God, Trump, and Thanksgiving


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Let there be no misunderstanding here: in no way nor manner am I comparing the President-elect to the Creator. That will remain the tactic of the Liberals, as they've done with Obama and Bill's wife.

No, this post is meant to underscore the new beginnings that President Trump presages....appointments have suggested a new and positive relationship with Israel, and an equally positive view of vouchers and charter schools, wresting control from the teacher's unions.

No, this is a hope that President Trump will renew the American belief and acceptance of God's place in America.

From an editorial in today's NYSun:

1. "Washington, we have noted in our annual Thanksgiving editorial, had been asked by Congress to recommend “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God.”

2. John Adams, noting that the “the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and the blessing of Almighty God” and that “the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the people owe to Him, but a duty whose natural influence is favorable to the promotion of that morality and piety without which social happiness can not exist nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed,” recommended “a day of solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer” to “the Father of Mercies.”

3. Thomas Jefferson — an architect of the idea of the separation of church and state — did not issue a Thanksgiving proclamation.[ At least not while he was president; in 1789, he did, while serving as governor of Virginia, issue a proclamation establishing December 9, 1789, as a day of thanksgiving to God.]

4. The practice resumed with James Madison, who set aside January 12, 1815, as “a day on which all may have an opportunity of voluntarily offering at the same time in their respective religious assemblies their humble adoration to the Great Sovereign of the Universe, of confessing their sins and transgressions, and of strengthening their vows of repentance.”

5. Lincoln issued four Thanksgiving proclamations, two of which — in 1862 and 1863 — made reference to a divine role in Union military victories. In 1864, he set apart the last Thursday in November “as a day which I desire to be observed by all my fellow-citizens, wherever they may then be, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the beneficent Creator and Ruler of the Universe.”
‘Our Common Creed’ - The New York Sun
And pray to God they are not serving Cold Duck as the appertief...

lol...while sitting in his million dollar chair.....:biggrin:

And did he mention Corinthians 2 ? :laugh:

6. "Similarly pointed references to God were made by Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who, like Lincoln, recognized God as an ally of American soldiers in wartime. “God's help to us had been great in this year of march toward world-wide liberty,” Roosevelt wrote in his 1943 proclamation. A year later he suggested “a nationwide reading of the Holy Scriptures during the period from Thanksgiving to Christmas.”

7. President Truman was, in 1950, the first president to make explicit reference in a Thanksgiving proclamation to Jews, asking all Americans “to appeal to the Most High” and entreating them “in church, chapel, and synagogue, in their homes and in the busy walks of life, every day and everywhere, to pray for peace.”

8. President Eisenhower added a nod to freedom of conscience, a freedom of which the founders were well aware. “We are grateful that our beloved country, settled by those forebears in their quest for religious freedom, remains free and strong, and that each of us can worship God in his own way, according to the dictates of his conscience,” Eisenhower wrote.

9. President Kennedy began his first Thanksgiving proclamation by quoting the psalmist: “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” He went on to ask “the head of each family to recount to his children” that America was born "in the conviction that right and justice and freedom can through man’s efforts persevere and come to fruition with the blessing of God.”
‘Our Common Creed’ - The New York Sun
10. "Richard Nixon’s Thanksgiving proclamation in 1972 was probably the first that mentioned Jesus. “From Moses at the Red Sea to Jesus preparing to feed the multitudes, the Scriptures summon us to words and deeds of gratitude, even before divine blessings are fully perceived,” he wrote.

11. President Ford’s 1975 proclamation, by contrast, replaced reference to thanking God or the Almighty with a more vague reference to “our belief in a dynamic spirit that will continue to nurture and guide us.” President Carter spoke of “Almighty God.”

12. President Reagan said that the Thanksgiving custom derives from “our Judeo-Christian heritage.”

13. President Clinton in 1993 described the “true spirit of Thanksgiving” as "acknowledging God’s graciousness, and in response, reaching out in service to others." In his 1996 proclamation, Mr. Clinton referred to “the genius of our founders in daring to build the world’s first constitutional democracy on the foundation of trust and thanks to God.”

14. President Bush, in his proclamation in 2004, said, “On this Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for his blessings and ask Him to continue to guide and watch over our Nation.”

15. President Obama’s message in 2014 moved him into this tradition.

We mention all this not to suggest that atheists have no place at the harvest table. On the contrary, America’s government is a secular institution and all have the same standing. But it is a secular institution whose greatest leaders have always expressed gratitude to God. It is a bipartisan tradition that has now endured for centuries with harm neither to believer or atheist, something to remember as the Supreme Court yet again weighs the scope of the First Amendment. It is a tradition that reminds us that the Founders of America conducted their labors in the light of Sinai. Which in itself is something for which to give thanks."
‘Our Common Creed’ - The New York Sun
Revelation 11:18 Says, God will destroy those who destroy the earth.
Trump's stance on coal and the EPA, shows the state of Trump's respect for God's commandments.

Funny to find a biblical quote from one who worships the Earth, Mother Gaia.

I guess the Bard had you in mind when he wrote this:

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
For the Record:

Over two million more votes were cast for HRC than for Donald Trump.

US Green Party raises enough funds for Wisconsin recount

And more money collected will look at the votes in PA and Michigan.

Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

1. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the VoteFraud.org organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

2. How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

You Liberal simpletons never seem able to connect the dots.
Revelation 11:18 Says, God will destroy those who destroy the earth.
Trump's stance on coal and the EPA, shows the state of Trump's respect for God's commandments.

Funny to find a biblical quote from one who worships the Earth, Mother Gaia.

I guess the Bard had you in mind when he wrote this:

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

The Bible is full of verses about being stewards of God's earth.
You really have no clue and your response was nothing but denial of God's will.
Maybe, you should stick to something you have a ounce of knowledge about.
Revelation 11:18 Says, God will destroy those who destroy the earth.
Trump's stance on coal and the EPA, shows the state of Trump's respect for God's commandments.

Funny to find a biblical quote from one who worships the Earth, Mother Gaia.

I guess the Bard had you in mind when he wrote this:

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

The Bible is full of verses about being stewards of God's earth.
You really have no clue and your response was nothing but denial of God's will.
Maybe, you should stick to something you have a ounce of knowledge about.

"Maybe, you should stick to something you have a ounce of knowledge about."

OK....here we go: you're an imbecile.

For the Record:

Over two million more votes were cast for HRC than for Donald Trump.

US Green Party raises enough funds for Wisconsin recount

And more money collected will look at the votes in PA and Michigan.

Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

1. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the VoteFraud.org organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

2. How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

You Liberal simpletons never seem able to connect the dots.

LOL, Only three million? Come on now PC, you've put all other political hacks to shame. It must be over a billion rigged votes, The Donald told us so, and he is The Man Diogenes of Sinope searched for, for over two thousand years.

My source, the San Diego Chicken told us that over the border, he crossed using the aka Mr. Pollo by the way, that thousand of polls were open to voters, each one allowed to cast as many votes as they wanted for HRC. It's true, you can ask him.

BTW2, the last time I saw Mr. Pollo he was in a cast, those skinning little chicken legs couldn't support him after casting 6,347 votes for HRC in each claw (did you know he was ambidextrous?).
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