the number of scandals Trump has going on? That by the number, I'm not sure I could come up with if I wrote them down on paper? Give me a break. You have to be a special kind of retarded, to think Strozk holds more importance than the multiple Trump scandals.

Strzok OWNED those little bitches yesterday - :)
You are so stupid! His career is over, his credibility shot!

NONSENSE - He will now write a book about the whiny lil bitches that he owned lock, stock and barrel.
It should be noted that the Inspector General clearly stated in his report that Mr Strzok took NO action in his official capacities that indicated bias.
And your boyz looked immeasurably D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E :D

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Talk about a stupid question that does not address the issue at hand. That question reminds me of how innocent Trump looked when the reporter asked him about knowing anything about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, then lying about it. Except that question was actually relevant to the hush money case. This question Gohmert asked, wasn't relative to anything, except to insult. Gohmert, what an idiot.
Really? It goes to credibility! Or, is it stupid for ewe libtards to hammer Trump about women and affairs! Make up your feeble mind!
If Republicans were so worried about credibility, maybe they should start at the top, by being more interested in the actual person who is a subject of a multi pronged criminal investigation, and hush money with women for campaign violations? Throw me a friggin bone will you.

We're here today talking about an FBI agent who was texting his political views,which he is allowed to do so, as opposed to the number of scandals Trump has going on? That by the number, I'm not sure I could come up with if I wrote them down on paper? Give me a break. You have to be a special kind of retarded, to think Strozk holds more importance than the multiple Trump scandals.

Strzok OWNED those little bitches yesterday - :)
You are so stupid! His career is over, his credibility shot!

NONSENSE - He will now write a book about the whiny lil bitches that he owned lock, stock and barrel.
It should be noted that the Inspector General clearly stated in his report that Mr Strzok took NO action in his official capacities that indicated bias.
And your boyz looked immeasurably D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E :D

Well, again, you are wrong! Typical.

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