Gloria Allred's 'October surprise:DNC hitman at it again


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
So conservatives brace yourselves. The wicked bitchy witch of the west is on her way tomorrow to start her smear job.

Here's a story at the DM. I've picked up a buzz though that this has something to do with a woman who used to be a Mormon who wanted to have an abortion 30 freaking years ago. And at the time Bishop Romney who was 36 at the time I believe was adamantly against it.

ETA: whoopsies forgot to add all of the point of this I guess is to try to prove that although 30 years later Gov. Romney has evolved and now although pro life understands abortion in the case of the life of the mother.

She took out Cain and Whitman with her smear jobs. Where did those clients end up? Anyone know? The woman left the Church. And the story line will be part of the "War on Women" even though it happened ages ago.

Drudge tweeted about this not long ago, so eveyone has been waiting to see what's coming at us. I think this is it.

Celebrity attorney Gloria Allred is heading to court on Wednesday in an attempt to unseal Mitt Romney's sworn testimony in a prior court case and to lift a gag order so her client can talk about the case, according to the celebrity gossip website Radar Online.

Citing 'a source close to the situation,' the website's assistant managing editor, Jen Heger, claims that the Boston Globe is planning to cover the 9 a.m. hearing at Norfolk Probate and Family Court in Canton, Massachusetts.

Gloria Allred's 'October surprise:' The celebrity attorney 'heads to court in Massachusetts to unseal Romney's sworn testimony in prior case' | Mail Online
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I am a bit dumbfounded how encouraging someone to not have an abortion while acting as the woman's Bishop is somehow scandalous.
The left is probably sitting on a bunch of stories
that will be released over the next few weeks.
They will do anything to get their guy across the finish line.
Gloria is a joke.... we all should know that by now!
Here's the problem I have with Gloria. She pretends to stand up for womens' rights -- IGNORING the FACT that 3.5 MILLION women are worse off NOW (no pun intended) than when Obama took office.

Because of that major 'overlooking' she sucks. Badly.
Some moron posted this non-story months ago. Gloria couldn't find something a little more tabloid worthy?
Gloria is a fame seeking leftie loonie.... there are so many like her.... it gets tired
Gloria Allred.
Some moron posted this non-story months ago. Gloria couldn't find something a little more tabloid worthy?


I was thinking that they couldn't get exhumation papers for Seamus the dog to see if he had been abused so they had run with this.

She's flying in though and here we go because the media will run with this "proving" the war on women..
Gloria Allred represents the very worst when it comes to female lefties loonies.... I mean ....why does she do it? she seems an intelligent woman ..... does she needs the money so bad? so sad ...
Gloria is a fame seeking leftie loonie.... there are so many like her.... it gets tired

No doubt she is a fame whore. I figure she's in withdrawals from smearing Cain and Whitman so she had to latch onto something.

And she's a huge Obama fan. I believe she was a delegate in NC as well.
I hear Gloria Allred's name and know there is nothing credible or meaningful about whatever crap she is shoveling that day.
Gloria Allred represents the very worst when it comes to female lefties loonies.... I mean ....why does she do it? she seems an intelligent woman ..... does she needs the money so bad? so sad ...

This round is straight out and out politics. She was successful in helping knock out Cain and Whitman after all.
Some moron posted this non-story months ago. Gloria couldn't find something a little more tabloid worthy?


I was thinking that they couldn't get exhumation papers for Seamus the dog to see if he had been abused so they had run with this.

She's flying in though and here we go because the media will run with this "proving" the war on women..

She's not going after the dog because she has to maintain her paper thin cover that she is doing this out of some altruistic pursuit of Justice for women everywhere.

She's a shit stirrer and the media love her for it. I'm sure all the major news networks will cover her press conference live.
I hear Gloria Allred's name and know there is nothing credible or meaningful about whatever crap she is shoveling that day.

Here's the game plan for sure. They've left this "non story" this late to tag team with the media who will run the "non story" 24/7.

Therefore hoping to suck the air out of the Romney campaign by flooding the airwaves and print.

That also keeps his campaign from getting his message out. It's a hit job for true. That's how those scumbuckets run.

Think about Cain for example. He was doing well. When all the BS stories hit, the media wouldn't talk about his message only the so called "scandals".
Some moron posted this non-story months ago. Gloria couldn't find something a little more tabloid worthy?


I was thinking that they couldn't get exhumation papers for Seamus the dog to see if he had been abused so they had run with this.

She's flying in though and here we go because the media will run with this "proving" the war on women..

She's not going after the dog because she has to maintain her paper thin cover that she is doing this out of some altruistic pursuit of Justice for women everywhere.

She's a shit stirrer and the media love her for it. I'm sure all the major news networks will cover her press conference live.

I'm sure that's the game plan.
I hear Gloria Allred's name and know there is nothing credible or meaningful about whatever crap she is shoveling that day.

Here's the game plan for sure. They've left this "non story" this late to tag team with the media who will run the "non story" 24/7.

Therefore hoping to suck the air out of the Romney campaign by flooding the airwaves and print.

That also keeps his campaign from getting his message out. It's a hit job for true. That's how those scumbuckets run.

Think about Cain for example. He was doing well. When all the BS stories hit, the media wouldn't talk about his message only the so called "scandals".

Alred deflate Romney? I simply do not see that happening..

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