God Of War!

Dudes, hell yes. I rented it about three days ago and just beat it. I LOVE KRATOS (in a totally hetero way [not that I have anything against gays] {I actually support lesbianism} ^As the definition of a lesbian is an inherantly hot women that is okay with guys joining in^).
I'm so frickin mad.....
This game is still $50 bucks and I can't find it used ANYWHERE!!!!
The PS2 version just got knocked down to $20. It's part of their Greatest Hits now, most stores have a different section for those.
Dan said:
The PS2 version just got knocked down to $20. It's part of their Greatest Hits now, most stores have a different section for those.
What day did this happen???
I just looked yesterday and couldn't find one copy.
Sigh, my PS2 still cant play the game. Every version ive ever gotten from a video store or bought has given me a Disc Read error. Im not buying a new PS2. This sucks. Maybe the new Greatest hits version fixed the problem. Guess ill go see.

The game is sweet too. Ive played it mostly at my friends.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0002XL3BA/qid=1142385164/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_unbuck_1/002-2775256-6289630?v=glance&s=videogames&n=1000]You can buy it here, Joker![/ame]
The Military has a system for classifying EVERYTHING this way.
Supplies are even categorized by a federal system and divided into class.
Class I – Subsistence

Class II - Clothing, Tools, TA-50

Class III - Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants

Class IV - Construction, Barrier Materials

Class V - Ammunition, Explosives

Class VI - Personal Demand Items (liquor included)

Class VII - Major End Items

Class VIII – Medical

Class IX – Repair Parts and Components

Class X – Agriculture, Economic Development

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